News Media

This category contains 264 posts

ACHD Commishes Feud Over Secret Fee Hike Attempt

The Ada County Proseutor is looking into complaints from Ada County Highway Commishes over a series of e-mail messages from Commish Jim Hansen which appear to cut a “back room deal” to raise Ada County vehicle registration fees. IDAHO STATESMAN reporter Cynthia Sewell paints a picture which portrays Hansen as a power broker attempting to […]

Adams Is “St. Lukes” Of Idaho Newspapers

The Adams Publishing group is fast becoming the “St. Lukes” of the news business in Idaho. They have as many newspapers as St. Lukes has medical facilities. The Adams family chain purchased the Boise Weekly Wednesday, adding another link in the growing chain of daily and weekly newspapers owned by the group throughout southern Idaho. […]

Team Dave Favored Business Over Citizens In Library Deal

Our top researcher and reader, “Clancy,” gets credit for dredging up an old GUARDIAN story and a Cynthia Sewell Statesman piece from 2011 calling into question the decision to lease the Boise Library warehouse and parking area to a private company, even though future library plans were well known. Some seven years ago the GUARDIAN […]

Boise Is losing Its Sense Of Right And Wrong

The time has come for Boiseans to step up and CARE about what is happening at City Hall! Dave Bieter won his first race for mayor with a campaign based on ethics. That was after the previous mayor lost his moral compass, traveled the world, abused his expense account, and forgot he had been elected […]

Local Media Today Is The Government

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor Recent conversations with friends and a GUARDIAN reader’s comment about getting nothing but press releases from the local media got us to thinking about past and present. Nearly 50 years ago I was the police and fire reporter at the STATESMAN, covering cops, fires, and the courts. Both the Ada […]

War Game Plans Over City Ignored By Legacy Media

We are at a loss to understand why the legacy media has refused (declined) to share the plans of the United States Air Force at Mt. Home to expand its training range to include the sky over the city of Boise and eight other Idaho towns. Several GUARDIAN readers have asked why there has been […]

Pressless Paper Printing Problem

We take no joy in posting an unsubstantiated, but very likely accurate report that our friends at the IDAHO STATESMAN have lost their printer at the IDAHO FREE PRESS. The troubled Daily Paper farmed out the printing chores to the Nampa paper several years ago. Now word among the few print journalists left in the […]

Stop The Press! Time For Paperless Legal Ads?

Banks, stock brokers and every service provider from cell phones to cable TV urge us to “go paperless.” Even news providers encourage us to “visit our website.” All this got us to thinking about saving public money on legal ads–those notices about foreclosure of property, public auction sales, bankruptcies, and myriad other official notices full […]


NOTE: The GUARDIAN offers space to all candidates for Boise City Council to share their views with citizens and readers. Press release from Logan Kimball: KIMBALL ADVOCATES INCOME TAX ON DEVELOPER SUBSIDIES Responding to an item published in a WASHINGTON POST op-ed piece Wednesday about stadium funding schemes, Boise Council Candidate Logan Kimball noted, “The […]

Sen. Crapo Endorses Switchblade Knives

Interesting what you can get with a plaque and award when it comes to switchblade knives. This story has all sorts of “cutting edge” elements sprinkled with references about not being the “sharpest knife in the drawer.” The following press release is a great example of how to spin descriptions and prey upon conservative values, […]

Andrus Had Bearing, Stature, Class

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, GUARDIAN editor Whenever former Gov. Cecil “Cece” walked into the room, you knew he was there. He owned the place. My newspaper editor grandfather would have said, “He was a man of bearing.” Andrus, who died Thursday one day shy of his 85th birthday, was equally at home in a trim […]

Pollution Solution For Loose Goose

GUARDIAN readers have long advocated assorted meal plans for Boise’s homeless population supplementing diets with fresh goose meat. In Washington, D.C. the idea has apparently taken hold with the National Park Service. Here is a piece sent to us by a reader that addresses the problem of goose poop and feeding the hungry. In typical […]

Kim Fields Latest Dope Reporter Winner

Normally a class act among local TV anchors, KTVB-7 showed Kim Fields standing in ankle-deep water wearing chest waders along the Wood River, earning her a coveted DOPE REPORTER award from the GUARDIAN. With three nominations in our morning mail, it is obvious KTVB has plenty of viewers. KBOI-2 showed stock images of Garden City […]

Jeff Platt Latest Dope Reporter Winner

Competition for the GUARDIAN “dope reporter award” is heating up among the local newsies. Not to be outdone by the crosstown rivals at KTVB, Jeff Platt of KBOI-TV 2 got caught Wednesday evening playing in a canal. While sternly warning viewers about the dangers of easily accessible canals and the number one cause of death […]

Morgan Boydston Wins Dope Reporter Award

KTVB Channel 7 is this year’s first winner of a coveted DOPE REPORTER award for standing in flood water along the Boise River wearing a pair of boots when the only reason to stand in the water was theatrics. In her stand up appearance during the Friday 10 pm newscast she noted the water was […]

Council Defers $100K For F-35 PR Deal

Boise’s City Council deferred action on funding a PR campaign toy get the F-35 fighter jet based in Boise. Prior to the 6 p.m. Tuesday meeting the GUARDIAN learned the proposed resolution to spend up to $100,000 with a Washington, D.C. firm to attract the F-35 fighter to Boise had been put off until April […]

F-35 Noise Issues Fall On Deaf ears

Gov. Butch Otter, with Boise Mayor Dave Bieter standing alongside, signed a bill Tuesday that will authorize expenditure of $100,000 in taxpayer funds to lobby on behalf of basing the admittedly noisy F-35 fighter in Boise. Stars & Stripes, the military newspaper in Japan, recently reported a Japanese court has awarded residents near Kadena AF […]

“Dope Reporter” Warning During High Water

The long standing tradition of awarding the coveted GUARDIAN “Dope Reporter” status is about to re-emerge during the high water season along area rivers and streams. The rules are simple. Any TV newsy caught needlessly standing in water will get the award. True rescues, wading to get a good camera angle, and other legitimate moves […]

2017 Resolutions Unchanged From 2016.

The new year resolution list hasn’t changed, so we will gladly post anything you wish to add. The GUARDIAN promises to at least try to have a more positive attitude during the coming year. One step in that direction would be fulfilling the following list of New Year’s resolutions: –Boise city council will abandon any […]

Statesman Building For Sale $6.9 million

News to some and “old news” to others, the hometown paper without a printing press will be searching for a new home if the building at Curtis and Irving sells. Don Day at BOISEDEV first broke the story several weeks ago. A reader offered us a “breaking news” tip today and it appears after reading […]
