This category contains 193 posts

Political Pandemic Plagues Boise

In March we questioned the functionality of local government, noting all levels viewed citizens as an adversary. Turns out the politicos don’t like each other either! Monday saw the political poop hitting the proverbial fan at a record rate. –Reacting to a citizen petition drive and a new law, Boise’s CCDC urban renewal agency pulled […]

Brent Coles Tells P&Z Not To Rezone Library

Don Day at BOISEDEV reports that former Boise Mayor Brent Coles testified before the Planning and Zoning Commission Monday against a rezone of the area near the library and the Log Cabin Literary Center. Coles and about 10 others opposed the rezone. Commissioners agreed and turned down the application to rezone the area which included […]

CCDC Pulls Out Of Library Project

Thanks to the Idaho Legislature and perhaps the Working Together group, financial support for the proposed $85 to $120 million Boise library project is waning. Monday the Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) board voted unanimously to withdraw $2.6 million earmarked for the project. The legislature passed a law requiring a citizen vote for major projects […]

Urban Renewal Takes Aim At Vista Neighbors

After Tuesday’s City Council meeting which saw councilors accept the “eligibility report” to form an urban renewal district along Vista Avenue, the GUARDIAN made a startling discovery. Boise City officials are conspiring with the urban renewal agency, the CCDC (Capital City Development Corp.) to map out an assault weapon-shaped attack and commercial property on Vista […]

Library Petition Drive Deadline Nears

Volunteers for Boise Working Together are in the final days to collect signatures on Library and Stadium initiatives before an April 30th filing deadline. The proposed main library and civic center campus would cost an estimated $85 million and the potential sports park $50 million, much of which would come from public monies. Boise Working […]

“Independent Body Corporate And Politic”

Urban renewal agencies were originally created to insulate federal finances from municipal finances. It was mandated by the Feds so cities didn’t commingle funds intended to fight blight with tax revenues intended to cover expenses like libraries, fire stations, and other municipal structures. Under Idaho law urban renewal agency membership prohibits the city council from […]

No Need For Urban Renewal On Vista

With the increasing push to expand the reach of Boise’s Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) to include the “Vista corridor,” we took a closer look at the commercial properties which are targeted for urban renewal designation. One of the deciding factors to include an area into the urban renewal fold is BLIGHT. It appears to […]

GUARDIAN Takes A Victory Lap

A HUMBLE MESSAGE FROM DAVE FRAZIER Now that Gov. Brad Little has signed HB 217 into law, urban renewal abuse SHOULD be restrained. Projects that use urban renewal funds in Idaho would require a vote of the public if more than 51% of the total dollars come from public funds of any type – except […]

More Baseball For Franklin School Playground

The GUARDIAN has learned Boise City’s aggressive urban renewal expansion will include the site of the former Franklin School Playground. City spokesman Mike Journee claimed the purchase using CCDC urban renewal funds will be a “win-win” for citizens and business alike with condos, cultural events, and affordable housing. Final cost has yet to be determined, […]

Urban Renewal Battle Continues…

Guardian reader “Chicago Sam” offers this news bulletin on the progress of House Bill 217, the measure to force urban renewal agencies to gain citizen permission to go into debt for construction of public buildings. HB 217 just forwarded to House of Representatives with a DO PASS. I believe the vote was 14-2. A packed […]

Urban Renewal Under Attack By Legislators

UPDATE–Nampa city council endorsed the bill during Monday night’s meeting. Two bills before the Idaho Legislature, clearly aimed to restrain Boise City councilors and the mayor, are worthy of support from voters. In a nutshell they seek to require citizen approval before urban renewal funds can be used for construction of either a library or […]

Mayor Muffs Election Dates

“SHELL GAME”–CREDIT: GUARDIAN READER UPDATE 2/21/19–ADVISORY VOTE AUTHORITY UNCLEAR Ada County Clerk Phil McGrane spent much of Thursday researching the Idaho Code and consulting with the Idaho Secretary of State’s office. His conclusion is, “There just isn’t any clear authority for cities to conduct advisory votes, despite what the Association of Cities guide says.” McGrane […]

Trust, But Verify Library Vote

With pressure mounting from the GUARDIAN, former BSU Prez Bob Kustra, Vanishing Boise, and Rep John Gannon, Boise City councilors say they will discuss a possible public vote on the proposed library and stadium. See IDAHO PRESS story for details. There is a petition drive underway to obtain 5,000 signatures that would put the question […]

Boise Schools, CCDC Collusion Over Tax

In a move that can be described only as a “conspiracy,” Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) has agreed to payoff Boise Schools in exchange for support (non-intervention) in a pair of new urban renewal districts. Hush money? The pay off is couched deep within a resolution: “WHEREAS the District, the Agency and the City desire […]

Boise Faces Urban Renewal Challenge

Boise City and the urbanrenewal agency are facing a lawsuit over the practice of subverting the Idaho Constitution’s requirement to seek citizen approval of debt exceeding a single year revenue. The IDAHO PRESS posted a story with the details. Two new urban renewal districts were created in December which divert taxes on improvements and appreciated […]

Topics For Discussion, Let’s Talk

Sorry for the lack of content lately. Other priorities and lack of motivation are prime excuses. Here are some topics for discussion and we freely admit they are not all new. –Boise officials and the USAF staged a demonstration of their close air support (CAS) urban warfare training over our fair city at the end […]

Reader Question And History Lesson Worth A Look

QUESTION Editor, could you possibly educate me (and others) a bit about Boise and its real estate swapping? In every other city in which I’ve ever lived, city government tended to focus on the day-to-day, mundane, “unsexy” aspects of municipal government — fixing the street lamps and the potholes, making sure the police department ran […]

Boise Preys On Auditorium Cash Reserves

The Greater Boise Auditorium District (GBAD) is awash in cash from the local hotel room tax and Boise City’s Team Dave is trying to get their hands on it. The City Council will discuss a scheme at Tuesday’s meeting that would allow them to sell the Grove Plaza and fountain for $8 to 10 million […]

Library Hidden Costs Leave Bad Taste

We have had several readers contact the GUARDIAN expressing concern about the library proposal. Chief concern is the funding plan which is as “loosey-goosey” as the the fire department bond which was approved by voters, but failed to live up to its promise. Here is an excerpt from the preliminary contract with the “world class […]

Boise Is losing Its Sense Of Right And Wrong

The time has come for Boiseans to step up and CARE about what is happening at City Hall! Dave Bieter won his first race for mayor with a campaign based on ethics. That was after the previous mayor lost his moral compass, traveled the world, abused his expense account, and forgot he had been elected […]
