
This tag is associated with 1 posts

MAYOR HOTLINE November 20 to 24

TEAM DAVE & MOTHER TERESA, PLAYING IN TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS & BUSES, 11/24/06 Toni Breese 8050 Crestwood Drive Boise, ID 83704 Support for Mayor: My comment is that Mayor Bieter, I would like to see you canonized right along with Mother Teresa. I just think you and your staff are doing such a terrific job. I […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 13-17

DOWNTOWN, POOR TALK, TRASH TALK 11/14/06 Jim Allen 1060 E. Washaki Meridian, ID 83646 Taxi/Vendor: Even though I’m not a resident of Boise, I do frequent the downtown area. As far as the problem with the push cart vendors and the taxi cabs, and the fights, I just want to weigh in there. The push […]

Council & Cops Indecisive On Space

It is high time the Boise City Council and Cops get serious about providing facilities for the department. And they need to be open about it. Instead of involving the citizens who consume the services and pay the bills, both the BPD and Team Dave have been dancing around trying to cut land deals, do […]

Dirk Gets Unkind Cut

Taxes aren’t the only thing the Risch Administration has cut in state government. The GUARDIAN has learned that hundreds of multi-page brochures for self guided tours of the Idaho Capitol building are available in the rotunda–with part of the cover missing. Seems it was cheaper to make a final cut and sever any identification with […]

Chamber Creates Growth Problems

Growthophobes are losing the battle daily as local governments and outside business interests continue to “pave Paradise and put up parking lots.” The Saturday edition of the Daily Paper makes the GUARDIAN want to pull out his three remaining hairs and scream at the inane remarks. On the business page a headline problems “Mayor says […]

Utilities Dominate Growth Decisions

THE FOLLOWING IS WRITTEN BY A GUARDIAN READER WHO HAS DISPLAYED A FIRM GRASP OF GROWTH ISSUES AND WE THOUGHT HIS RESPONSE TO “CANNING THE PLANNING SHOULD GET BETTER DISPLAY. Guest Post By CURIOUS GEORGE Less government? I’m not sure it’s possible to get less government unless we revert to Kurdish-style warlord-ruled fiefdoms. Hegemony anyone? […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 6-10

POOP PROBLEMS, TURF TOPS, UPDATE WINDER CASE?, OLD COP-NEW TRICKS 11/3/06 John Harrison 5800 W. Northview Boise, ID 83704 BPR: Wants the City to install a waste bin on the corner of Northview and Curtis. People come to Winsted Park, walk their dogs, use the plastic bags but toss it over his fence into his […]

Recapping The Political Races

Finally! It’s over. No more political ads, roadside signs, recorded phone messages or broadcast talk shows. The GUARDIAN barely cleared the .500 mark on the pre-election predictions. In our defense we have to admit we were probably influenced by the national mood which saw the Dems take over the Congress. Also within Ada County there […]

Ballot Confusing, Not Devious

For Boise voters the last page of the ballot proved to be a bit confusing. At the end of the “NO” explanation on the issue of the 10 commandments was the hole for a “YES” vote. The formatting was poorly handled and should have been changed. If the measure forcing the city to replace the […]

Take These Jobs and Shove Them!

Local politicos and the Chamber of Commerce are first to take credit when a company moves to Boise with JOBS! What about when business LEAVES town? Will they also take the blame now that Supervalu has announced about 400 jobs will be cut in Boise as a result of the Albertson’s take over? Will those […]

Poop Problems On Public Paths

Next time the North End Greenies want $10 million to “save the foothills” take note of the prolific piles of poop present on the pedestrian paths. In England the GUARDIAN took note of a polite sign which converts to about $40. Those Brits sure know how to use the language. In a lead front page […]

Tax Rates Low, But Changes Due

The 2006 tax levy numbers are in and Ada County Assessor Bob McQuade offers up a detailed series of charts and numbers so you can FIGURE YOUR TAX. The GUARDIAN cuts to the chase and will let you know the tax on your house will be right at 1.38% of the TAXABLE value–the assessed value […]

GUARDIAN Calls The Races

Here is how the GUARDIAN predicts the election results. You can all either bow or laugh a week from today. We did not pick the legislative races. The real vote is the IRAQ WAR and control of the U.S. Congress and Senate. Like it or not, much of America will be voicing their opinions of […]

MAYOR HOTLINE October 23-27

VOTE FOR FRAISE, VOTE MR. POTATO HEAD, FREEZE THE POOR Linda Steiner Airport Director: I am reading the article in the paper about the city police vs the airport police and combining them. I think it’s an absolutely wonderful idea. It should have been done a long time ago. But what is bothering me is […]

Boeing Comes To Idaho

For many years various Idaho firms have been after the big bucks from aviation giant Boeing. There was even a dream of an airport of some sort south of Kuna at one point. Now Idaho finally has something from Boeing–HAZARDOUS WASTE! Boise-based American Ecology Corp. proudly announced Friday in the Daily Paper they have a […]

Bikers Need Enforcement Too

GUEST OPINION By BIKEBOY Early Thursday morning, before the sun came up, a 12-year-old South Jr. High student was hit as he rode his bike to school, by a motorist. As of this writing, he’s in the hospital with what are described as life-threatening injuries. (He was riding in the dark, wearing dark clothes, no […]

Prop 2 Advocates Threaten Broadcasters

The battle over Proposition 2–the eminent domain initiative–took a strange turn Thursday when legal counsel for the supporters threatened television stations with “legal and FCC action” if ads sponsored by opponents to the measure are not jerked from the airwaves by 5 p.m. The GUARDIAN talked to KTVB Channel 7 general manager Doug Armstrong who […]

Ada Commish Race, Who Cares?

Granted there wasn’t a huge publicity campaign and there are a lot of candidates, but the Ada County Commishes debate Monday sponsored by the Woman’s League of Voters was sparsely attended at best. There were only about 6 non-candidate related people in the entire room. Clerk-Auditor Dave Navarro’s opponent didn’t even show up. Written questions […]

Sad Commentary On Growth

GUARDIAN GUEST POST BY: Joanne Pence Dry Creek Rural Neighborhood Association Twenty-three new planned communities are proposed for Ada County according to the Statesman’s front page article of October 11, 2006. If approved, these massive “planned communities” will give us sprawl as far as the eye can see. It’s this kind of mindless development that […]

Meridian Library Good For Boise

If the proposed $9.5 million bond for a new Meridian Library passes, it could be a benefit for Boiseans as well. Just take your Boise library card to Meridian and use it free in a great facility paid for by the Meridian Library District Patrons–thanks to an agreement already in place. A well organized “consortium” […]
