Archive for April, 2008

Stay Out Of Depot, Visit Locomotive

Big Mike, the historic steam engine has a new parking spot at the west end of the Boise Depot after being moved from Julia Davis Park. The Daily paper reports construction will start today on an $86,000 plaza with informational kiosks and signs. Now, if they can only see their way clear to open the […]

Trucks For Fires, Not Medical Runs

GUARDIAN reader “Clancy” provided the photo above for what he said was a recent medical call on Americana. He calls the response–two police cars, an EMS supervisor, an ambulance, and a 100 foot aerial ladder–ABSURD. He is correct and the GUARDIAN has met with new fire chief Dennis Doan to discuss a more reasonable approach. […]

Mayor Hotline April 19 to 25

DYING TO GET IN & OUT OF CEMETERY, DOGS, DOGS, and MORE DOGS 4/21/08 Pam Fraser 1005 Balsam St. BPR: This evening I went for a walk after dinner (in the Morris Hill cemetery). At 6:35 a security officer finished locking up the cemetery. It was not dusk; it wasn’t even close. You folks need […]

Sun Valley Politico Junket

Finally! The GUARDIAN has found common ground with local politicos and the Chamber of Commerce. We both discuss ad nausea the topic of growth, blueprint for growth, smart growth, regional cooperation, transit, local option taxes etc. AND WE HAVE BOTH ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING! The difference is the GUARDIAN does it for free. Once again the hard […]

Bad Cop, Bad Cop Weekend

The past weekend hasn’t been a good one for local cops. First a Garden City rookie officer gets popped for “stalking” and some related offenses. Since he was on probation, he was dismissed pronto. Then a “Ten year veteran” of the Boise PD is arrested by an ISP trooper for DUI. Apparently out of “professional […]

Fire Wages Revealed, Bennies Compared

The Daily Paper and others reported last week that Boise City and the firefighters union had settled on a labor contract. Those agreements are conducted in secret and the citizens are just asked to pay the bill. That’s the way it is and there are good points and bad with such a system. However, we […]

Easy Fix For Twin Falls Problem

Sometimes it takes the creative skills of the GUARDIAN to coordinate the efforts of well intended parties and bring them together for the greater good. Such is the case with two recent news items–one in Twin Falls and one in Owyhee County. Authorities have encountered an animal loving elderly woman living in rural Owyhee county […]

Merrill Linked To Avimor Success

If folks had any doubts about former Eagle Mayor Nancy Merril’s involvement promoting growth in the foothills, read this excerpt of a letter sent to John & Nancy Merrill by Avimor president and general manager Dan Richter. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued interest and help in bringing […]

How To Spend $200 Million

Gotta give the Ada Commishes a little pat on the back for soliciting spending ideas from the public. The intent is great, but the survey falls short. In a press release today they are seeking some guidance with the nearly $200,000,000 they plan to spend in the coming year. That’s two hundred MILLION in hard […]

Mayor Hotline April 12 to 18

HOTLINE April 12 – 18, 2008 UNUSUAL NORTHEND WIFE, GET ENVIRONMENTAL, FEARFUL RESIDENT, MESS AT NEW LIBRARY SITE, FIX THE ECONOMY, FIX THE TRANSPORTATION, FIX THE TRFFIC 4/12/08 Jen Whitewing Misc: I’m not your normal Northend housewife. I very much appreciate living in Boise, Idaho; it’s brought my family tremendous blessings. Even my son’s high […]

Little Sympathy For Tamarack Demise

Growthophobia is likely to break out in the wake of recent events surrounding a failing resort in Valley County. Small businesses, bankers, and contractors are suffering as a result of the “troubled Tamarack Resort.” The “trouble” is they don’t pay their bills or live up to promises made. The latest hit is the closure of […]

Boise City For Sale

Seems that lobbyists, economic development people, and even elected officials couldn’t get the job done. Now Team Dave has hired a guy to “market the city,” according to a story in the Daily Paper. Ross Borden has been hired full time to “help forge better relationships with local leaders and push the city’s agenda in […]

Mayor Hotline April 5 to 11

INCOMING CHOPPER, GROWTHOPHOBES UNITED, BARKING DOG, DUMPSTER 4/10/08 Doug Stuart 5416 Hill Rd. Boise, ID Plano Lane Development: I was one of the residents at the River Glen Jr. High School concerning the Capital Development in the foothills (the 333 acres, 154 single-family homes between Collister and Plato Ln. above Hill Rd.) I feel that […]

Technology Changes Workplace Ethics

Comments at both the GUARDIAN and the Daily paper about the moonlighting poop plant personnel tell us technology has changed the face of the USA workplace in ways we never envisioned just a few years ago. If Boise officials do a sincere investigation and review of the case, they will probably come up with more […]

Potential Poop Practice Conflict

Potential conflict of interest at Boise’s poop plants and the poop plants at Avimor and Hidden Springs are subject of a newly opened probe by Boise officials–thanks to a story in the Daily Paper. Statesman reporter Kathleen Kreller did some digging into the poop business and came up with documentation showing the operators of Boise’s […]

Boise Refuses Voter Voice In Funding

Boise skies will be filled with big airplanes and the freeway will be crowded with trucks if Team Dave gets its way and industrializes the area around the airport. Based on testimony before the Idaho Legislature last week, the city needed a constitutional amendment to make it easier to obtain financing for facilities because the […]

Mayor Hotline March 29 to April 4

CHRISTIANS VIOLATE PARKING LAWS 3/31/08 Susan Graham 1009 W. Fort St. Boise, ID 83702 Parking: I’m calling about continuing parking violations in the next block over. The First United Methodist Church has an entire block and they own only one-quarter of it on the southwest quarter on the corner of 12th and Hays is paved; […]

Power To The People Prevails

Wow! What an intense week of positive events for the rights of citizens to vote on long term debt by local government. Just a week ago the Idaho Senate pushed a proposed constitutional amendment through in an attempt to get around the Supreme Court FRAZIER decision which reconfirmed the fact local governments must get approval […]

Mayor Hotline March 22 to 28

PLEASE PROVIDE A PROPER PLACE FOR PEOPLE TO POOP AND PEE 3/24/08 Tim Johnson 495 S. 15th St. Boise Cold Storage BPR: As you guys know, we are getting an increasingly large population of transients coming back and forth through this area, which is a real problem for us. Just recently, it’s increased several fold; […]
