
This category contains 152 posts

N. Idaho Court Upholds Constitution

SANDPOINT–First District Judge Charles W. Hosack ruled Friday that a planned lease-purchase scheme to build a jail and detention facility violates the Idaho Constitution, specifically a provision that requires a public vote on debts and liabilities that extend beyond one fiscal year. Under the plan, property at the sheriff’s office complex in Sandpoint would have […]

Musings From Northern Spain and France

After a week of crusing about northern Spain and SW France making photos for the day job, it is time for the GUARDIAN to share some thoughts–and give you all some topics for the blog. For ease of navigating, we will offer up observations as follows:: –Gas in France is 1.52€ per liter and only 1.19€ […]

Weekly Features Guardian Editor

In a well written and fair piece about the cities of Idaho vs the citizens right to vote, Lora Volkert wrote about the perils of urban renewal in the current issue of BOISE WEEKLY. The decision in Third District Court is still pending, so no comments here further than the court record reported by Volkert.

Boise Fires Like A Gut Punch

Sitting in heart of Spain´s Basque country in an internet cafe, I checked the Daily Paper and my gut is sick when I read of the fires and Mary Ellen Ryder, a linguistic professor from Boise State University. If it is the lady  who frequented the Moxie Java on Vista, I can say she was […]

Mayor Hotlines July 26-Aug 8

Combined two hotlines this week and there is a broad–universal support–of the decision by Team Dave to leave the trees along the river intact, despite pleas from Velma to clear the view for an office building. Cops are questioned about outfitting cars in Oregon, several calls from folks who need help from somewhere other than […]

Caldwell Councilor On TVCC Funding Scheme

A GUARDIAN reader inquired of a Caldwell City Councilor about the wisdom of the lease-purchase scheme about to be signed with Oregon’s Treasure Valley Community College without voter approval when the College of Western Idaho has yet to even open its doors. Here–unedited–is the explanation she got from a Caldwell Councilor: “This is true with […]

Plans For (Mark) Rivers City

We listened to BoDo developer Mark Rivers enthusiastic gushings about some vague plans for a “Library Blocks”–six to be exact–development at the Monday City Club of Boise luncheon. With numerous references to “instant gratification, A.D.D., three shot espresso, and strategizing,” it was hard to decide if the guy is “smooth” or “slick.”  Regardless, he is […]

Ride Share Worthy Of Masses

Ada County has the right idea launching a car pool clearing house using GIS mapping software and matching riders with drivers, but they offer it as a perk for county employees–forgetting the taxpayers who pay for the bills. Like most government folks, they just need a little supervision. In a press release that managed to […]

No Wonder French Bottle Water

A reader sent us a link that should have the local mainstreamer media ringing up the Guv and the Idaho Falls nuke cheerleaders for comment. Doubt if the story from the BBC will alarm any of them. “Looks like Idaho’s new French nuke partner has sprung a leak,” says our reader, Calsq. Here is a […]

Mayor Hotline May 31 to June 6

Perverts Parade, bike safety, gas prices and more. Here is the link: Download file

Bieter Forgot To Ask Permission of ACHD

Not only did Team Dave’s four year target to build a trolley seem overly optimistic, it didn’t consider the streets or permission to use them. The GUARDIAN contacted the Ada County Highway District–the agency with authority over ALL streets in Ada County–asking about the Bieter trolley proposal. The response from an ACHD spokesman illustrates a […]

Property Tax Notices Coming Soon

We had a chat with the man everyone loves to hate, Ada Assessor Bob McQuade, about the tax assessment notices set to go out over the weekend. He tells the GUARDIAN that overall values are nearly flat–a .5% increase. There were actually 44,000 residential properties showing a DECREASE in value, but 100,000 with an increase […]

Where In The World Is Dave Bieter?

In case you missed Team Dave leader, Mayor Bieter, he has been at the nation’s capitol to accept a Wheaties box on behalf of Boise–once again we are in the national spotlight. Here is the text of a press release from Team Dave along with a photo they provided. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Afterschool Alliance […]

Mayor Hotline May 3 to 9

The vast majority of the calls are regarding the foothills dog leash issue. We have included the entire record from the mayor’s office as a file–it is 17 pages long. 5/3/08 Tony Davis Red Light Runners: The last 2 weeks people are running red lights like crazy. It’s pretty scary. I saw 4 or 5 […]

New Leaders At North Ada Group

The activist folks of the North Ada County Foothills Association have been quite a voice in Ada land use issues and that voice may get louder. NACFA is a citizen association founded in 2002 by those concerned about growth pressure in the foothills north of Eagle. We know some of them have growthophobe sentiments. Long […]

Mayor Hotline April 5 to 11

INCOMING CHOPPER, GROWTHOPHOBES UNITED, BARKING DOG, DUMPSTER 4/10/08 Doug Stuart 5416 Hill Rd. Boise, ID Plano Lane Development: I was one of the residents at the River Glen Jr. High School concerning the Capital Development in the foothills (the 333 acres, 154 single-family homes between Collister and Plato Ln. above Hill Rd.) I feel that […]

Technology Changes Workplace Ethics

Comments at both the GUARDIAN and the Daily paper about the moonlighting poop plant personnel tell us technology has changed the face of the USA workplace in ways we never envisioned just a few years ago. If Boise officials do a sincere investigation and review of the case, they will probably come up with more […]

Citizens Prevail Over Canyon Commishes

The rights of citizens were advanced Friday thanks to a decision of the Idaho Supreme Court. In a nutshell THE DECISION allows a group of citizens to sue Canyon County Commishes for violating the state constitution. The Commishes had entered into a long term debt agreement to purchase land for a law enforcement complex, but […]

Low Level Living Leads to Lots of Liquid

A note of concern from Joan Lechtenberg on E. Nature Drive in Boise could be a harbinger of the coming spring runoff which will undoubtedly be robust as the result of what appears to be a “normal” snowpack. She called the office of Team Dave at City Hall noting those pesky developers are dumping fill […]

Council To Meet In Depot

We got a nice note from Team Dave’s leader Wednesday. Dear David: I invite all of you to join us at the Boise Depot next Tuesday, Jan. 8, for the swearing-in of your mayor and three city council members. I’ll be taking the oath of office, as will re-elected council members Elaine Clegg, David Eberle […]
