
This category contains 200 posts

Witness Describes Bounty Hunter Shooting

This story comes from the Idaho Falls Post Register By AUBREY WIEBER Post Register Witnesses say they heard six shots fired. What started out as six bail bondsmen acting as bounty hunters trying to locate Philip Miles Clay turned deadly Sunday as at least one of the bail bondsmen opened fire in the parking lot […]

Idaho Bondsman Authority Vague

Following a fatal shooting in Eastern Idaho of a man wanted for contempt of court in Ada County last Saturday by a bondsman/bounty hunter, the GUARDIAN began a search for authority, law, policy, and common practices of bail bondsmen (and women). We have sought information from sheriffs, deputy Attorney General, prosecutors, a District Court administrator, […]

Councilor Jordan To Hold Dual Offices

“Power corrupts. However absolute power is really good if you hold it.” –anon. Boise City Councilor Maryanne Jordan was appointed to the Idaho Senate Friday by Gov. Butch Otter to fill the seat vacated by Elliot Werk when he resigned last month to take a tax commission seat. Jordan has told reporters she plans to […]

ACHD Says “Amen” To Prayers

After a flood of protests from staffers and citizens about establishing a policy of prayer at the beginning of Ada County Highway District meetings, it looks like it will be a final “Amen,” before the first head was bowed or the first eye closed. A moment of silence will suffice. Director Bruce Wong sent out […]

Idaho Senate To Open With Hindu Prayer

Looks like the Ada County Highway District isn’t the only governmental body making headlines based on religious prayer to open meetings. With its history of accepting free trips to Turkey from the Islamic-based Gulen Society, it is no surprise the Idaho Senate is set to open its Tuesday session with a Hindu Mantra–according to a […]

Open Eyed Talk Of ACHD Prayers

The GUARDIAN welcomes all views and will provide equal space to anyone wishing to offer a guest opinion on this topic. By Sara Baker, ACHD Commissioner When a handful of residents living on Sunset Rim Drive came to ACHD and testified against a proposed Holiday Inn Express, ACHD Commissioners Hansen, Goldthorpe and Woods listened and […]

ACHD To Consider Opening With Prayer

At the Feb. 25 Ada County Highway District meeting, commishes will consider the Boise City “Hockey Puck” parking meter issue and a proposed resolution to offer local “religious leaders” a chance to perform an invocation prayer to open their deliberations. The hockey pucks are old news–Boise wants to embed devices in the pavement to erase […]

Horseless Racing Headed For Finish Line?

It looks like the thinly disguised slot machines touted as “historic racing” are headed for the finish line after a legislative panel voted 8 to 1 Wednesday to send to the floor a bill repealing the law allowing “instant racing.” Complaints from Idaho Indian Tribes which host casino gambling prompted the legislature to look into […]

Good News, Bad News

Mostly to allow for some intelligent comments, we offer the following items which transpired in the past day or two. —HORSELESS RACING appears to be reaching the finish line as legislators and legacy media point out the deceptions used to get a 2013 bill passed which allowed slot machines disguised as “instant racing machines.” The […]

No Logic When It Comes To Guns

The annual “silly season” is upon us when it comes to gun laws. A bill currently before the Idaho legislature would make it legal for all citizens to carry concealed guns. Currently only folks with a permit and elected officials can carry concealed without a permit. When it comes to guns, Idaho laws and public […]

Timing Is Everything For Horse Racing

Once again, Cynthia Sewell at the DAILY PAPER has shown the “power of the press.” Idaho Horse Racing Commission director Frank Lamb resigned his position following Sewell’s disclosure of his dual role as a regulator in Idaho while simultaneously acting as a paid lobbyist advocating the slot machines in Wyoming. Lamb’s job fell under the […]

Horseless Racing Stumbles

What has been called, “historical racing, instant racing, and video parimutuel” is being questioned by lawmakers and investigators who claim it is nothing more than slot machines. Police in Post Falls and the Ada County Sheriff are investigating whether or not the machines are legal. The GUARDIAN has looked at the machines which sport cherries, […]

Indians Say Horsemen Speak With Forked Tongue

Leaders of four Idaho Indian tribes have written a letter to Idaho Gov. Butch Otter and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden calling for an immediate termination of what they claim is illegal gambling at race tracks, including Les Bois Park in Garden City. In their letter, the tribal leaders note the 2013 legislature passed House Bill […]

Some Needed New Year’s Resolutions

Here are some New Year’s resolutions we think are needed for 2015. Feel free to add your own. –Legislature should pass a law to ban discrimination toward ALL groups, race, gender, religion, age, etc. –Gov. Butch Otter stop spending our tax dollars to fight gay marriage. If you want to defend the Idaho Constitution, join […]

GBAD Seeks Second Chance To Deny Public Vote

The Greater Boise Auditorium District has spent tens of thousands of dollars in a quest to deny citizens their constitutional right to approve long term debt for a new ballroom and kitchen. That quest continues with the filing of a new petition in 4th District Court. GBAD was ordered by 4th District Judge Melissa Moody […]

Consultant: State Should Avoid Commercial Property

Four years after the GUARDIAN revealed the Idaho Land Board was operating a commercial storage business, a consultant has concluded the state should stay out of commercial investments. “It’s the concentration issue, the lack of diversity,” explained consultant Janet Becker-Wold of Callan and Associates. “If something happens to that property, then your whole portfolio can […]

Masseuse Offended By Otter Comparison

The GUARDIAN talked Monday with Nita Mussel who has “hands-on experience” when it comes to manipulating people and she said, “all of us in the massage community deeply resent being compared to the State of Idaho by Gov. Butch Otter’s lawyers.” Ms. Mussel was referring to a legal brief filed in the ongoing anti-gay case […]

Fire Dept. Bond & Why 2/3 Majority Is Good

The DAILY PAPER had a page one story today about the effort to gain a 2/3 approval of voters for the City of Boise to go into debt for 10 years. The measure previously failed. The STATESMAN story is fair, well balanced and accurate. It also dwells on the efforts of GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier […]

Fear of Legislature Power Is Prudent

Our favorite saying with regard to political power is, “POWER CORRUPTS. ABSOLUTE POWER IS REALLY GREAT IF YOU HAVE IT.” Constitutional amendment HJR 2 is an attempt by the legislature to acquire absolute power. It needs a “NO” vote. We don’t endorse candidates, but when it comes to constitutional amendments and bond issues, we feel […]

M3 Developers Owe City of Eagle $57,000

A public records request by the GUARDIAN has revealed the mega development in the hills north of Eagle is behind at least $57,000 in past due payments to the City for various plan reviews, attorney time, and staff time. We checked and the Eagle has not offered any payment deferrals like Boise has done with […]
