
This category contains 545 posts

Transit Experts Vindicate GUARDIAN

For years the GUARDIAN has been poking fun at Team Dave. Senator Senior Crappo, and all the rest of those who favor trains. Each time we poked holes in their ill advised dreams, survey, and yes–SCAMS, we pointed out the need for a decent bus system before anything else can even be considered. Here is […]

Caldwell Urban Renewal Blatantly Misuses Public Money

Our sister blog, the CALDWELL GUARDIAN, has done some grat work recently uncovering irregularities in public agencies. First it was the county DMV embezzlement scandal, now editor Paul Alldredge has found problems in the URBAN RENEWAL agency. Note the understatement on the City Seal of Caldwell. By simply publishing the minutes of their own meetings, […]

Local Government Tax Woes Could Worsen

As a follow up on the decline of about $3.5 billion in taxable property values, we did some checking with Ada Treasurer Cecil Ingram and find there is a trend among folks to NOT pay their property taxes, which is no surprise. Ada county has sent out “tax deed” notices for $1.3 million in unpaid […]

Cities Likely To Raise Tax Levy Rate

Faced with a projected $3.6 billion decline in assessed property values in Ada County, local governments will be hard pressed to balance budgets without raising the tax rates they levy. The median decline in property values will come to about 10%–bad news if you want to sell a house and possibly a little good news […]

High Foreclosure Rates In Boise

Boise made another list today when the Associated Press noted the city of trees ranked #27 in the nation when it comes to home foreclosure rates. Much of that reason is thanks to inept government at tall levels and greedy developers. Local politicos worked hard to accommodate developers and builders with one stop shopping at […]

Proposed Amendment To Limit Voting Rights

In a shameful act of disdain for the constitutional rights of citizens, The Idaho legislature is trying to strip voters of authority currently guaranteed by the Idaho Constitution. At issue is Article VIII, sec 3 of the the constitution which gives citizens authority to approve long term debt by any “subdivision of state government”–generally cities, […]

BOI Proud Of 5th Level Bond Rating

We got a strange press release from Boise City touting the bond rating of the airport of all things. Team Dave was proud of an A+ bond rating from Fitch Rating.  That rating is rather moderate, considering there are four higher ratings with AAA the highest. CHART Not unlike President Bush’s famous “You’re doing a […]

More Bad News For Urban Renewal

Urban renewal districts statewide are coming under fire from many quarters as they work to subvert the will of the citizens and go around the election process mandated in the Idaho Constitution when it comes to long term debt. In Coeur d’Alene a group is pushing for legislation to enforce a 10% limitation on the […]

Levy Passed By 6.5% Of Eligible Voters

Meridian School officials got a resounding 74% approval for a $10,000,000 supplemental tax levy from a tiny fraction of the registered voters–about 6.5% of those who could have voted.   There are about 79,000 registered voters in the Meridian District which takes in parts of Boise and most of western Ada County including Eagle and […]

GUARDIAN Primer On Local Governments

A recent reader comment requested that we post some sort of organizational chart explaining local government.  We will give it a go, but space will limit detailed explanations.  We will be glad to made additions based on reader comments from those in the know.   Click on MORE for the complete summary.

Transit Guy Stands To Gain From Decisions

Once again the Daily Paper’s Cynthia Sewell has come up with a GOOD STORY about developer Jim Tomlinson’s land holdings being considered as parts of a downtown transit scheme. The story accurately points out that Tomlinson is a member–and currently president–of the Downtown Business Association which is an official agency created by Boise City government. […]

Meridian Schools Seeks Continued Tax Hike

In what can only be described as a “stealth election,” Meridian School District is seeking to take away a scheduled tax break for District patrons in a ballot measure set for Tuesday MArch 3. The District has failed to even post the election on their website or calendar of events. A disgruntled parent contacted the […]

COMPASS To Provide “Hosted Bar” to Legislators

COMPASS, the Community Planning Association funded by local city and county governments throughout Ada and Canyon Counties has scheduled a 2009 Legislative Reception Thursday to include free booze. Each city and county pays dues to COMPASS which supposedly acts as a regional planning agency for things like Transit. Just in case anyone in the unwashed […]

Daily Paper Sells Feature Space To ACHD

DISCLAIMER–At the risk of sounding like a pitchman for female politicos who have recycled themselves back into office, the GUARDIAN was fascinated by an item posted on a new blog by Sara Baker, the newest Commish on the ACHD board and a former Boise City Councilor. Like Ada County Commish Sharon Ullman, Baker runs a […]

G-BAD Boy Gets 25% Bonus Despite Downturn

It sounds like one of those reports from the Wall Street gang or a banking CEO, but this story is about a local government official. The GUARDIAN was presented with documents today showing the general manager of the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) got a 25% bonus on top of his $103,000 annual salary for […]

Businesses Could Be Forced To Pay For Trolley

Struggling downtown Boise businesses could get whacked with a big tax bill for a trolley to nowhere if a funding scheme is created to go around the will of the voters. Rather than put the funding straight forward to a vote of the citizens, they are exploring the creation of a LID–“local improvement district.” LIDs […]

Ada County Housing Values Part II

After posting the factoid regarding how Ada County arrives at appraised value, it was no surprise to get another view from a private appraiser. “I do not know where the Assessor obtained the apparent low (-4.0%) median value decline for Ada County single family residences. The data from Multiple Listing Service indicates the median value […]

Economics, Real Estate, Tax Lesson

In an effort to predict what’s up for property taxes in the new year, we had a chat about home values with the guy everyone loves to hate, Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade. Tuesday he offered some caution about predicting home values for 2009. The valuations which we all get in the mail around Memorial […]

CWI Joins Long List of Faltering Ventures

The new College of Western Idaho, set to open January 20, joins a long list of ventures that glibly blame “the soft economy” for failing to meet predictions. It looks like the long awaited opening will fall two-thirds short of predicted enrollment. We fear the bill of goods sold to voters was overly optimistic and […]

Banking On Christmas Dinner

We got word from the Idaho Food Bank that Thanksgiving was a a huge success in the turkey acquisition department. Times are tough for many folks, just look at the crowded parking lot at the plasma center on Overland. The IFB is looking for Christmas help now with both turkey and ham. OR If you […]
