
This category contains 224 posts

Round 2 Of GUARDIAN “De-listed” by Boise PD

What honestly started out as an olive branch extended to the Boise FD to provide some needed warning signs has evolved (degenerated) into the police spokeswoman bumping the GUARDIAN from the media e-mail list which she said was for “media only,” but after KIVI jumped on the issue the reason for not sharing news tips […]

GUARDIAN “De-listed” As Media By BPD Spokeswoman

Boise City’s attempt to control the media and deny the GUARDIAN normal access afforded the news media took another turn Monday when we received this curt message from the police spokesperson: Dave – FYI – You are no longer on the “media” email list. The list is for media only. Feel free to call me […]

Boise Refuses To Post Free Warning Signs

Following the drowning death of a Garden City woman, a GUARDIAN reader contacted editor David R.Frazier suggesting that after three incidents at the same location in two weeks, perhaps some signs would be a good idea. We got them made overnight. After the GUARDIAN provided free warning signs–funded by reader donations–Boise Fire officials said they […]

Hotline Summary Is Tip Of Iceberg

It’s no secret the GUARDIAN is not happy with the new policy at Team Dave to summarize calls to the Mayor’s Hotline rather than provide a transcript to City Councilors and the media as it has done for years. A call reported this week diminishes the true tenor of how business is handled. Here is […]

City “Varnishes” Mayor Hotline Public Record

Mayor Dave Bieter’s “Team Dave” has decided to provide their own version of Hotline Calls made to the Mayor’s office after providing a word-for-word transcription to the media for years. We find it ironic the city spends $60,000 in public funds to “educate” voters about a political question on the November ballot, but eliminated a […]

Forget Bureaucrats, Trust Your Politicos

A series of recent events, backed up by press releases from the offices of politicos from City Hall to the United States Senate are leaving the GUARDIAN confused. Most recent was a move to locate TRACON–the local aviation radar operators who sit in a dark windowless room–in Boise instead of a consolidated facility at the […]

Secret Deal Puts Hammer Flat In Limbo, Public Access To Truth Denied

Sneaking around citizens has once again caused an otherwise good project to get a bad rap in Boise. The proposed Cliffs subdivision (known as Hammer Flat) on the plateau above Lucky Peak Dam has long been a winter home to deer antelope and elk. Wildlife groups fought the developer at public hearings and the development […]

Come To A GUARDIAN Party Thursday

Guardian’s first five years have flew How long it would last no one knew All I have to say Is keep plugging away And Happy Birthday to you! –Poet Paul GUARDIAN PARTY INVITATION TO: ALL READERS, friends, politicos, and anyone wanting to see what Cyclops, Cynic, and Kappa Ta, Timm, Paul, Clancy, Dean Gunderson, and […]

GUARDIAN Solves IPTV Forest Access Issue

Our good friends at Idaho Public TV got bullied out of making images in the Frank Church Wilderness by an overzealous Forest Ranger recently and now the Guv is involved in a little matter the GUARDIAN settled years ago. We sent the following note to Leo Kay, a friendly sounding bureaucrat who is just 8 […]

Statesman Voter Guide Hidden On-line

The Daily paper went to a ton of effort to build a voter guide in a noble effort to allow citizens a little insight into the background of primary election candidates–then promptly hid it from readers. Despite the best efforts of their staff, it is nearly impossible to find it on-line. How about a little […]

Germans Engineer Stealthy Detox Approach

One of our German readers sent along a link from DER SPIEGEL about a town that offers unemployed boozers their own “Cheers-type” gathering spot. A decidedly different approach to “detox.” The short version is the city spends money on soft drinks, coffee, etc. and allows the boozers to bring their own bottles to the bar. […]

Politicos Fare Poorly In Statesman

Primary election season is upon us–the time of year for bickering within the parties and outrageous explanations from the various campaigns. The DAILY PAPER is a treasure trove of good stuff this Thursday. Dan Popkey figuratively caught another politician with his “pants down” in a page one story about Congressional candidate Vaugh Ward vowing to […]

Two Quarters Does Not A Success Make

The Daily Paper devoted the Thursday cover and much of the inside local space to an optimistic piece about Micron making a profit two quarters in a row, quoting sources who thought it spelled a better economic outlook for the area. In our mind, that shouldn’t be news–businesses are SUPPOSED to show a profit. The […]

GUARDIAN Wins Best National Blog Sammie

Hollywood has its Oscars and activists have the “Sammies,” named after Samuel Adams, one of those fabled “Founding Fathers.” Some well intentioned reader nominated the GUARDIAN for “blogger of the year” and guess what? We won! Had it not been for the efforts of the cities to abolish the constitutional right of citizens to vote […]

Court Rules Against Boise City In Records Case

BOISE GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier has a right to a copy of security video showing a game of “strip hockey” at Boise City’s Ice World, despite Boise City’s denial of a public records request. Senior Judge George D. Carey issued a judgement following a Tuesday trial in Fourth District Court overturning the City’s denial. […]

Sweet Offer From G-BAD Boys

The Center on the Grove, operated by the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) sent a bunch of decorated cakes to newsrooms throughout the Valley today in an effort to garner good news reports about the convention center’s 20th anniversary. At least they haven’t claimed their so-called birthday party is a “public out reach” or an […]

Simplot Threatens To Leave Canyon County

J.R. Simplot Company’s environmental director threatened to “go somewhere else” in testimony before the Idaho Senate last week. The legislature has pretty much decided to allow the DEQ to implement plans for vehicle emission testing in Canyon County as the valley comes closer to “non attainment” of federal regulations…which will potentially affect how the Simplot […]

“Non-Partisan” Think Tank Issues Pork Report

An outfit called the Idaho Freedom Foundation is gaining traction billing itself as a “think tank” and offering the public a variety of “reports” and op-ed pieces. While they call themselves non-partisan, it is fair to say there probably aren’t too many liberal Democrats within the ranks. Wayne Hoffman, an able journalist and former press […]

Broncos Win, Now Its On To Legislature

Now that BSU has won another Fiesta Bowl, there won’t be much to talk about until the legislature comes back to town to figure how to keep government afloat with less money. Oh sure, we will have a few days of news about how Boise still gets no respect, but the media pundits are ready […]

Fox 12 Reporter Wins Dope Award

A reader has nominated Reporter Mike Vogel for a GUARDIAN ” TV Dope Reporter Award.” Vogel has been in, out, and back in the news game and probably didn’t even think about winning a GUARDIAN dope award when he touched his tongue to a metal pole at temperatures well below freezing on camera. He was […]
