
This category contains 191 posts

School For Pregnant Teens Cheaper Than Welfare?

We’re going to take a big step and post the following information which comes from Andy Hedden-Nicely, a one time Democrat politico for the U.S. senate, and one time founder of the Boise WEEKLY. As with any one-sided post from outside the GUARDIAN fold, we will gladly accept opposing views of approximately the same length. […]

Fraud Alert To Educators–Xpress Flex

We are posting this memo sent to Nampa School District employees as a public service to alert others who may do business with Xpress Flex. No word on the scope of the damage, but certainly not good news to folks who thought they were making a wise financial decision. There will no doubt be more […]

We Are In Midst Of Economic Civil War

The Daily Paper’s print edition has competing headlines on the front page today that offer a prophetic sign of the times. “SOME EDUCATORS GET RAISES IN IDAHO” screams the bold type on the left. The message to the right is “FURLOUGHS COMING TO U of I” . Bottom line in good stories by Statesman reporters […]

No Unemployment Concerns For Eagle Mayor

Nice work of you can get it! Eagle Mayor Phil Bandy has a full time job with his city and another 30 hour gig with BSU, prompting at least one Eagle citizen to call for a rollback in his city salary by city councilors. THE GUARDIAN WILL GLADLY POST AN UNEDITED RESPONSE FROM THE EAGLE […]

“Non-Partisan” Think Tank Issues Pork Report

An outfit called the Idaho Freedom Foundation is gaining traction billing itself as a “think tank” and offering the public a variety of “reports” and op-ed pieces. While they call themselves non-partisan, it is fair to say there probably aren’t too many liberal Democrats within the ranks. Wayne Hoffman, an able journalist and former press […]

GUARDIAN Top 2009 Stories By Month

As the legacy media does its annual TOP TEN stories to fill space between the holidays, the GUARDIAN has done the same thing based on what we have posted in the past year. In rereading some of the posts and comments, it appears we have an inordinate number of comments on police and fire stories. […]

GUARDIAN Christmas Wish List

For those who believe in Santa Clause, we have a Christmas wish list which has plenty of room for additional items. A toy train for Dave Bieter so he will stop trying to force a trolley and AMTRAK upon the kind, decent inhabitants of the City of Trees. A toy ambulance for the Boise FD […]

BSU Sells “Non-Stock” Corp. Shares For $100

A fund raising campaign by Boise State’s athletic department appears to be a deceptive meaningless promotion at best and a cheap gimmick at worst. In an effort to raise $20,000,000 for athletic programs Boise State has created a non-profit corporation comprised of thin air–we’ve dubbed it “Bronco BLUE SKY.” A ton of questions arise from […]

Another View On Bike Safety

GUARDIAN reader Clancy offers up some logical and common sense ideas about bike safety as school gets underway in Boise and all the surveys, committees, and news of bike accidents have been discussed. BY CLANCY GUARDIAN Guest Post Boise and the Treasure Valley are in the midst of an epic bike and motor vehicle conflict. […]

Caldwell Bankrolls Oregon’s TVCC

WE GOT THIS STORY OF BLATANT ABUSE OF URBAN RENEWAL FUNDING FROM THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN. LOOKS LIKE THE NEW COLLEGE OF WESTERN IDAHO NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN BUY ADVERTISING. By Paul Alldredge Caldwell GUARDIAN Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency board approved a draft resolution to “loan” $297,700 to TVCC this past week. The “loan” will […]

Luna Seeks To Reduce Taxpayer Protection

Those sneaky politicos are at it again! Idaho Superintendent of Education Tom Luna is packaging an attempt to dilute the power of the people as a boon to education. His proposal would create additional taxes on businesses that don’t have a vote and it would open the door to easier passage of ALL long term […]

Search On To Replace CWI Prez

Dennis Griffin, president of the newly created College of Western Idaho barely made it through his first semester of junior college classes.  He is ready to retire. Griffin was hired for a two year contract in August of 2007 to head up CWI and told the GUARDIAN he will retire in August of this year […]

Boise Schools To Layoff Teachers, Staff

Although the details are too complex to enumerate here, look for some major personnel cuts at the Boise School District–both in certified teachers and classified staff. Here is an excerpt of a memo sent to employees Wednesday: “Based on current revenue projections and our recent history of declining enrollment, the Boise District will be forced […]

Levy Passed By 6.5% Of Eligible Voters

Meridian School officials got a resounding 74% approval for a $10,000,000 supplemental tax levy from a tiny fraction of the registered voters–about 6.5% of those who could have voted.   There are about 79,000 registered voters in the Meridian District which takes in parts of Boise and most of western Ada County including Eagle and […]

GUARDIAN Primer On Local Governments

A recent reader comment requested that we post some sort of organizational chart explaining local government.  We will give it a go, but space will limit detailed explanations.  We will be glad to made additions based on reader comments from those in the know.   Click on MORE for the complete summary.

Meridian Schools Seeks Continued Tax Hike

In what can only be described as a “stealth election,” Meridian School District is seeking to take away a scheduled tax break for District patrons in a ballot measure set for Tuesday MArch 3. The District has failed to even post the election on their website or calendar of events. A disgruntled parent contacted the […]

CWI Joins Long List of Faltering Ventures

The new College of Western Idaho, set to open January 20, joins a long list of ventures that glibly blame “the soft economy” for failing to meet predictions. It looks like the long awaited opening will fall two-thirds short of predicted enrollment. We fear the bill of goods sold to voters was overly optimistic and […]

City & Schools Team Up For Rec Centers

Boise City and Boise Schools are teaming up with some after school programs and according to a recent letter from Team Dave’s Mayor Dave Bieter, he has visited the centers and plans repeat visits. The city ponied up $71,000 for “tenant improvements” after the schools built recreation centers within Grace Jordan and Morley Nelson elementary […]

Chance For Young Politicos To Shine

Hey kids! Want to be the youngest elected official in Idaho with authority to levy $40,000,000 in taxes in the name of higher education? If you are a registered voter living in Ada or Canyon County you can get your name on the ballot to fill one of the 5 open seats on the College […]

Caldwell To Start Building Without Agreement

By PAUL ALLDREDGE CALDWELL GUARDIAN THE GUARDIAN received a beautiful invitation to the groundbreaking ceremony for TVCC in Sky Ranch next week. We did a public records request for the financial arrangements with the developer, City of Caldwell, TVCC and the Caldwell Urban Renewal District only to get a response from city attorney, Mark Hilty […]
