
This category contains 109 posts

The Politics Of Power Is Electrifying

We saw the local legacy media publish (broadcast) a story from Team McLean claiming Boise’s airport and Lander Street sewer plant would be using solar energy provided by Idaho Power. That simply is not true. While Idaho Power has solar facilities on the grid, they also have other sources on the same system. The good […]

“Respect The Culture!”

Just returned from a week of warm weather in Hawaii and came away with a thought provoking bumper sticker observation. RESPECT THE CULTURE was actually emblazoned on the tailgate of a small truck. It got us to thinking. How many of the thousands of newcomers to Boise and Idaho in general come here to join […]

Politicos Ignorant To Past Study

Boise politicos and U.S. Sen Mike Crapo are riding the rails once again on the AMTRAK FOLLY. Banking on the short memory of voters or the lack of sound judgment, these officials are once again seeking Amtrak service to Boise. What a waste of effort and tax money to keep doing surveys, hoping the facts […]

Idaho AG Opposes Retail Gas Gouging

In an unusual move, Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden has offered a public (political) opinion regarding proposed legislation before the legislature. GUEST OPINION By Lawrence Wasden I’m writing to make you aware of a piece of legislation currently working its way through the state Legislature. The bill is being pushed by Idaho’s gas retailers and, […]

The Case For “Term Limits”

We just returned from a visit to Hawaii’s “Big Island” where we observed a public notice sign on Alii Drive–the posh oceanfront street packed with hotels and condos. The proposed project included “60 condos and 20 AFFORDABLE HOUSING units!” That prompted us to ponder just exactly what constituted “affordable” on the trendy real estate? Then, […]

City Plans To “Sell” Sustain able Energy

Boise City Council approved 10 firms to work at the behest of the mayor on undisclosed ” “miscellaneous on-call climate, energy and sustainability services.” The $150,000 amount is pretty much an open ended allotment for the city while it pursues its goal of being 100% renewable-energy powered by 2035. The resolution giving the mayor authority […]

The GUARDIAN is Baaaack

The GUARDIAN has returned to duty and unfortunately we don’t have a lot of cheery news to report after covering 1300 miles of Idaho, Yellowstone, and vicinity. Great time spent with 14-year-old grandson and a chance to learn the addictive qualities of those “smart” phones. Amazing how fast and readily available information can be obtained. […]

P.U. C. Prompts Gas Rate “Math Story Problem”

Idaho’s Public Utilities Commission sent out a press release today explaining that the average homeowner would see a rate INCREASE of 37 cents per month from Intermountain Gas. The GUARDIAN world Headquarters got a gas bill today as well of $5.67 for not using any gas. We also got a bill insert explaining that Intermountain […]

Build It, But Don’t Let It Come

GUEST OPINION By STEVE HULME Idaho old-timers (and perhaps some not-so-old-timers) will recall that in 1995, an agreement was signed between the State of Idaho, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Department of Energy. The agreement was championed by then-Governor Phil Batt (Republican) and former Governor Cecil Andrus (Democrat), and ratified by a popular referendum […]

Boise Composting Could Be Rotten Deal

Boise City Couuncilors will consider a proposal Tuesday to offer curbside composting at a cost of about $3.40 per month for the average household. On the face of it the idea of cutting the amount of garbage in the landfill and the methane gas it generates sounds like a good deal. We certainly agree with […]

Ada Commishes Pay $2.65 Million For Trash Power Rights

REVISED POST WITH CLARIFICATIONS There’s big money to be had at Ada County’s landfill, even if it’s just for blue sky. When the new commishes took over three years ago, they decided it was in the county’s best interest to payoff Dynamis about $2,000,000 to go away after it became apparent the outfit was not […]

Bike Nazi Endorses Bieter Bikes

Guest Opinion by BIKEBOY GUARDIAN bike Nazi A bike share – just like in the Big City! – is on the horizon, here in li’l ol’ Boise! The honchos are predicting that by the end of April, 114 shareable bikes will be available at 15 stations, scattered around the city center, north end, and BSU […]

Ada Has App To Track “Fugitive Emissions”

Its happened to all of us: FUGITIVE EMMISSIONS. Now its official. Something stinks at Ada County–the landfill to be exact, but the odor is just like the fugitive emissions we all know after eating a big burrito. But wait, there’s more! Ada County government has created an app for your mobile device to track those […]

What Happened To Honesty And Common Sense?

Gotta admit it has been difficult to write much in the way of “constructive” criticism lately with all the crooked businessmen and business deals coming to light and politicos trying to match the business folks. We have a plethora (for non-library types that’s a whole bunch) of scams that have come to light and not […]

Idaho Power Gets 15% Rate Hike

The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has authorized Idaho Power to bump power rates with an average hike of 15.3% due to low water levels. About 70% of all water in the West comes from snowpack and this year’s low levels are already putting a crimp on everything from fish to power generators. Here’s how the […]

Lawsuit Against Ada County Over Dynamis To Be Withdrawn

Counsel for the group suing Ada County over the Dynamis debacle have notified the GUARDIAN they intend to drop the complaint since it was against the former Ada Commishes and the new board has canceled the contract–at a cost of $2 million. In a statement they said, “The plaintiffs in the Idaho Citizens, et al., […]

Ada-Dynamis Deal Runs Out Of Energy, Commishes Kill Project

It isn’t electrifying news, but the new Ada County Commishes have disconnected with Dynamis over the proposed trash-to-energy plant at the county landfill. Dynamis gets to keep the $2 million the previous board paid the private company and agrees to not sue Ada for any future claims. “We fought to get the $2 million back, […]

Idaho Gas To Rescue Frozen Montana Town

With temperatures below zero in West Yellowstone, Montana it’s important to heat homes and places like fire stations with tanker trucks of water. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission today granted Intermountain Gas Company emergency authority to sell up to 100,000 gallons of liquefied natural gas from its Nampa LNG facility to aid residents of West […]

Name Your Favorite Stories For 2012

We trust everyone has opened their Christmas gifts, eaten a hearty meal and is now ready to reminisce about the past year’s news. Without a doubt the Ada-Dynamis energy to trash scandal has dominated the GUARDIAN posts, but there have been plenty of other misdeeds uncovered in government. You can use the search engine at […]

Citizens Group Takes Lead In Dynamis-Ada Scandal

Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government, Inc. has taken the lead in prosecuting a civil action against Dynamis and Ada County following a 6,000 page report by a private investigator to the Bannock Prosecutor who is acting as a “special prosecutor” for Ada County. The report turns up no direct benefit […]
