Archive for February, 2015

Idaho Senate To Open With Hindu Prayer

Looks like the Ada County Highway District isn’t the only governmental body making headlines based on religious prayer to open meetings. With its history of accepting free trips to Turkey from the Islamic-based Gulen Society, it is no surprise the Idaho Senate is set to open its Tuesday session with a Hindu Mantra–according to a […]

Open Eyed Talk Of ACHD Prayers

The GUARDIAN welcomes all views and will provide equal space to anyone wishing to offer a guest opinion on this topic. By Sara Baker, ACHD Commissioner When a handful of residents living on Sunset Rim Drive came to ACHD and testified against a proposed Holiday Inn Express, ACHD Commissioners Hansen, Goldthorpe and Woods listened and […]

Uber Ride Share App Parked

In an open letter to Team Dave and the Boise City Council, the Uber ride share scheme said Thursday they were parking the program for the “foreseeable future” in Boise. The letter said in part, “High and growing costs combined with unworkable and onerous regulations being proposed by the City leave Uber no other choice […]

Pentagon Releases Boise Photos

After nearly a week, the GUARDIAN has obtained official USAF photos which prove Madame Secretary Deborah Lee James visited Boise. It literally took Pentagon clearance to get the pictures. We jokingly called into question whether or not the USAF Secretary actually came to Boise when all legacy media were banned from photographing her or any […]

Legislator Fails Sex Ed 101

Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri will forever be known as “Wrong Hole Vito” after he questioned a physician during a House State Affairs Committee hearing Monday. Legislators were considering a bill to ban doctors from prescribing abortion-inducing medication via telemidicine. According to published AP reports, Barbieri asked Dr. Julie Madsen if doctors could conduct a remote […]

Was Madam Secretary In Stealth Mode?

If Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James actually came to Boise last week, she must have been in “stealth mode” or operating from a drone below the local radar. Checking with the local newsies, the GUARDIAN has yet to find a single reporter who could confirm the Air Force Secretary actually appeared in Boise last […]

ACHD To Consider Opening With Prayer

At the Feb. 25 Ada County Highway District meeting, commishes will consider the Boise City “Hockey Puck” parking meter issue and a proposed resolution to offer local “religious leaders” a chance to perform an invocation prayer to open their deliberations. The hockey pucks are old news–Boise wants to embed devices in the pavement to erase […]

DRAFTED! Shameless Literary Pandering

BOOK SIGNING Saturday BOOK SIGNING Saturday Feb. 21 at Cafe Capri 9-11 a.m., Vista Village next to Rite Aid. Enjoy good coffee, conversation, and a good book. It has taken 45 years, but GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier has finally published a book about the lighter side of the Vietnam War. The book is entitled […]

Growthophobes Beware Of “Increased Density”

GUARDIAN GROWTHOPHOBE REPORT Boise’s city fathers and mothers are just a bit too enamored with the current planning mantra of “increased density,” and other “progressive” attitudes that are “outside the box.” In their rush to be “user-friendly” to developers, create demand for public transit, and jump aboard any band wagon with the promise of “jobs […]

Civilian Oversight Of Coppers Still Missing

According to a well researched story in the DAILY PAPER by Sven Berg, Team Dave can’t seem to find an ombudsman to scrutinize Boise Police complaints. A woman from North Carolina had been offered the job, but after a background check, the job offer was rescinded. We have no problem with that, but it has […]

Horseless Racing Headed For Finish Line?

It looks like the thinly disguised slot machines touted as “historic racing” are headed for the finish line after a legislative panel voted 8 to 1 Wednesday to send to the floor a bill repealing the law allowing “instant racing.” Complaints from Idaho Indian Tribes which host casino gambling prompted the legislature to look into […]

Good News, Bad News

Mostly to allow for some intelligent comments, we offer the following items which transpired in the past day or two. —HORSELESS RACING appears to be reaching the finish line as legislators and legacy media point out the deceptions used to get a 2013 bill passed which allowed slot machines disguised as “instant racing machines.” The […]

The Sky Is NOT The Limit For New Housing

In its quest to “increase density,” Boise City’s fathers (and mothers) attempted to run rough shod over the city building code when it came to new apartments near BSU on Lusk Street, but the Idaho Supreme Court, once again, ruled against the city action in an opinion released Tuesday. If you haven’t seen all the […]

No Logic When It Comes To Guns

The annual “silly season” is upon us when it comes to gun laws. A bill currently before the Idaho legislature would make it legal for all citizens to carry concealed guns. Currently only folks with a permit and elected officials can carry concealed without a permit. When it comes to guns, Idaho laws and public […]

2/3 of Boise Council Appointed Before Election

With Team Dave’s latest appointment to the Boise City Council, all but two members were appointed prior to running as an INCUMBENT. Scot Ludwig, local developer and lawyer, is Mayor Dave Bieter’s latest appointment to the council. Ludwig was among 32 residents who sought the appointment without election. Ludwig fills the seat vacated when former […]
