
This category contains 507 posts

Idaho Bondsman Authority Vague

Following a fatal shooting in Eastern Idaho of a man wanted for contempt of court in Ada County last Saturday by a bondsman/bounty hunter, the GUARDIAN began a search for authority, law, policy, and common practices of bail bondsmen (and women). We have sought information from sheriffs, deputy Attorney General, prosecutors, a District Court administrator, […]

Growthophobes Beware Of “Increased Density”

GUARDIAN GROWTHOPHOBE REPORT Boise’s city fathers and mothers are just a bit too enamored with the current planning mantra of “increased density,” and other “progressive” attitudes that are “outside the box.” In their rush to be “user-friendly” to developers, create demand for public transit, and jump aboard any band wagon with the promise of “jobs […]

Horseless Racing Headed For Finish Line?

It looks like the thinly disguised slot machines touted as “historic racing” are headed for the finish line after a legislative panel voted 8 to 1 Wednesday to send to the floor a bill repealing the law allowing “instant racing.” Complaints from Idaho Indian Tribes which host casino gambling prompted the legislature to look into […]

Good News, Bad News

Mostly to allow for some intelligent comments, we offer the following items which transpired in the past day or two. —HORSELESS RACING appears to be reaching the finish line as legislators and legacy media point out the deceptions used to get a 2013 bill passed which allowed slot machines disguised as “instant racing machines.” The […]

The Sky Is NOT The Limit For New Housing

In its quest to “increase density,” Boise City’s fathers (and mothers) attempted to run rough shod over the city building code when it came to new apartments near BSU on Lusk Street, but the Idaho Supreme Court, once again, ruled against the city action in an opinion released Tuesday. If you haven’t seen all the […]

Timing Is Everything For Horse Racing

Once again, Cynthia Sewell at the DAILY PAPER has shown the “power of the press.” Idaho Horse Racing Commission director Frank Lamb resigned his position following Sewell’s disclosure of his dual role as a regulator in Idaho while simultaneously acting as a paid lobbyist advocating the slot machines in Wyoming. Lamb’s job fell under the […]

Bergdahl Will Likely Fade Away

When all is said and done in the Bowe Bergdahl case the GUARDIAN predicts there will be either some sort of secret agreement to dismiss charges or a simple reduction in rank and a “general discharge” from the Army. Neither Bergdahl or the Army stands to benefit from a “show trial” at court martial. Bergdahl […]

Horseless Racing Stumbles

What has been called, “historical racing, instant racing, and video parimutuel” is being questioned by lawmakers and investigators who claim it is nothing more than slot machines. Police in Post Falls and the Ada County Sheriff are investigating whether or not the machines are legal. The GUARDIAN has looked at the machines which sport cherries, […]

Ada Taxpayers Spent $138,241 To Defend Commishes

Ada County officials answered a GUARDIAN request and disclosed it cost $138,241 to defend former Ada County director of administrative services Rich Wright’s lawsuit against current Commishes Dave Case and Jim Tibbs. It was dismissed in Fourth District Court by Judge George Carey in the form of a summary judgement filed by the county’s attorney […]

Listening For 10 Years, Chief Leaves Peaceful Legacy

Serving the citizens of Boise and changing the culture of the Boise Police has been a goal of retiring Chief Mike Masterson. When he took command of the local coppers, shootings by coppers and other critical incidents were out of control. Masterson’s management style has included big doses of LISTENING. He has been a frequent […]

Judge Says Wright Was Wrong

Former Ada County director of administrative services Rich Wright’s lawsuit against current Commishes Dave Case and Jim Tibbs has been dismissed in Fourth District Court by Judge George Carey in the form of a summary judgement filed by the county’s attorney. Wright sued the county for unlawful termination claiming the county violated the “whistle blower […]

Indians Say Horsemen Speak With Forked Tongue

Leaders of four Idaho Indian tribes have written a letter to Idaho Gov. Butch Otter and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden calling for an immediate termination of what they claim is illegal gambling at race tracks, including Les Bois Park in Garden City. In their letter, the tribal leaders note the 2013 legislature passed House Bill […]

Some Needed New Year’s Resolutions

Here are some New Year’s resolutions we think are needed for 2015. Feel free to add your own. –Legislature should pass a law to ban discrimination toward ALL groups, race, gender, religion, age, etc. –Gov. Butch Otter stop spending our tax dollars to fight gay marriage. If you want to defend the Idaho Constitution, join […]

Uber Cars No-Risk Scam Hurts All

Imagine the GUARDIAN giving Boise City a shoutout on New Year’s Day! We have to give Team Dave an “attaboy” for telling the pushy folks at Uber Cars to stop playing taxi without proper insurance, license, inspection, etc. While some folks like the “app” appeal of hiring unknown drivers and cars over the internet with […]

GBAD Seeks Second Chance To Deny Public Vote

The Greater Boise Auditorium District has spent tens of thousands of dollars in a quest to deny citizens their constitutional right to approve long term debt for a new ballroom and kitchen. That quest continues with the filing of a new petition in 4th District Court. GBAD was ordered by 4th District Judge Melissa Moody […]

Idaho Beer Brewers Balk at Belgian-Brazilian Boys

A bar fight is brewing between the local craft beer producers and the big multi-national Anheuser-Busch Budweiser boys who recently acquired 10 Barrel Brewing at 9th and Bannock in Boise. Idaho Beer and Wine Distributors Association, which represents 18 distributors that employ 900 people says Idaho law grants special rights to small breweries – which […]

“Cleaning Woman” Is Bieter Council Finalist

Three years ago she wasn’t good enough to mop floors for Boise City and today Sylvia Hampel is among seven finalists seeking appointment to the City Council to fill the vacancy created when David Eberle moved to Garden City. As CEO of Clearview Cleaning Service, Sylvia Hampel was awarded a contract in 2011 to clean […]

Masseuse Offended By Otter Comparison

The GUARDIAN talked Monday with Nita Mussel who has “hands-on experience” when it comes to manipulating people and she said, “all of us in the massage community deeply resent being compared to the State of Idaho by Gov. Butch Otter’s lawyers.” Ms. Mussel was referring to a legal brief filed in the ongoing anti-gay case […]

Fire Dept. Bond & Why 2/3 Majority Is Good

The DAILY PAPER had a page one story today about the effort to gain a 2/3 approval of voters for the City of Boise to go into debt for 10 years. The measure previously failed. The STATESMAN story is fair, well balanced and accurate. It also dwells on the efforts of GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier […]

Bieter Insiders Promote Gypsy Cab Scheme

The lobbying firm, “Strategies 360,” with a local office run by newly elected Boise School Board member Brian Cronin, has a special service to offer it’s apparent new client Uber. That “special service” is ACCESS to city officials on behalf of the new gypsy cab scheme which debuted Thursday in Boise. It doesn’t take much […]
