
This category contains 224 posts

More On “Desire Named Street Car” (sorry)

EDITOR NOTE–We hate to keep beating this Trolley Horse, but the politicos and press just won’t let it die. Team Dave Just won’t quit Pushing this streetcar bit There is no way they can Cover this crazy plan They’ll just put a LID on it! –Poet Paul Both the DAILY PAPER and the BOISE WEEKLY […]

Poll Supports GUARDIAN Transit Plan

According to a poll commissioned by the Daily Paper, 63% of folks in the city of trees agree with the GUARDIAN position that we should upgrade the bus system and forget about the “Desire NAmed Street Car.” OK, they didn’t exactly say they supported the GUARDIAN position, but we have indeed advocated bus improvements over […]

Trolley PR Transparency Not So Clear

FROM POET PAUL– The streetcar bid was Cronin’s wish Now there seems to be something amiss The facts are apparent And may not be transparent But we can certainly see through this! Chalk one up for the DAILY PAPER! Using the public records law and some good old fashioned reporting skills, Cynthia Sewell raises some […]

Government, WAC, Bend Minds With PR Dollars

The use of Public Relations firms to build support for everything from jails to street cars and now football bowl bids is reaching the level of absurdity. Does anyone really believe ADVERTISING and promotion will influence coaches and sports writers to grant BSU a bowl game bid? The most prominent recent PR exercise was the […]

Items Of Little Interest, But Important To Pols

Here is a list of current news topics with a typically cynical GUARDIAN SLANT. –The Park Center Bridge that Harris Ranch Developers stuck taxpayers to build so they would benefit is about to open with great fanfare from Ada County Highway District. –Micron is still slurping at the public trough. This time they got $5 […]

Stabbing Suspect Has No Driver’s License!

We have to admit to making a visit to the Daily Paper’s web site today where we noticed a headline about a fatal stabbing in the parking lot of a bikini bar. The Daily–and apparently coppers–found it noteworthy the suspect was driving without a license. “An Idaho City man accused of stabbing 30-year-old Jason Robert […]

Team Dave Tries Brainwashing Public

We have long been unhappy with the efforts of Team Dave to shape public opinion on the “Trolley Folly.” Now it looks like the mayor and staff are following in the mold of the infamous Brent Coles Coles spent public funds to influence the outcome of the Foothills Tax Levy election, but it was only […]

“Wolf Sighting” Prompts Prediction

After observing the massive media coverage on Idaho’s wolf hunt the GUARDIAN will offer this prediction: BEFORE THE SEASON IS OVER THERE WILL BE A TRAGIC SHOOTING DEATH OF A PET DOG, no doubt prompting an entirely new controversy. When we ran across Nate and his beloved “Pakua” siberian husky sitting outside our favorite bistro […]

Statesman Revelations In Missing Kid Case

Reporters Cynthia Sewell and Patrick Orr of the Idaho Statesman offer up a BLOCKBUSTER STORY on Wednesday’s front page, detailing an unsavory past of the adults involved in the disappearance of Robert Manwill, the 8-year-old tot last seen in the area of Vista and Cherry Lane. Their detailed account took a lot of effort sifting […]

Coppers To Increase Scrutiny Of Bike Laws

The Boise Depot became a motion picture set Wednesday when as many as 200 cyclists showed up as extras for a a public service announcement (PSA) produced by Cable One. The big name of course was local Olympian Kristin Armstrong. Along with a cast including a politico, paramedic, fireman, construction worker, and others, she made […]

Spell Check Can’t Replace Proofreaders

We have to admit we like the idea of a daily newspaper on the doorstep. We also have to lament “it ain’t what it used to be”–especially with the Daily Paper. Hope springs eternal and we still subscribe. Sunday morning page one–they call it the “cover” these days–had a full page-wide headline proclaiming “SEXTING PROBLEM […]

Daily Paper Wins Dope Award For Bad Taste

When a couple of inhumane lowlifes relieved themselves on a “sleeping man in the area of 6th and Main in downtown Boise, it was more than the Daily paper could resist on their website. Complete with a mug shot of one of the offensive offenders, the Daily offered the DETAILS of the police arrests which […]

“Kill The Messenger” Is New Message

  As the economy continues to sour, the use and proliferation of public relations people to spin the messages of governments and agencies is leaving a bad taste in the mouths of many folks. When the Boise School District announced layoffs, we had immediate comments and suggestions from GUARDIAN readers about getting rid of the […]

GUARDIAN Asks Reader Support For Citizen Journalists

With the blessing and encouragement of some loyal GUARDIAN readers, we have decided to provide you with an “investment opportunity.” As part of the brave new world of publishing, we will accept contributions from one and all for any amount you care to toss into the pot. Click on the “DONATE” icon for details. The […]

Daily Paper Sells Feature Space To ACHD

DISCLAIMER–At the risk of sounding like a pitchman for female politicos who have recycled themselves back into office, the GUARDIAN was fascinated by an item posted on a new blog by Sara Baker, the newest Commish on the ACHD board and a former Boise City Councilor. Like Ada County Commish Sharon Ullman, Baker runs a […]

Daily Paper’s Vision Not 20/20

GUEST OPINION by Sisyphus The Statesman spilled much ink in the Sunday editorial section vaunting its newly promulgated organization which it touts to help provide some leadership on where to take the Treasure Valley in the next century. But look at this list, chucky jam full of Arid Club/IACI members, some of whom took out […]

End Of Year GUARDIAN Review

Believe it or not the GUARDIAN has been on line going on four years. As the year winds down we want to offer a refresher course in the “theme” we use to offer that different SLANT on the news. –We take credit for creating the words “GROWTHOPHOBE” and GROWTHOPHILE.” No better confirmation for our claim […]

2C Commish Forgets Pornmeister Lesson

First it was the the tech guy storing kiddie porn on his Canyon County computer, now Commish Steve Rule is badmouthing the First Lady-elect’s fashion choices using his official county e-mail. Had he not heard about the kiddie porn scandal? Probably no one better qualified to comment on fashion than a Canyon County, Idaho Commish! […]

Canyon Commishes In Media Spotlight

Our sister CALDWELL GUARDIAN and editor Paul Alldredge are putting some heat on the Canyon Commishes and it looks like the local CANYON DAILY Paper is siding up with the guy they once dismissed as a mere “blogger.” Like the senior BOISE GUARDIAN, Alldredge has gained traction with hard hitting stories bringing to light some […]

G-BAD Losing Streak Intact

The G-Bad Boys at the Greater Boise Auditorium District got hold of a new reporter at the Daily Paper and were able to lull him into publishing “disinformation,” about the need for a new convention center. District Manager Pat Rice was quoted saying there is a great demand for an expanded convention center. He claimed […]
