
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Eagle Residents Balk at Gravity

Reader “Sisyphus” suggested we take a look at a piece by reporter Than Tan of KBCI TV. “Guardian, I bet your readers would be interested in talking about the threatened lawsuit against the federal and state agencies by the homeowners in Eagle Island arguing that government is not doing enough to stop the flooding. Yes, […]

Random River Ramblings, Rants, & Reviews

OUR BOISE RIVER is not only the lifeblood of our city, but the focus of most of the news these days. Flows are increasing to “flood stage” in excess of 7,000 cubic feet per second causing damage to the prized Greenbelt and threatening the high end houses near the banks–all the way through the valley. […]

No Sympathy For Riverside Residents

The GUARDIAN has noted some readers and radio listeners seem less than sympathetic toward those whose homes are threatened by recent flood waters in Boise and Eagle. The photos were taken off Park Center Blvd. at Spring Meadow Lane. The original developer was ordered to provide Greenbelt parking and access as a condition of approval […]

Drowning In Bureaucracy

Looks like the GUARDIAN is forced to take back all the NICE THINGS we said about Boise Parks. See Swimming Upstream. Last week we chided the Statesman a bit for the play they gave a story about a fallen tree blocking the Boise River, but not doing anything about getting signs posted to warn cold […]

Swimming Upstream

The GUARDIAN had a chance to meet all the new brass at the Statesman Thursday for a sneak peek at the new graphics they plan to unveil after tax day in April. We chided them about favoring form over substance noting the lead news story in the local section was about a tree falling in […]

Patriotic Arson Kits

Boise Police Chief Mike “Bat” Masterson has joined the ranks of folks who can’t understand the patriotism of burning your neighbor’s house on July 4th with illegal fireworks. We are talking about those fireworks which are legal to sell and own, but illegal to shoot. Idaho law and Boise City law are different and Masterson […]

Faux Fly Fisherman Fans Floaters

When the GUARDIAN stopped by the Boise River pedestrian bridge behind the Albertson Corp. HQ Sunday we noticed a fly fisherman among the float tubes and rafts. What kind of an idiot would stand there flipping flies amongst those hundreds of passing inner tubes? When we noticed our fly fisherman talking to his lumpy vest […]

Cool Heads For Hot Float

The Idaho Attorney General has issued an opinion that Boise cops can write tickets for violation of city open booze container ordinances on the Boise River–just like they do on state highways within the city. Last month when it looked like a crack down on open containers was imminent, there was a pretty strong reaction […]

Whose River Is It?

The Boise City Council gets a pat on the back for a rare display of common sense in the ongoing saga of river regulations. They questioned their own cops and legal advisers about jurisdiction and have asked the Idaho Attorney General for a legal opinion. Last week the council was informed by the legal department […]

Police Bus Fare

The GUARDIAN has it on good authority that Boise City is so strapped for money they tried to get the tuber shuttle bus fare raised a buck to pay off river patrol cops. Ada County Parks owns the bus and in defference to the citizen-riders they said, “no thanks” to the fare hike. BPD continues […]

A River Runs Through It

The City of Boise is apparently claiming to have annexed the Boise River into the city along with the right to impose city ordinances on those who use it. The GUARDIAN thinks city officials may have overstepped their boundries when they claim to have annexed the Boise River. It may be city on both sides […]


It looks like the Boise City Council is telling the cops to keep the river dry–no booze this long hot summer when you float to cool off. It will be like a movie without popcorn. Like so much in this community, it will be a contest to preserve “community standards and traditional values” versus accomodating […]

How About Lifeguards?

River floating season will be upon us soon and the cops are prepared to spend about $100,000 keeping the peace in the Boise River. We all know what happens when you get in the cold river water and get wet well above the knees. Folks, it’s just a natural thing. Sure the water gets a […]
