Archive for April, 2014

Clancy Sends Charity “May Day”

By Clancy Anderson I am a volunteer and board member of Recreation Unlimited. Recreation Unlimited is an adaptive ski program at Bogus Basin for children and adults with physical and/or developmental disabilities. Our trained volunteer instructors are familiar with the challenges that physical, neuro-muscular and developmental impairments present. We offer a safe and exciting experience […]

School Returns Phones With Apology

Boise School spokesman Dan Hollar told the GUARDIAN Monday that school officials returned two student cell phones which were confiscated, “in the heat of the moment,” following an altercation in a hallway between a police officer and a student on Friday. “We apologized to the students as their phones were returned and no images or […]

Copper And High School Student Battle

In a major show of force, Boise Police made a massive “code three” response to Frank Church High School Friday during the lunch hour following an altercation between a teenaged student and a copper. An honor student from another school who attends computer classes at the Boise School District tech center near Frank Church High […]

Cycles And Cars: Watch Out For Each OTher!

BY STEVE HULME Two-wheel season is upon us again! As the days get longer and the temperatures warmer, bicycles and motorcycles come out of winter storage, and fair-weather riders take to the highways and byways. Cyclists (both bi- and motor-) are vulnerable creatures, compared to their brothers and sisters who choose car transportation. Those tons […]

Fate Of Downtown Boise Unknown In 2017

The GUARDIAN has been doing some preliminary inquiries regarding the fate of downtown Boise after the Central District urban renewal project expires in 2017. As it sits currently, no one can offer us a definitive answer to questions of ownership, management, and responsibility for certain Capital City Development Corp. properties. For instance, CCDC owns 8th […]

Boise Copper Quits After Domestic Charges

That Boise copper who was charged with domestic violence on his house mate and simple battery on an Ada County Sheriff’s Department CSI has left the department. The GUARDIAN confirmed former officer Gary Miller was allowed to resign effective last week.

Trooper or Dog Has Defective Nose

We have been reluctant to weigh in on the controversial traffic stop by the Idaho State Trooper who is subject of an internal investigation after detaining a Colorado man for two and a half hours on suspicion of marijuana possession. The driver is alleging the trooper “profiled” him based on the Colorado license plates. The […]

Why No Parking Along Desert Road? MPG Overtakes Speed in 18 Years

Taking a little Sunday drive with Mrs. GUARDIAN we noticed a couple of “NO PARKING” signs along Kuna-Mora Rd. south of I-84 east of Boise. The seemed so out of place we stopped to see if we could figure just why they were installed. There isn’t a structure within sight. There wasn’t another road or […]

GUARDIAN Reader Seeks Second Opinion

Calling himself “Boise Cynic,” a long time GUARDIAN reader has taken it upon himself to seek a 2nd opinion on how downtown Boise should be managed with regard to traffic, pedestrians, and bikes. BY BOISE CYNIC Request to ACHD, Boise City, CCDC and/or BSU: Please pay for urban planner Robert Bruegmann to come to Boise […]

Caldwell GUARDIAN Vindicated Over Nampa Library

Thursday the Gardener Company sent Nampa Development Corporation (Urban Renewal) a letter backing out of the retail/officeportion of the Nampa Library Project. Caldwell GUARDIAN editor Paul Alldredge had filed legal action to allow citizens to weigh in on the indebtedness, but backed out when threatened with being forced to pay legal fees. In the letter, […]

Masterson, Letterman Announce Retirements

Two entertainment greats announced Thursday they plan to retire within the next year, but neither would specify an exact date. Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson, a frequent contributor and subject of GUARDIAN stories, has decided to call it quits after 10 years at the helm of Boise PD. He was holding out to be the […]
