
This category contains 152 posts

Publicly Funded Website Gets “F” For Education

Using part of a $60,000 appropriation of public money from the Boise City Council, a new website claiming to be an “educational outreach” debuted recently in what can only be seen as a blatant campaign promotion to pass a constitutional amendment. Dubbed HJR5 Facts the one-sided website has a plethora of facts about airports in […]

Team Dave Seeks $60K To Deny Citizen Voting Rights On Airport Debt Projects

Boise City Councilors will be asked to approve $60,000 for yet another public releations campaign to “educate” voters about the constitutional amendment on the November ballot relating to airports. Simply put, the GUARDIAN sees the effort as a thinly veiled effort to influence an election issue. Like the “outreach” for the streetcar, there is little […]

Amusing Signs Of the Times

During our 2,500mile drive for the Day Job last week in Utah, Colorado and New Mexico we ran across a couple of signs–including the “Adult Video Jesus Is Watching” billboard posted earlier–which we found amusing. Along Colorado’s Big Thompson River we came across the green colored advisory which left us thinking, “If you have to […]

Mayor Hotline December 12 to 18

CHRISTIAN NUISANCE, EVEN MORE ANTI STREET CAR, RACE ISSUE, OLD GLORY WORNOUT, TRASH TALK, PANHANDLERS 12/12/09 Anonymous Fire Alarm: Hello, it is Saturday and it is just before 11:00 p.m. The Cathedral of the Rockies, located at W. Franklin and N. 11th has their fire alarm going off again. I mean this thing goes off […]

Boise Ambulance Deal Full Of Holes

Bids will be opened at 1:30 Wednesday for a new Boise Fire Department ambulance, but even at this late date it is not a “done deal.” The City is rushing to get an ambulance transport license from the State of Idaho in advance of anticipated new administrative rules that would require officials to consider the […]

Mayor Hotline August 8 to 14

LOTS OF TRASH TALK, AMTRAK NOT ALL POSITIVE, TOWING IN THE PARK 8/11/09 Jason Hill Boise, ID Amtrak: I was just calling about the whole Amtrak thing and I do not think that the Mayor is on the right track with that. We don’t need any more taxes in this city; we have enough in […]

Mayor Hotline August 1 to 7

BOISE NEEDS A MISSISSIPPI LAW 8/2/09 Matta Jo Fox Panhandlers: I am visiting from Mississippi and I’m staying here with my daughter who lives in Boise. My daughter and I were quite concerned going down to the Bodo area and the Grove fountain for some functions down there, about all the vagrant people who are […]

Pace Of Missing Kid Case In High Gear

As of 3:30pm Friday the pace of the police investigation into the case of missing 8- year-old Robert Manwill has hit high gear with the mother’s apartment and now the county landfill declared crime scenes. The Daily Paper is doing a great job covering the story and offers up a TIMELINE of events. At the […]

Mayor Hotline July 11 to 17

LIBRARY PARKING COMPLAINTS FROM NON GREENIES, WEEDS, 7/13/09 Brandi Arnold 672-1107 Ustick Library: I have a concern about the new library on Cole and Ustick giving preferential parking to those with energy efficient cars. I have spoken w/ Denyce McNeeley at the library as well as Maryann Jordan. I have yet to receive an answer […]

Wise Voters Behind New Library, Police Digs

Thanks to the wisdom of Boise citizens dedicated to fiscal responsibility, a new library is set to open Tuesday at Ustick and Cole for under $5 million. It joins recently opened store front facilities at Hillcrest and Collister shopping centers. Boise Councilors along with Team Dave wanted to spend $38 million for grandiose library projects, […]

More Join GUARDIAN With Trolley Concerns

Looks like at least some of Boise’s business folks–even those appointed by Team Dave to promote a trolley–are leaning just a little toward the GUARDIAN point of view that a trolley is a surefire folly as it stands today. We continue the mantra: LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON THE FINANCING! If they vote to tax […]

Mayor Hotline May 30 to June 5

SOME INTERESTING CALLS THIS WEEK. DOWNTOWN HASSLE, ADANDONED HOUSES, HISTORIC PRESERVATION HAS EXPENSIVE TASTE, IRRIGATION IRRITATION, GREENBELT TRAFFIC JAM, WEEDS 6/2/09 Don Crow 9207 Black Eagle Dr. Boise, ID 83709 340-5446 Parking: I was a little bit frustrated. I had a business lunch in downtown Boise and got a parking ticket because the meters only […]

Reader Has Debit Card Problem

Here is a new one we hadn’t heard about previously with plastic money from GUARDIAN reader Mike: “I got gas on my debit card at a station on Vista May 13th in the amount of $30+. When I got to work I checked my online bank transactions and they had put a hold of four […]

Boise Officials Snookered On Land Deal–Again

When Boise City officials quietly agreed to trade public land in the area of 27th and Fairview to a group of doctors last September, it triggered threat warnings on the GUARDIAN radar. The docs claimed they would build a “for profit hospital.” The DAILY PAPER REPORTED this week the docs have dropped their construction plans […]

Cool Coppers Get Kudos On Chase

The Daily Paper ran a big page one story Thursday about Boise Coppers conduct during a chase involving a small time felon. It all started when a copper spotted a wanted suspect along Broadway, gave chase eastbound on I-84 and ended up at Mt. Home. After nearly six hours they blew out a window and […]

Fairgrounds Perfect For Farm Theme Park

After nearly 2 years and $165,000 in consulting fees to come up with ideas for relocating the Western Idaho Fiargrounds, Ada County Commishes have settled on a wise course of action: Do nothing. Much of the motivation came when a Garden City Councilor proposed some sort of urban renewal project that would put houses at […]

Mayor Hotline March 21 to 27

REVERE COPPERS, FIREMEN,  TEACHERS ,  and REVILE LOOSE DOGS 3/25/09 Mike Teague Regarding the economy – In these times the Police Department, Fire Department and teachers are sacrosanct. We cannot eliminate those jobs and we even need more of them. The city can’t survive without them. It’s up to rest of us to take care […]

Commishes Nix Chamber Cash

Kudos to the Ada Commishes for discontinuing an annual $70,000 to the Chamber of Commerce’s “Treasure Valley Partnership”–that group formed to drop big bucks into the national media market to increase our population. All three Commishes agreed it was not money well spent and decided to curtail the expense.  It was billed as a program […]

County Does Marketing Survey For Deli

 We got a message from a county worker who thought it a bit strange that official county e-mail was used to conduct a marketing survey for the deli located on the first floor of the Court House on Front Street. The county source sent us a link, but we were unable to open it.  Here […]

Sources and Attribution–A Discussion

While the GUARDIAN works hard at offering up good factual information within the posts we make, it is difficult to verify the comments made by readers–most of whom use an alias. This past week we allowed a lengthy comment regarding Valley Regional Transit and its managers. It was less than complimentary and one reader felt […]
