Archive for May, 2015

City-Wide Conservation Areas Worth The Price

It is gratifying to see Mayor Dave Bieter and his “Team Dave” field a proposal based on a GUARDIAN suggestion. We join other conservation groups with our tentative support of his new plan for a two year “conservation” serial levy. Protecting open spaces throughout the city for wildlife and recreation is a worthy cause. We […]

Ada Property Values Up About 6%

Ada County tax assessment notices have hit mailboxes of property owners and there shouldn’t be too much sticker shock. The median increase was just under 6%–this means that half the values increased more than 6% and half less than 6% (or decreased). It also means there could be some really big increases or decreases. We […]

The Arming Of Garden Valley Schools

UPDATED INTYRO 5p.m. Friday Garden Valley School Board trustee Alan V. Ward seems to be one of the advocates of arming school staff. He is the same guy who was investigated–but never prosecuted–for jamming locks at the school with Super Glue during a time of unrest over school board membership, eliminating staff positions, and dismissal […]

Three Votes For Two Sheriff Candidates

When Ada Sheriff Gary Raney announced his resignation last month, the heir apparent seemed to be Steve Bartlett, a current captain and former “Chief” of the Eagle department run under contract by the Ada sheriff. While they only have “nominating power,” the Republican Central Committee offered up the name of former Captain Randy Folwell, who […]


Downtown Coppers Cost 25% Of Calls

A recent story in the Daily paper about Boise PD creating (recreating) a downtown precinct strikes a revealing cord, not so much about crime, but about financing crime-fighting coppers. While ALL of the tax revenue on new buildings and appreciated value on existing structures in the downtown area goes to CCDC, folks on the bench […]

CWI Project Could Be “Under Water”

In our never ending quest to provide factual information on public issues, the GUARDIAN has posted the following flood plain map from the Corps. of Engineers as it relates to the Bob Rice purchase at White Water and Main in Boise. Since the College of Western Idaho has agreed to an appraisal of the 10 […]

Update: CWI To Get Appraisal

In an unscheduled executive meeting Friday, CWI trustees decided that an appraisal was a good idea after all. They still adamantly stand by their original land deal, however. Here is the complete news release from the CWI Board of Trustees: CWI will Commission Appraisal on Rice Property MEDIA ADVISORY – The College of Western Idaho […]

Boise Public Land Deals Have Dubious History

Latest revelation from CWI is the apparent fact they are attempting to pay 35 times more per acre for land in Boise than land they just purchased adjacent to the Nampa campus. They will close next week on 32 acres for less than they are paying for a single acre in Boise. The recent fiasco […]

No Tax On Private Building Leased By CWI

A little known law allows landlords a tax exemption if they lease to an educational institution has added yet another dimension to the CWI land saga. County records reveal that Sundance Investments has obtained a 100% tax exemption on a building ay 1360 S. Eagle Flight Way for the past six years. The Building is […]

W. Michigan Lost $400,000 on Spud Bowl

The DETROIT NEWS revealed Wednesday that Western Michigan University lost more than $400,000 coming to Boise in December for the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl. Like most schools, the big draw was to perform on ESPN TV. The biggest part of the travel bill was for the 305 member marching band. The school has never won […]

Ada Commish Asks CWI To Void Land Deal

Ada County Commissioner Dave Case has sent a letter to Mary Niland, president of the College of Western Idaho Board of Trustees, asking the board to reconsider its land purchase. Like other GUARDIAN readers, the Commish asks the board to use its “escape clause” and cancel the sale.

Health Inspections For Racing Cows, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, and Deer

We got an urgent press release Tuesday from the Idaho (horse) Racing Commission warning of a virus in the racing industry. In light of the “instant racing, historic gambling, video slot machines,” which the legislature repealed and the Guv vetoed we immediately concluded there was a computer problem. Not so. In a document worthy of […]

Rep. Moyle Wants Appraisals On Land Purchases

Rep. Mike Moyle of Star told the GUARDIAN Monday he has asked the office of Attorney General to write a “repair” of the Idaho Code to prevent future land purchases without an independent appraisal. He noted that nothing could be done about the current College of Western Idaho scandal over paying more than twice the […]

CWI Has Multiple Venues

“Chicago Sam,” a long time GUARDIAN reader, compiled some info gleaned mostly from the College of Western Idaho website which reveals the institution has multiple venues either owned, or leased in Canyon and Ada Counties. He offers a summary along with the owners of leased parcels to the best of his ability to obtain the […]

Saturday Bad Day For Idaho Motorcycles

While motorcycle enthusiasts were conducting a “safety awareness” ride from Lucky Peak Dam to the Capitol in Boise Saturday, riders in Southeast Idaho were riding in ambulances to the hospital following crashes. Here is a summary from Idaho State Police: KIMBERLY– Joseph Houston, 44, of Twin Falls, was on a 2000 Harley Davidson motorcycle being […]

Former CWI Foundation Member Attorney Of Record For Land Seller

The College of Western Idaho provided a copy of the sales agreement between CWI and the Bob Rice family trust in response to a GUARDIAN records request. Here is the sales Purchase Agreement-3150 W Main Street which includes a “free return” clause. We found it interesting that a former CWI Foundation board member, Gregory Byron, […]
