City Government

This category contains 1712 posts

Looking For Someone To Be New “Guardian,” A Swan Song

For the few followers left at the BOISE GUARDIAN, it is obvious that there has been no coverage since the city election in November 2023. I would like to make an offer that should be hard to refuse: free access to be the new BOISE GUARDIAN. After 18 years as editor, I, Dave Frazier have […]

Boise-Ada Election Takeaway Notes

Mclean-Masterson race probably had two winners. Mclean benefitted from incumbency and handily ensconced herself as a political power in Idaho. Masterson went through the motions, but his heart wasn’t really in the race. After a lifetime in public service, he had his eye on retirement and family time. Two winners. Jail bond missed by only […]

The Politics Of Power Is Electrifying

We saw the local legacy media publish (broadcast) a story from Team McLean claiming Boise’s airport and Lander Street sewer plant would be using solar energy provided by Idaho Power. That simply is not true. While Idaho Power has solar facilities on the grid, they also have other sources on the same system. The good […]

Debate Topics For Boise Races

While the current topics for conversation and debate in the Boise mayor and council races are focused on housing, homelessness, and the alphabet soup of sexual preferences, the GUARDIAN has come out of retirement with some important topics. FEES IN LIEU OF TAXES are needed to offset the subsidy Boise taxpayers make toward state government. […]

Questions Abound In Copper Shoot

The GUARDIAN has awaited explanations why the legacy media has failed to question Boise PD and Chief Ron Winegar about statements made in press releases and in person following the latest “officer involved” shooting on Dale St. Of major concern is the description of the dead man carrying “an edged” object and “multiple weapons. He […]

Bourgeau Responds To 7/17 Critics

GUEST OPINION BY GUY BOURGEAU Ben— I’m not quite sure how to respond to that comment. Obviously one best left alone. For the defense, unions are beneficial for police departments. I can’t disagree that what you say isn’t true in some cases, but not here. We are able to set hiring standards and offer competitive […]

Progress To Some, Ruination To Others

Photo Essay by DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor We took a little tour of our downtown area recently and sadly realized it is nearly impossible to see the foothills or much of any horizon thanks to the big city apartments and other structures. The state capitol used to be the centerpiece of the Boise skyline, but […]

More Down Thoughts For Up Zone Plan

The Guardian has been a long time proponent of allowing citizens to vote on issues as profound as the proposed up zone. City officials seem to be taking a lesson from the Idaho Legislature when it comes allowing citizen votes. Guest Opinion by KATIE FITE Why I will urge the Planning and Zoning Commission to […]

After $500K, No Results On Cop Racial Investigation

The Washington D.C. legal group hired by Boise City has not come up with any information for public consideration according to a current post on BOISE DEV. The BOISE DEV piece is worth a look as it goes into detail about the matter. The GUARDIAN confirmed the law firm burned through $500,000 in taxpayer funds […]

Density To Rival New York?

The following guest opinion was submitted to Boise officials as testimony regarding the proposed zoning ordinance change. Guess Opinion by KEN PIDJEON Boise currently allows between 15 to 45 dwelling units per acre, sometimes more, and under the proposed Zoning Code those numbers remain but, in some cases, unlimited density is allowed. Contrast Boise with […]

What Happened To Our “Boise Way?”

Guest Opinion by RICARDO OCHOA On the road it meant driving with intelligence and realizing the speed limit is not a suggestion. Your turn signals are meant to be used in a timely manner. One of the most basic ways to be respectful is to use your turn signal. We can’t read your mind. So […]

Stand Against The UpZone Plan

Guest Opinion by HENRI WIEBE As citizens, we must speak out against the proposed city lead zone code rewrite, which seems to be based on a premise as ridiculous as the plot of the movie “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Just like the three convicts in the film, we have been duped into believing that […]

Clegg Offers Buses For Homeless

APRIL FOOL FOR GUARDIAN Claiming she still had a desire to help with City Council problems, former councilor Elaine Clegg has come up with a novel solution to help solve the problems of the “unhoused community.” Clegg is the recently appointed director of the Valley Regional Transit bus system. She noticed upon taking the job […]

Florida Meter Maids (and butlers) Tag Expired Tags

The GUARDIAN recently visited Tampa, Florida and learned that in addition to parking tickets, parking enforcement employees also can cite errant motorists with expired license plates. If you park on the street or in a city-owned lot it can be really costly if you failed to renew your registration. The tickets are computer generated just […]

Former Top Copper Enters Mayor Race

Former Boise top copper Mike Masterson has filed the appropriate campaign notice with the Secretary of State to become a candidate for mayor. He will challenge Lauren McLean in the November election. Here is his statement: Statement from Mike Masterson March 20, 2023 “I recently took the first step to run to be the next […]

“Respect The Culture!”

Just returned from a week of warm weather in Hawaii and came away with a thought provoking bumper sticker observation. RESPECT THE CULTURE was actually emblazoned on the tailgate of a small truck. It got us to thinking. How many of the thousands of newcomers to Boise and Idaho in general come here to join […]

50 Candidates Vie For 2 Council Seats

The GUARDIAN finds it very interesting that 50 Boise residents are seeking to fill to vacancies on the City Council through appointments, rather than an election. Councilor Elaine Clegg is headed off to a high paying job as director of the Valley Transit bus system and Lisa Sanchez lost her seat when she moved out […]

Derail Passenger Train Folly Now

The GUARDIAN has repeatedly pointed out the insanity of trying to reinstate passenger train service to Boise. Politicos simply won’t take “NO” for an answer to the wish for the return to rails. There are many reasons it won’t work and yet another multi-million dollar survey is a waste of money. Boise is pretty much […]

Winter Abortion Follies Open At Capitol

The Idaho legislature has begun its annual jabbering about abortion with a bill aimed at withholding state sales tax revenues from Boise. Boise’s city councilors brought the grief upon themselves with a resolution making investigation of abortion cases a low priority. The Boise resolution in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Roe-vs-Wade recinding decision […]

Parks Restriction Garners Signature Quota

A petition drive aimed at restricting Boise politicos from selling park and open space real estate without citizen approval has obtained enough signatures to make the 2023 November ballot. A group calling itself the “Boise Parks Association” ran the effort. Here is what they say in-part in a press release: On December 30, 2022, the […]
