Archive for May, 2010

Hummers Fly To Their Own Drummer

While visiting Camp David at Frazier Peak near Cascade (our humility is AWESOME!) over the Memorial Day weekend we were bombarded with hummingbirds–looks like a banner year. While we don’t have the 30 variety of species here in Idaho that we saw this winter working the “day job” in Costa Rica, they are fun to […]

Idaho Parks Floats Safety Program

The unofficial start of boating season in Idaho was over the Memorial Day Weekend and if boaters take advantage of a new “Life Jacket Loaner Station,” It could be a safe season. The GUARDIAN paid a visit to the Cascade boat dock near the Golf Course and was met with this interesting sign and free […]

Secret Deal Puts Hammer Flat In Limbo, Public Access To Truth Denied

Sneaking around citizens has once again caused an otherwise good project to get a bad rap in Boise. The proposed Cliffs subdivision (known as Hammer Flat) on the plateau above Lucky Peak Dam has long been a winter home to deer antelope and elk. Wildlife groups fought the developer at public hearings and the development […]

Crapo For Boise City Council?

In the middle of the hub bub over thelack of public discussion–or even public awareness over the sale of Boise City land to the State of Idaho, Senior Sen. Mik Crapo’s PR machine sent out a press release calling for “TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY IN FINANCIAL REFORM CONFERENCE.” While this is at the national level dealing with […]

Guv Says “Possible Deal Only” On Hammer Flat

Guv Butch Otter made news on Thursday when he called the GUARDIAN birthday gathering broadcast live on KBOI AM 670’sNate Shelman show to tell us, “There is no deal on Hammer Flat. There is only a possible deal.” He said no Fish and Game funds would be used unless hunting is allowed on the 700 […]

Boise Deceives Citizens On Hammer Flats

Any trust citizens may have had in Team Dave evaporated with the sale of Hammer Flats which was consumated in secret and announced in the Idaho Statesman Thursday. The GUARDIAN QUESTIONED since March the motivation of Boise’s purchase of the winter deer range using Foothills levy funds. We have filed public records requests which were […]

Our Take On Election Results

In the interests of space, we will use bullet points and allow GUARDIAN readers to take over the discussion on the election results. These three races were of most interest to us, but feel free to add your voice on any race. –Guv Butch Otter will have a November fight on his hands against Dem […]

Don’t Forget To Vote Today

While today’s election is only a primary, it serves to decide several county races–since there are no Dem opponents–and the Supreme Court seat is also decided today. FIND YOUR POLLING PLACE at the Ada County website. If you are a loyal Dem, don’t forget to go out and vote for the worst candidate and if […]

Mayor Hotline May 15 to 21

NO F-35 NOISE, COPPER DRIVING, BUS, CUT THE WEEDS, FILL BOOT COMPLAINT Jennifer Owen 2717 S. Vista Apt. 105 Boise, ID 83705 941-4835 Code Enforcement: I’ve sent an email, I’ve contacted other people, and I just want to let the Mayor know that I’m grateful for public housing, I need help right now, I do […]

Lucas Baumbach Goes After Vaughn Ward

In the interest of piling on to the “EXPOSE VAUGHN WARD” bandwagon, we share this YOU TUBE LINK offered up by Lucas Baumbach, Boise Tea Party activist and Idaho State Senate candidate (Republican, District 14, Boise). It really is uncanny and worth a laugh. Sorta fun to see the Repubs whacking each other silly too! […]

Come To A GUARDIAN Party Thursday

Guardian’s first five years have flew How long it would last no one knew All I have to say Is keep plugging away And Happy Birthday to you! –Poet Paul GUARDIAN PARTY INVITATION TO: ALL READERS, friends, politicos, and anyone wanting to see what Cyclops, Cynic, and Kappa Ta, Timm, Paul, Clancy, Dean Gunderson, and […]

Sage Advice From Boise, Idaho

Those of us who have lived in the City of Trees know a few things about the area such as: Don’t plant your garden until the snow is off Shafer Butte. Boise is the Banana Belt of Idaho. Global Warming is a political thing. You can ski in the morning and golf in the afternoon. […]

Nailing Team Dave On Hammer Flats Purchase

Our guest post is written by a guy who describes himself as Lifetime Boise Resident and Spokesperson for the Idaho Hang Gliding Association By JOHN KANGAS Back in 2001 Boise voters passed a $10 million dollar open space serial levy to do five specific things. By statute, serial levies must do that which they say […]

Bieter Continues To Perform At Chamber “Live Aid”

The GUARDIAN first posted a version of this story 5 years ago and thanks to our complaints about no free tickets, the Chamber of Commerce makes access available for free to those wishing to get up erly and hear Dave Bieter talk on June 2. We probably won’t hear about the public outcry AGAINST a […]

Coppers Watch You On ACHD Cameras

In a program with which we can’t really argue, Ada County Highway District is making its extensive network of traffic cams available to coppers at the dispatch center. ACHD Commish Sara Baker revealed the arrangement on her blog yesterday and noted several recent crimes and emergencies which involved police use of the system. You too […]

Boise Fire Union Favors Bisterfeldt-Simmons

We got a letter from a source within the fire union today urging members to vote for Vern Bisterfeldt and Roger Simmons in the upcoming Ada Commish race. This Boise City fire union activity to support the County candidates is deeply rooted in the ongoing feud between firefighters and paramedics. They apparently don’t trust their […]

GUARDIAN Solves IPTV Forest Access Issue

Our good friends at Idaho Public TV got bullied out of making images in the Frank Church Wilderness by an overzealous Forest Ranger recently and now the Guv is involved in a little matter the GUARDIAN settled years ago. We sent the following note to Leo Kay, a friendly sounding bureaucrat who is just 8 […]

Boise Christians Oppose Hindu Prayer

The Mayor’s Hotline got a bunch of calls this past week protesting a Hindu Cleric offering an invocation at the June 8 City Council meeting. (check the transcript posted below). Not much tolerance among these Christian folk in a community that strives to be “the most livable city in America.” We have to side up […]

Mayor Hotline May 8 to 14

PRO GROWTH, ANGRY CHRISTIANS, NO DRINKING WATER, MOTORCYCLE NOISE 5/13/10 Anonymous Hammer Flat: When we first bought this Hammer Flat I wondered what this would do for the people of Boise. It’s obvious that there are some people who don’t want it to do anything for the City of Boise. Why not buy land up […]

Boise City Continues Quest For Train

In yet ANOTHER attempt at playing trains, Mayor Dave Bieter has entered into a secret negotiation with the Boise Valley Railroad–the shortline that runs through town–to explore building a freight facility on land owned by Boise citizens. Seems that Team Dave can’t get support for a trolley. They also can’t get a downtown “transit center” […]
