Archive for May, 2012

Facebook Page Shocking To Dynamis, Politicos

A new Facebook page called STOP DYNAMIS has emerged and its Photoshop altered title picture is beyond reality. In fact, it may be the new wave of political editorial cartoons. Technology is interesting. The GUARDIAN has doubted the viability, voracity, finances of the trash to energy project proposed at the county dump, but this image […]

Booze Chief Sensitive To LDS Polygamy

The Washington Post features a local AP story in Today’s edition that’s sure to make the Leno and Letterman monologues. Seems there is a new Vodka product on the market called FIVE WIVES. Idaho State Liquor Division administrator Jeff Anderson said the brand is offensive to Mormons who make up over a quarter of Idaho’s […]

Zonda Bus Not Stopping In Boise Anytime Soon

Amid great fanfare last May, Chinese bus manufacturer Zonda announced it had selected Boise as its USA headquarters to make electric buses. The politicos, Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development people all gushed at attracting a major manufacturer of electric buses and up to 1,000 jobs. A year later the bus still hasn’t made its stop, […]

Eagle Peddles Greenbelt Plans Again

Looks like Eagle politicos are ramping up their Greenbelt access attempts with the neighbors to the east in Garden City. The GUARDIAN obtained a copy of a LETTER from the mayor and council of Eagle to the mayor and council of Garden City seeking a summit conference. Garden City refused prior efforts to discuss the […]

As Predicted, Guv Appoints Case To Ada Commish, ACHD Seeks Replacement For Case

As predicted by the GUARTDIAN, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced the appointment today of Dave Case of Meridian to fill the District 3 Ada County Commission vacancy left by the May 4 resignation of Vern Bisterfeldt. “I’m extremely grateful to the Governor for having the confidence in me to appoint me to this position,” said […]

Dynamis Project Is A Major Power Outage After DEQ Suspends Work On Permit

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has stopped working on the Dynamis permit–which had been on a fast track application schedule. DEQ officials say the application is incomplete and cite details in a highly TECHNICAL LETTER to Dynamis which was released today. The GUARDIAN has also learned the plan called for water supplied by United Water […]

Dynamis Projects Continue To Short Circuit

Good Work by the DAILY PAPER on Dynamis and the application for a waste to energy plant at the Ada landfill. It looks like it is quickly evolving into a regional tire disposal plant and within 5 years “tipping fees” at the dump will also go to Dynamis. In other Dynamis news, the Idaho Falls […]

Ada Spent $15,000 To Collect $10,000

A report from Ada County Treasurer to the Commishes Tuesday confirms the county lost nearly $15,000 in property tax revenue when officials excused back property taxes on the Red Hawk subdivision north of Hidden Springs. Since the county now owns the land they would actually be taking money of of one public pocket and putting […]

County Amps Up The Voltage On Dynamis Deal

When Ada Commishes Sharon Ullman and Rick Yzaguirre approved a last minute extension to the Dynamis “franchise agreement” at the landfill, they added “significant value” to the deal according to a GUARDIAN financial consultant. It appears the lease has jumped from 5 years to 30 years. Additionally, the contract now allows Dynamis to bring in […]

Shameless Panhandling For GUARDIAN

Mr. Guardian: I have once again renewed my annual voluntary subscription (donation) to the Boise Guardian. I appreciate your efforts, while I do not have the time to do much research for you, I can support your efforts through my contribution and encourage others to do the same. Please readers of the Guardian support the great thing we call […]

County Attempts Cover Up On Questionable Land Deal

Ada County officials are squirming over the recent purchase of land without an appraisal mandated by Idaho law. The GUARDIAN has confirmed that neither elected Assessor Bob McQuade nor his chief deputy, Tim Tallman, were consulted about the so-called appraisal and no one with a commercial appraisal license ever supervised the appraisal as claimed in […]

Ada Republicans Eat Their Young

Ada County’s Republican Central Committee–fresh off the first ever closed primary election–snubbed their newly elected County Commish candidate, making him a third rate choice to fill the vacant seat created by Vern Bisterfeldt’s resignation. Gotta admit it is entertaining to watch the dominant political party in the state eat its young and disrespect its elders. […]

County Land Purchase Violated Idaho Law

Public records obtained by the GUARDIAN indicate the Ada County purchase of a foothills subdivision May 8 was contrary to Idaho Code 31-807 which mandates an appraisal by a LICENSED appraiser must be made prior to purchase. The applicable law states: “…but no purchase of real property must be made unless the value of the […]

Ullman Ousted, Case In Line For Appointment

Ada Commish Sharon Ullman self destructed in the primary election, paving the the way for Gov. Butch Otter to appoint Dave Case to fill the remaining six months of the seat vacated by Vern Bisterfeldt. Case garnered 11,471 votes to Ullman’s 9833 for a 54-46% victory. The Ada County Republican Central Committee meets Thursday to […]

Road Kill Smorgasbord Now Legal In Idaho

If you have the urge to chow down on bobcat burgers or munch on muskrat, you are in luck! Idaho Fish and Game reports this week that new road-kill rules passed by the legislature allow motorists to snatch up those prized parts of everything from dead moose to striped skunk and coyote found along Idaho […]

Some Educated Thoughts To Consider

Its an annual event this time of year: students graduate either high school or college, there are inspiring stories of old immigrants getting degrees, students overcoming emotional and financial hurdles, and of course politicos making commencement addresses to show they are “pro education.” Just today we encountered a couple of youngsters (nearly everyone is a […]

County Outbids Citizen For Land

Jeff Wood lives in Hidden Springs and for years has dreamed of building his “dream home” atop a rugged bluff north of his current residence. He contacted the owner, only to learn the property was in the midst of a legal battle and subsequent foreclosure action. He followed the land dealings through the legal process […]

Ada County Buys Foreclosed Subdivision

First it was the Idaho Land Board purchasing a private storage business, now Ada County Commishes bought a foreclosed subdivision on 250 acres north of Hidden Springs and east of Highway 55 for $240,000. Known as Red Hawk Estates, the development fell on hard times and was foreclosed by Bank of The Cascades from Dry […]

City Councilor And Mayor Create “Conflict Of Interest”

Ever since TJ Thomson got elected he has kept a low profile with regard to his city council position–until now. The GUARDIAN has learned the quiet councilor will be featured in a local version of “Dancing With The Stars” Saturday at the Boise Centre on The Grove, but one of the judges is Mayor Dave […]

A Dirty Little Boise Secret?

A reader sent us a story he found in a national magazine about Boise. “We didn’t read it ma, the big boys showed it to us.” We haven’t had a press release from city hall– or even heard of one being sent to the legacy media–about another “National Magazine Poll,” but MEN’S HEALTH rated Boise […]
