With the assistance of the Ada County Assessor’s office the GUARDIAN has calculated what the property tax bill passed by the Idaho Legislature in the closing minutes in the session will mean to you. The quick answer is that it will probably help your property tax bill remain just about the same or a little […]
Here are some interesting figures the Chamber of Commerce is circulating to those at the top of their food chain regarding population figures. These figures serve, among other things, to attract more businesses into the area bent on making a buck. Once the population reaches a certain point, we become targets for various retail chains, […]
The GUARDIAN is aiming to share what Team Dave and the Councilors get to hear from the “Mayor’s Hotline” at city hall. Our first installment follows and it is the written summary provided to the mayor and council. We don’t know if this will be useful and interesting to GUARDIAN readers, but it may give […]
Maybe it is the weather or maybe the GUARDIAN is just getting old and cranky, but there isn’t much for informed realists to take pride in lately around town. In the midst of the indignation over the Albertson’s executive compensation revelations, we were heartened to note that KTVB Channel 7 had the cajones to mention […]
Another former Boise City employee has been charged with criminal activity related to the scandal at the Twenty Mile South “Poop Farm.” Bradley G. Holmes is charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly “splitting invoices” for eight tractor tires. He has entered a not guilty plea. City purchasing regulations require bids for items worth more than […]
Like a television station with a new format and broadcast studio, the Idaho Statesman is proud as punch about a change in the product they plan to offer readers April 19. Thursday the new editors and publisher made a gracious gesture to the “Statesman Alumni” living in Boise (most work for government agencies), sharing their […]
While mainstreamer media was busy speculating about the ramifications of the Risch-Otter-Kempthorne-Little musical chairs at the Idaho Statehouse, a well known Dem joined the fracas. Former Idaho Congressman Larry LaRocco quietly slipped his name into the race for Lt. Governor prior to the Friday filing deadline. He is going to need a lot more than […]
Should Boise Public Works Department employees be allowed to use city-owned tools and equipment for their own personal and business projects? Is it ethical for city department supervisors to HIRE subordinates to work in off duty moonlighting jobs? The practice has the potential of subordinates being “favored” at their city job or “intimidated” into helping […]
Note to Lt. Gov. Jim Risch: “Get down to Secretary of State Big Ben’s office by 5p.m. Friday with $300 if you still want a shot at that lifelong dream of being ELECTED governor.” Friday is the filing deadline for statewide office. Risch has already filed for Lt. Gov. and had previously said he would […]
SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE The Tuesday Boise school bond election passed with 70% of the voters saying “yes” to 30 years of taxes for $94 million worth of new buildings and improvements. The campaign provided some interesting insights into political strategy. Former legislators Jim Auld and Rod Beck made the media talk show circuit calling for […]
Boise city councilor Vern Bisterfeldt has previously declared the internal auditor was, “worth his weight in gold.” Trouble is we don’t have an auditor and none is on the horizon at present. The office of internal auditor was set up in the wake of the scandal surrounding former mayor Brent Coles. Coles, and two city […]
Insiders tell us there have been some “come to Jesus” meetings with about half of Boise’s employees, including those at the Public Works Department’s sewage treatment facilities. These group ethics training sessions were prompted by the scandals during the previous city administration which saw several leaders go to jail. To his credit, Mayor Dave Bieter […]
Looks like there is hope, however slim, for some sort of detox treatment at the state level after the legislature forms its own interim committee to examine the failed efforts of the Department of Health and Welfare. The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee suggested a joint committee be formed to determine what needs to be done […]
“LOOKS LIKE WE GOT A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE” Recent news reports sound like Boise’s mayor may have attended the “Rumsfeld-Cheney School of Charm.” The mayor’s recent track record for making friends would qualify him as an honor student at that institution. Here are some of the memorable items: –DETOX center fell apart after city council […]
The foreign business interests controlling TAMARACK Resort in Valley County continue their successful courting of Idaho government officials. Their latest coup came as André Agassi and Steffi Graf along with their Canadian real estate partners got the Idaho House of Reps to pass a bill to give them a special exemption from the Idaho liquor […]
Meridian Arms dealer, Senator Gerry Sweet, has vowed to introduce his controversial concealed weapons bill next year, but it will be a pared down version with different language. He wanted to allow people to carry weapons concealed in vehicles without a permit, but cops and sheriffs raised a ruckus and the media got to picking […]
Illegal closed meetings could be a bit more costly for local Idaho officials if proposed amendments in the OPEN MEETING LAW are enacted by the legislature. House Bill 620 would raise the fine for violation from $150 to $500 for a first offense and top out at $1,000 for a second offense. Representative Russ Matthews […]
Growth is costing us not only additional taxes, but it is destroying our quality of life. Whether you are a “money grubbing capitalist” or a “tree hugging greenie” growth in the Treasure Valley is costing you. We constantly hear people say, “growth is inevitable and you can’t stop it.” Perhaps, but there is no need […]
–Former Gov. Phil Batt sees Guv Dirk’s highway building plan for what it is–borrowing into the future on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Legislators are also concerned about the GARVEE bonds which are to be paid by future federal gas taxes. Much of annual highway budget is eaten up by debt service. –The […]
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