
This category contains 174 posts

90% Of Priest Lake Cottage Leases Held By Non-Residents, 90% of Payette Sites Are Held By Idahoans

We got this note recently from a North Idaho reader following the Idaho Supreme Court decision which calls for open bidding on state owned cottage sites around North Idaho’s Priest Lake and Payette Lake near McCall. The Statesman and other media have reported frequently and rather sympathetically about lease rates being raised to a level closer […]

Supremes Say Cottage Lease Law Unconstitutional

In a ruling released Friday the Idaho Supreme Court eliminated the “home field advantage” for cottage leaseholders on state land at Payette and Priest Lakes. We have to hand it to Attorney General Lawrence Wasden for suing his fellow land board members over the issue–a 1990 law giving current lessees priority for lease renewals. He […]

A Sign Of Things To Come?

The day job took the GUARDIAN to the resort town of Traverse City, Michigan last week where we enjoyed an easy visit thanks to directional signs posted at nearly every intersection. The locals call them “way signs,” but regardless of what they are called, they are just what we have been calling for in Boise […]

GBAD “Directional Plan” Keeps Visitors Aimless

Since the GUARDIAN has advocated directional signs at major Boise intersections for more than 5 years, we were encouraged to receive the minutes from an April 6 Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) meeting which discussed “directional statements.” We read things like, “…meetings to determine directional statements…make sure we are on the right path…state how where […]

Thoughts From The Road

The day job has the GUARDIAN on the road making photographs and observing the “American Condition.” We share some random observations. –The new bridge across the Coloorado River below Hoover Dam is a great time saver if you are headed south of Las Vegas, but you can’t see it (or the dam) as you drive […]

Boise Government Dawn Of “Common Sense”?

We don’t know who is behind floating a new approach to Boise River recreation laws, but we sure hope it holds water. Team Dave’s weekly PR note on the city website talks of a common sense approach to ordinances aimed at creating a safe river float–including reducing splashing offenses from misdemeanor crimes to infractions. That […]

Local Banker To Join GBAD Board

The GUARDIAN has learned of the imminent appointment of Rob Perez, a local banker, to the Greater Boise Auditorium District Board. He will be confirmed at the Monday meeting to fill the vacancy created by the departure of former board member Mike Fitzgerald. The following bio was provided by the District: Rob Perez joined Idaho […]

Navy Contract Reads Like Dream Ski Vacation

If you are swishing the Warm Springs run at Sun Valley and find a guy following you with machine gun and a bumper sticking reading, “WE GOT OSAMA,” you just might be in the middle of a training exercise. We feel a bit like the Wikkileaks guy in England, but since the information is already […]

GUARDIAN Apology, Out of Contact

For all those who have wondered why so little new material has appeared, it’s because the day job has the GUARDIAN in Asia. We paid a brief visit to Yangon, Myanmar (Rangoon, Burma) where we stopped by Aung San Suu Kiy’s home. She was under house arrest for nearly 13 years, but it was hardly […]

Forget Convention Center Expansion, Fix What We Have

As 2012 opens the calendar we can plan on all sorts of schemes to attract visitors, create jobs, woo businesses, and otherwise grow ourselves into prosperity. The G-BAD boys and girls have expansion on their collective mind. How about simple fixing up existing Greater Boise Auditorium District facilities and make them better–not bigger? The Wall […]

Priming the News Pump–Choose Your Topic

With many of our readers gone and much of the legacy media not reporting any news, we are left to fend for ourselves with some “make news” topics of discussion. The GUARDIAN has been reporting from Hawaii the past week where we shared top visitor billing with the Obama family, hence little in the way […]

Idaho Legislative Turkey Trot Redux

We previously questioned the propriety of a visit to Turkey by no less than 10 Idaho legislators and their spouses recently–especially after finding it was funded mostly by the Pacifica Institute, an organization with a less than stellar reputation on Google. More thought prompts the following questions: #1–Would the legislature appropriate funds to send 10 […]

Legislators Have No Business In Turkey

Whenever states enter into the international arena of business and diplomacy you can figure there is something wrong with the plan. The local news outlets played it pretty straight yesterday when news was received that a delegation of Idaho legislators and their spouses was safe following a terrorist blast in Ankara, Turkey. This was nothing […]

Can’t Find Local Officials? Try Valley County’s Tamarack Resort

If you can’t find your local mayor, city councilor, or county commish, try looking at Tamarack Resort in Valley County. These members of the “Treasure Valley Partnership”–comprised of local elected officials–are spending YOUR tax money for hotel rooms, travel, and rental houses to meet and discuss a topic near and dear to Treasure Valley residents: […]

GBAD Ponies Up Cash To BCVB

The GBAD boys were able to get around the GBAD girls Wednesday and pony up $24,500 to the Boise Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for promotional services. No other agency was asked to bid. The Greater Boise Auditorium District treasurer refused to sign a check to BCVP, citing a Pocatello court ruling that prevented using auditorium […]

Petition To Dissolve GB Could Circulate

The latest round in the battle of the GBAD boys (and girls) is a potential petition drive to dissolve the Greater Boise Auditorium District. IT would require 3,000 valid signatures to get it on the ballot. The two players who say they may circulate the petition (copy below) are a couple of losers in last […]

Leave Town To Attract Boise Tourism, Business

Treasure Valley Politicos just “DON’T GET IT.” They want to attract people to the Treasure Valley for tourism and economic development, but they choose to do their backroom deals clear up at TAMARACK in Valley County of all places. It makes no sense to the GUARDIAN for all the citizens of the various units of […]

Serious Attitude On Speeding In Canada

The day job took the GUARDIAN editor on a lengthy road trip during the past couple of weeks, including a spin around the North Shore of Lke Superior in Canada. The 90 kph speed limit translates to 55 mph. These big blue and yellow signs were an intimidating factor when it came to passing someone […]

GBAD Scuffle Turns Serious

The Greater Boise Auditorium District hassle between board members has gone from political to formal complaints of illegal actions by fellow board members. The GUARDIAN has learned GBAD board member Judy Peavey-Derr has filed a formal complaint with Ada County Prosecutor Greg Bower against three fellow board members. Her allegations include illegal meetings between the […]

World’s Largest Swan Decoy

With an overpopulation of Canada geese at Julia Davis Park, we were somewhat shocked Tuesday to see what appeared to be a gigantic Swan decoy paddling around the lagoon. The decoy was so big it held a man and two children. The geese were fooled, but we have yet to see any swans following them […]
