Archive for July, 2005

Cops, $$, and Numbers

The mainstream media–using official crime stats–tells us “CRIME DROPS in ADA MORE THAN IN REST OF STATE”. NOT! Same and even more crime than ever before. Just more people to to be victims of crime and a larger inventory of stuff to steal. If you victimize 100 citizens with 10 crimes the crime rate is […]

Depot Remains Mostly Closed to Public

With summer tourists and residents visiting our city daily, the Boise Parks Department policy to exclude visitors from entering the #2 landmark in the city remains in effect–except for 7.5 hours on Mondays, closed holidays! Far from the “Tourist attraction” we all envisioned when the City purchased the Depot with tax dollars and donations, our […]

Power to The People

All the rampant growth being encouraged by local government officials has created a need for more unsightly power lines to provide electricity to new residents. The existing residents don’t like their views of the foothills blocked–apparently they can’t see the ridges being flattened as easily. They protested to the Idaho Power monopoly and the company […]

Ambushed on The Rim

The Depot Bench Neighbors got bushwhacked by the Boise Planning Department Friday when the City canceled a public hearing set for July 13. The MOTHER of ALL GARAGE SALES (MAGS) set for Saturday July 9 was planned to be the opening round in the battle for public support against a proposed apartment/condo complex near the […]

Bench-Depot Take Two

In what may be the “mother of all garage sales” the neighbors along Crescent Rim and the adjoining neighborhood have proclaimed Saturday July 9 as NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE DAY. Neighborhood Preservation Committee Chairman Martha Borchers says the group is banding together for the garage sale project because: “– We all have stuff that needs to […]

Howard “Screamer” Dean in Boise?

GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE! The GUARDIAN got a tip that Democratic National Chairman Howard “Screamer” Dean plans to make a whistle stop in Boise on Friday July 15 from noon-2 pm. (No whistles or trains these days, but it IS a catchy phrase.) Unlike the Republicans who offer $1,000 a plate dinner tickets and photo ops, the […]

We Deserve Better

In what has become classic Boise spin of the local media, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter’s press machine manipulated a new reporter at the STATESMAN into writing an obfuscation of the truth. (For you non-library users that means “clouding”.) While she accurately reported what she was told, the reporter’s story missed the point. She reported that […]

Stop This Insanity Now!

Kuna has run out of sewer capacity, Meridian has run out of classrooms, Eagle Road is a parking lot, Boise needs code enforcement and all these cities battle one another to see who can grow the most and the fastest. Then they all want to get together and pay big bucks to “consultants” who will […]

EMS: What To Do Now?

The GUARDIAN admits to a cut-and-paste on this one. Here is a copy of the Ada County Commission-appointed EMS task Force report on what to do about emergency services following the defeat of a bond proposal May 22. We find it interesting the task force is comprised entirely of people who stand to benefit from […]

BSU Desert Track?

Dog owners had a leg up when it came to an “off-leash” dog park. BSU lost the race to get a running track at Reserve Park. BSU officials–like everyone in officialdom–want to expand and stimulate growth. Bronco Stadium is currently enjoying great football teams and attendance, so the athletic department wants to eliminate the running […]
