Archive for July, 2005

Statesman “Attaboy”

Bearing in mind the IDAHO STATESMAN had the good sense to dump the GUARDIAN editor 32 years ago, we need to go on record about how much we appreciated the QUALITY of journalism in Sunday’s(July31) paper. –JOE Estrella was well researched and balanced in his story about home sales. Unbridled growth is an issue we […]

Statesman “Attaboy”

Bearing in mind the IDAHO STATESMAN had the good sense to dump the GUARDIAN editor 32 years ago, we need to go on record about how much we appreciated the QUALITY of journalism in Sunday’s(July31) paper. –JOE Estrella was well researched and balanced in his story about home sales. Unbridled growth is an issue we […]

Statesman “Attaboy”

Bearing in mind the IDAHO STATESMAN had the good sense to dump the GUARDIAN editor 32 years ago, we need to go on record about how much we appreciated the QUALITY of journalism in Sunday’s(July31) paper. –JOE Estrella was well researched and balanced in his story about home sales. Unbridled growth is an issue we […]

Statesman “Attaboy”

Bearing in mind the IDAHO STATESMAN had the good sense to dump the GUARDIAN editor 32 years ago, we need to go on record about how much we appreciated the QUALITY of journalism in Sunday’s(July31) paper. –JOE Estrella was well researched and balanced in his story about home sales. Unbridled growth is an issue we […]

Statesman “Attaboy”

Bearing in mind the IDAHO STATESMAN had the good sense to dump the GUARDIAN editor 32 years ago, we need to go on record about how much we appreciated the QUALITY of journalism in Sunday’s(July31) paper. –JOE Estrella was well researched and balanced in his story about home sales. Unbridled growth is an issue we […]

Low Cost Flight To Real Estate Heaven

Like the bankrupt airlines, Idaho government keeps looking for more passengers (residents). Just like the airlines, we have plenty of crowded flights (subdivisions) that don’t pay their way. Just like the airlines it’s good for the aircraft (housing) industry. Never mind the comfortable flights we once knew in the form of great service, real meals, […]

Dancing The Cop Shuffle

Boise top cop Mike “Bat” Masterson is dancing a new step and it sounds like it might catch on. Without hiring more cops, he is beefing up the patrol division by 10% and eliminating some “touchy-feely” services like horse patrol, kindergarten cops in elementary schools, and neighborhood traffic cops. Those guys–and gals–get shuffled to dance […]

Briefs–fish, homeless, fires

CATFISH We made a run over to the Snake River at Brownlee Reservoir after reading reports of “thousands of dead catfish lining the banks.” There are indeed dead catfish, they DON’T line the banks, the water is low and hot, and there is plenty of visible pollution. Not a good situation, but not an obvious […]

Ada Deputies Allowed Behind Bars

Hard to believe that some people WANT to stay in jail, but that was the case with a couple of Ada County jail guards who narrowly avoided the unemployment ax following the escape of a bad guy last month. The GUARDIAN has it on good authority that contrary to earlier reports only one guard was […]

Ethics, What’s That?

UPDATED 7/25/05 Boise’s new ethics panel recently told City Treasurer Kent Rock it was OK to ask for money from the banks and brokers he deals with as long as he does it on behalf of a professional group and not the City. Duh! He heads the group BECAUSE he is Boise’s treasurer. At issue […]

Defense For The Prosecution

We recently noticed a little item in the Ada County Commission agendas for June 28 where the commissioners approved outside counsel for the prosecuting attorney. It struck us as unusual to have the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney get a subpoena in the case of the University of Idaho Foundation v. Civic Partners West. However, our […]

Slow Police Response

For those who complain about lack of police response, we know how you feel. A thoughtful reader sent this suggestion more than a week ago and 9 days later still no police response despite a follow up from the GUARDIAN. “How about an article on the Boise city police patrolling the freeways. I-84 looks like […]

Big Jobs Can Mean Big Layoffs

A good number of those 350 folks who took “voluntary severance” packages at Hewlett Packard have applied for unemployment benefits from the state of Idaho, a possible harbinger of things to come. Interesting how eager the political types are to lure companies to Idaho because “it means jobs.” It can also mean big layoffs as […]

Patriotic Arson Kits

Boise Police Chief Mike “Bat” Masterson has joined the ranks of folks who can’t understand the patriotism of burning your neighbor’s house on July 4th with illegal fireworks. We are talking about those fireworks which are legal to sell and own, but illegal to shoot. Idaho law and Boise City law are different and Masterson […]

Faux Fly Fisherman Fans Floaters

When the GUARDIAN stopped by the Boise River pedestrian bridge behind the Albertson Corp. HQ Sunday we noticed a fly fisherman among the float tubes and rafts. What kind of an idiot would stand there flipping flies amongst those hundreds of passing inner tubes? When we noticed our fly fisherman talking to his lumpy vest […]

Idaho Flim Flams Feds For Funds

We have to admit the following is based on a STATESMAN piece by business writer Melissa McGrath and we have to figure she got her facts right. However, the spin of the story and the headline “GRANT WILL HELP EX-HP WORKERS” misses the whole point. The real story is, “IDAHO FLIM FLAMS FEDS FOR FUNDS.” […]

Don’t Mess With Sheriff Gary

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney has decisively handled a couple of serious incidents recently, demonstrating sound leadership and concern for citizens. First, it was a series of errors and omissions in the jail which apparently made it possible for a dangerous inmate to escape last month. Raney checked out the situation and BAM! He fired […]

Tibbs for Mayor?

The mainstream media got the announcement this week–only 6 weeks after the GUARDIAN reported former Boise cop Jim Tibbs would take aim at Jerome Mapp’s council seat in the November election. If Tibbs unseats the veteran councilor–and he has a good chance–Mayor Dave Bieter could have an incumbent councilor (Tibbs) gunning for his own BIG […]


(For you non-library users that means a stew, mix of flower petals and spices, or a medley) When we have a whole bunch of items we don’t want to elaborate upon, we offer up a potpourri because it sounds cool: –Meridian has joined the suicidal ranks of cities bent on self destruction with a MONEY […]

She Said, They Said

Looks like former Ada Commissioner Sharon Ullman touched some raw nerves when she went after the current county commissioners and their budget in a recent STATESMAN op-ed piece. Her information was mostly correct with a few minor errors and slants–her conclusions are based mostly on raw public budget figures which don’t necessarily explain FACTS or […]
