Archive for January, 2012

Urban Renewal Put To Death In CA

Here’s a LA Times article on the California Legislatures move to shut down all 400 of the “redevelopment agencies” (Urban Renewal in Idaho) as of February 1, 2012. The legislation was upheld by a 6-1 vote in the California Supreme Court. A caretaker will be appointed to pay off all remaining debt of each agency and […]

“Pipe Dream” Turns Into Financial Nightmare For Refugees

We send our soldiers to fight for freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan and when refugees fleeing oppression arrive in the City of Trees to enjoy that freedom, they sometimes face even bigger battles. Such is the case of the guys who found themselves “victims” of a newly enacted city ordinance outlawing smoking in public places–like […]

Ada Redistricting Could Spawn Commish Rivalry

The potential for some Ada County political fireworks and intrigue were opened up with the latest state redistricting plans. Ada was cleanly divided into nine legislative districts based on population and will likely remain unchanged. That makes a perfect fit for the Ada Commishes to each take three legislative districts to form the three county […]

Supremes Refuse Republican Speaker Case

In a terse four sentence decision, the Idaho Supreme Court Wednesday dismissed a law suit filed by Idaho House Speaker Lawrence Denney and Republican party chair Norm Semanko over their attempt to fire members of the redistricting commission. Chief Justice Roger Burdick signed the order which said, in a nutshell, the parties seeking relief failed […]

Idaho Speaker’s Actions Open Him To Humiliation

The following is a lay opinion from the GUARDIAN. Idaho House Speaker Lawrence Denney’s decision to file legal action in the Idaho Supreme Court against Secretary of State Ben Ysursa will probably lead to political and personal humiliation. The speaker has overstepped his bounds in an effort to rid the redistricting commission of a member […]

Idaho Legislative Control May Be Worse Than Most Realize

Our sister blog, the CALDWELL GUARDIAN, has posted an interesting initiative from the neighboring state of Montana. Folks there are tired of the behavior of their legislators and seek to change the constitution to prevent legislators from changing or repealing laws passed by voters. We Idahoans have passed both term limits and a 1% property […]

Williston, N. Dakota — Growthophobe Heaven

The following list has been circulating on the internet with several copies being directed to the GUARDIAN since it is prime fodder for our GROWTHOPHOBE philosophy and followers. We talked to a Williams County, ND Deputy who not only confirmed the accuracy of the data, but told us, “We have a fair number of people […]

Good Cop, Bad Cop GPS Use

A small town “hick sheriff” from Burley should get national acclaim for his use of sophisticated GPS tracking gear to fight crime the RIGHT way with a tactic that would have made Andy Griffith of Mayberry fame “right proud.” Cassia County Sheriff Randy Kidd had a problem with folks stealing copper wire from farms and […]

Repubs “Fire” Redistricting Comnmishes Without Legal Authority

After an attorney General’s opinion was issued last week saying there is “no mechanism in the law” to allow dismissal of commissioners serving on a bipartisan panel convened to map legislative districts, Idaho’s Speaker Lawrence Denney and Repub chair Norm Semenkop “fired” a couple of members anyway, according to John Miller of AP. The issue […]

Draft Environmental Statement Paints Dark Picture For F-35 Fighters In Boise

Based on news from more than a year ago, it appeared the U.S. Air Force had abandoned plans to base the F-35 in Boise. Now, a report dated January 20 has surfaced along with a schedule for hearings in Boise this week. The EARLIER NEWS said Boise would possibly get Italian cargo planes rather than […]

Idaho Power Adopts Growthophobe Philosophy

It reads like a chapter from the GROWHOPHOBE handbook. Idaho Power is happy to expand its transmission lines to take care of growth, but wants those who benefit and create the demand to pay for it, according to a new filing before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Under the proposal, Idaho Power seeks to charge […]

Another Example Of Change To Fit Desire

Take two on the redistricting mess. Republican House Speaker Lawerence Denney wanted to fire his appointee to Idaho’s redistricting commission, former GOP state Rep. Dolores Crow, because party members don’t think she protected their interests. Translation: the lady wasn’t partisan enough. Secretary of State Ben Ysursa, the state’s chief election officer sought advice from the […]

Supremes Nix Redistricting Plan, Governments Just Change Laws To Fit Desires

Two different Idaho panels were unable to come up with a redistricting plan to comply with the constitutional “one man, one vote” ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Idaho Supremes have nixed the latest version after several counties filed suit protesting a split of legislative districts within their counties. This politically charged issue comes […]

All Aboard The Ethics Train

It looks like both the Dems and Repubs are standing on the platform waiting to jump on the “Ethics Train.” After a series of public corruption and criminal cases involving legislators and state officials were reported by the news media, it seems like legislators of both parties can’t get aboard quick enough. Leadership of both […]

ACHD Turns 40, Birthday Party Wednesday

Contrary to popular belief, the GUARDIAN is looking for examples of good governance and one of the best examples we can find on a local scale is the Ada County Highway District–ACHD. The agency turns 40 this week and–not surprising–had its genesis in bad government. They like to say the issue was potholes, but it […]

Boise Attorney Opposed To Dynamis Deal

Boise attorney Jon Steele has released comments critical of the proposed Ada County “waste to energy” currently before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Steele, in a press release was critical of the proposed rate schedule between Idaho Power and Dynamis Energy, the outfit that already has $2 million from Ada taxpayers for the project. PRESS […]

Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?

The folks who find themselves caught up in the criminal justice/judicial system–admittedly for committing crimes–got a New Year’s gift from the legislature in the form of a price hike. This from a probationer: With everything going on with ACMPS, I just thought your readers would like to know that ACMPS has raised their supervision fees.“Effective […]

Kuna Mayor Seeks Committee View On Fees

Kuna’s mayor and planning director seem to have come to terms over a disputed $36,000 sewer and water hook up fee for two establishments owned by hizzhonor. Newly elected and former Mayor Greg Nelson owns a restaurant and a bar which apparently never paid hook up fees according to the Planning Director, Steve Hasson. The […]

New Group Vows To Police Boise Coppers

A start up group calling itself BOISE COP WATCH plans to hit the streets this weekend armed with video cameras to record the activities of Boise coppers. Pete Rimkus, the organizer says BCW (Boise Cop Watch) will be on patrol in Boise, Idaho this Saturday Night, January 14th, 2012. Their goal: accountability through transparency so […]

Chinese Communists Pony Up Cash For Hoku Power Bill

The troubled Hoku solar panel plant in Pocatello got a $10 million infusion of cash from its Chinese Communist parent company this week which should allow them to pay their Idaho Power bill before the plug is pulled. In action before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Hoku has sought to amend a contract with Idaho […]
