Archive for October, 2017

Top Copper Creates Community Commission

The GUARDIAN has called for a POLICE COMMISSION for more than 20 years in Boise–most recently in July 2013. Today, Chief William Bones has announced the next best thing to a true police commission with his plans for a “Chief’s Advisory Council” comprised of Boise citizens. Hopefully, the group–yet to be selected–will be a cross […]

GUEST OPINION: Oppose CVS At 16th And State

By Stephen C. Fischer It’s a longshot, but a grassroots effort of average citizens in Boise is taking on the big corporation of CVS Pharmacy and their plans to build a 15,000-foot store at State and 16th – with a petition that has garnered more than 300 signatures in its first week. This proposed CVS […]

Early Voting For Ada Elections Saturday 28th

This Saturday, October 28th, Early Voting will be available from 9am to 4pm at the Ada County Elections Office. Voting is taking place for the November 7th local elections. This is an opportunity for those voters unable to vote on Election Day or during regular business hours. Early voting will continue at all early voting […]

BSU Takes a Walk on Boise Stadium Deal

Boise State University President Bob Kustra on Thursday declared the school a free agent in the Downtown Stadium Saga with a surprise announcement the school will not participate in the subsidized real estate development plan put forth by Boise City officials, opting instead on creating its own ball park. The announcement from BSU said, “In […]

GBAD To Hear First Comments On Stadium

While Boise Mayor Dave Bieter has been promoting his pet downtown stadium project to any group that will listen, he has factored in a $5 million payment from the Greater Boise Auditorium District, but the District has never discussed it or been presented a formal proposal. Concerned Boise Taxpayers, the group organized to oppose the […]

F-35 Decision Delayed Until December

Friends in the Detroit area report that Sec. of Air Force Heather Wilson has delayed the decision on basing F-35s at two undecided locations until December. The Michigan folks feel their Selfridge Air National Guard base is an ideal location. Of course, there are four other final venues who think THEIR location is best for […]

Motorcycles Are Deadliest Ride In Boise

Here’s a shocker. So far in 2017, FOUR TIMES as many people were killed in motorcycle crashes in Boise than in cars. Concerned with the number of fatal accidents in Boise (four so far in October) the GUARDIAN joined forces with Boise coppers to check the number and type of crashes. There has been a […]

Developers Pay Top $ For Council Seats

With $1,000 payments from Barber Valley Development, Brighton Corp., Conger Development, Hawkins Companies and Republic Services, incumbent Boise Councilor TJ Thomson is the top money maker to date in the Nov. 7 city council race with $25,666. Holli Woodings was in second place in the money game with $18,187. She also accepted $1,000 payments from […]

CANDIDATE FORUM: Rachel Misnick On Issues

I’d like to give a thank you to the Boise Guardian for giving me the opportunity to address issues that are important in our community. I just recently discovered your news site and have been reading through the articles and comments, which are echoing my concern of City Council under-representation of the areas outside of […]

NNU Nighthawk Mascot Is a Goatsucker

Local media was alight with announcements Monday that CRUSADER has taken on a negative connotation, so the new mascot is a NIGHT HAWK for Nampa’s Northwest Nazarene University. But did the well-intentioned deciders at the Christian institution of higher learning not have at least one staffer who had a passing interest in ornithology? Night hawks, […]

CANDIDATE FORUM–Paul Fortin Weighs in

THE FOLLOWING IS COUNCIL CANDIDATE FROM PAUL FORTIN: Good Day My Fellow Citizens Of Boise. Two of the main issues the people of Boise are asked for support are the down town sports arena and the F 35 versus the A 10. As I wrote before after a meeting at the Boise Public Library on […]

Fast And Low Gowen Thunder

We haven’t heard anything official yet, but the dire predictions of massive crowds and potential traffic jams could easily have been similar to the eclipse hoopla…or just good planning. Even so, the Canadian Snowbirds and the USAF Thunderbirds roared around Boise Saturday drawing white hearts in the blue sky as they performed aerobatic feats over […]


NOTE: The GUARDIAN offers space to all candidates for Boise City Council to share their views with citizens and readers. Press release from Logan Kimball: KIMBALL ADVOCATES INCOME TAX ON DEVELOPER SUBSIDIES Responding to an item published in a WASHINGTON POST op-ed piece Wednesday about stadium funding schemes, Boise Council Candidate Logan Kimball noted, “The […]

Naomi Johnson Offers Council Pitch

Naomi Johnson is running for seat 4 in the Nov. 7 council election. “I am running as an advocate, not a politician. While the circulator may be a good first step in a light rail system between us and surrounding areas, right now I hear more concern around improvements to our current transportation system. We […]

Will Guns Really PROTECT You?

In the wake of the tragic and senseless massacre in Las Vegas there is the usual call for limiting guns, large ammunition magazines, automatic weapons, and crazy people. These high profile shootings invariably prompt citizens to arm themselves for “protection.” There are no doubt legal gun toting folks who justify (rationalize) frequently carrying a weapon. […]

Field Of Dreams Or Financial Nightmare?

UPDATE: A reader sent us a link 10/11/17 to a great website called FIELD OF SCHEMES which includes a Washington POST op-ed story published October 11, 2017. The easily applied metaphor of “Field of Dreams” for Mayor Dave Bieter’s publicly funded sales pitch for a downtown stadium is all too true. Like many of Team […]

Massive Anti Ball Park Reaction At Open House

We visited the Convention Center Thursday where Boise promoters of a baseball park-Sports Stadium had set up their sales pitch in the lobby. Without question, the reaction of those who attended was overwhelmingly opposed to the idea. City Council Candidate Logan Kimball crashed the party, handing out flyers detailing reasons to oppose the stadium. This […]

Boise Council Candidate Forum Is Open

It looks like the big issues for future Boise Councilors running in the Nov. 7 election will be team Dave’s proposed downtown ball park, the desire named Street Car, and the noisy F-35. From what we are able to gather, Bieter seeks to dedicate future funds from multiple government agencies to help a for-profit development […]

Fair Idea Ignored By Commishes

In light of the desire of Garden City to takeover the Expo Idaho Fairgrounds and Ada Commishes refusal to give it up, we felt compelled to share this vision which the GUARDIAN editor offered up 10 years ago to the Ada County Commishes. This post is a repeat from 2007 and still worthy of consideration. […]
