Archive for June, 2008

Kuna Sized Project On Hwy 55?

Two big players in local development decisions are showing signs of GROWTHOPHOBIA which could be good news for opponents of Dry Creek Ranch and Cartwright Ranch. Dry Creek Ranch is a massive “planned community” (subdivision) of 4,300 homes and townhouses. This development, which expects a population about the size of Kuna, is slated for prime […]

Can CWI Trustees Be Trusted?

Good piece in the Daily Paper today by Bill Roberts about financial woes at the new community college that isn’t. He reports College of Western Idaho trustees are facing growing costs and uncertainty about property tax levies. Like Bill Clinton’s debate of “what IS is,” there seems to be a question of the details of […]

Mayor Hotline June 22-27

RADIO WAVES, MORE CALIFORNIA NUTS, VALLEY RIDE IS NO RIDE, ANIMAL CONTROL DOESN’T 6/22/08 Michelle McMullen 1501 N. 12th St. Boise, ID Humane Society: I came across something that’s rather interesting. I had a stray dog follow me and my dog home. Unfortunately I can’t keep it here; it is scared to death of my […]

Wonder? Of Nature

Here is something we ran across in real life that we found interesting. The photo was made along steep cliffs along Salmon Falls Reservoir south of Twin Falls, Idaho. While on a recent fishing trip (We got a real nice Walleye) we noticed the swallows flying madly around the cliffs. Upon close inspection we discovered […]

Firms Pay To Play With Cities

The GUARDIAN attended a joint meeting of the City Club of Boise and the Association of Idaho Cities Friday to hear national commentator David Gergen’s words of wisdom on the national political scene. He said the usual stuff about the need for a national energy solution, solve the Iraq problem, and improve education…we cannot argue […]

Commishes Make Annual Fireworks Threat

Each year the Ada Commishes pass a temporary ban on the use of fireworks in unincorporated Ada County–the area outside cities and fire districts. They send out a grave press release declaring anyone violating the ordinance can be fined $1,000, sentenced to 6 months in jail–or both. Idle threats if you look at the facts. […]

Mayor Hotline June 14 to 20

LECTURING COUNCILOR ON PARK PARKING, FIREFIGHTER FIGHTER, GRAFFITI 6/14/08 Mark Rinehart 5326 Kootenai Boise, ID 83705 Park Towing: It’s about 1:15 Saturday afternoon on the 14th. I have a comment after reading the Saturday morning edition of the Statesman; a comment regard Ms. Clegg’s irateness over the Parks and Rec.’s policies regarding towing and abandoned […]

Growthophobia Symptom Of Kastera Death?

The economic medicine is apparently beginning to cure severe cases of “growthophobia.” First it was Tamarack bankrupt, then the recent ruling on the downtown “Boise Pit.” Today we got a nasty tip about inside bloodletting at Kastera Homes. Looks like nearly all the top dogs from the CEO on down have been dumped. The lead […]

Why They Call Them FireFIGHTERS!

The Boise Fire Department sure has a way with words. When a fireman popped a dude in the jaw nine months ago in the parking lot of the Torch II strip joint on Vista and got charged in June 2008 for assault, it came out officially like this: “Boise Firefighter Steve Satterlee has been charged […]

Mayor Hotline June 7 to 13

Lengthy transcript this week. Support for trolley, motorcycle cops, unfair dog ticket, “Call me, I am Basque,” California Nuts, No free parking at Airport, Fairview-Curtis cell tower. Download file

Paper Goes Pressless To Avoid Red Ink

Barely a month before its 144th birthday, Idaho’s largest newspaper announced it will soon be without a printing press. Founder James S. Reynolds would rollover in his grave if he were to learn the paper he founded will soon be without its own printing press. Coming from Maine with intentions of opening a paper in […]

Not Able To Recycle Recycle Bin!

The GUARDIAN learns something new every day…and tries to share it with you. Mrs. Guardian went to the curb recently while the Recycle Guy was searching the Daily Paper throw aways for coupons. “Any way we can get a new bin since this one is all busted up?” she asked. “Just happen to have a […]

Father Clegg Offers Insight

In the interest of fairness, the GUARDIAN is posting a response from Mr. Brett Clegg. It is reasoned, restrained, and should be treated with respect by GUARDIAN readers. Our guess is that some official action may be forthcoming with regard to park parking. My daughter got a good scolding. She learned a hard lesson and […]

Mayor Hotline May 31 to June 6

Perverts Parade, bike safety, gas prices and more. Here is the link: Download file

Police Patches, Look Alike Cars Abound

When is a cop car not a cop car? When it is driven by a renta cop trying to look just like a real cop. A couple of readers report sighting a white Ford Crown Vic “police car” sporting a set of overhead lights, the outline of Idaho on a shiny gold shield pasted to […]

Illegal Valet Parking Scam Downtown

For those wanting downtown Boise to grow up and be like a big city, your wishes may be coming true. When GUARDIAN reader Ryan noticed a guy at 6th and Main last Friday walking back and forth, but not really doing anything it caught his attention. After awhile three cars left parking spaces outside China […]

Councilor Clegg Furious At Park Policy

When it comes to daughters of local politicos in conflict with the law, Meridian’s Tammy de Weerd doesn’t have a corner on the market. Boise City Councilor Elaine Clegg’s young daughter parked her car in a yellow NO PARKING zone last month at Ann Morrison Park only to find the vehicle had been towed when […]

Bieter Forgot To Ask Permission of ACHD

Not only did Team Dave’s four year target to build a trolley seem overly optimistic, it didn’t consider the streets or permission to use them. The GUARDIAN contacted the Ada County Highway District–the agency with authority over ALL streets in Ada County–asking about the Bieter trolley proposal. The response from an ACHD spokesman illustrates a […]

Boise Mayors and Trains Page Two

Someone PLEASE explain what it is with Boise Mayors and trains! Boise Mayor Dave Bieter is now floating another attempt at a downtown trolley to run from the Depot–which is closed to the public most of the time–to downtown among other routes. He tells the business “leaders” at the charity speech for the Chamber of […]

North Enders Get Special Treatment

A GUARDIAN reader living on the bench in Boise noticed ACHD gives advance notice of street sweeping in the North End and wonders why she can’t have the same in her neighborhood. Even on “GUARDIAN STREET” the sweeper has to navigate around parked cars and pick ups, leaving large patches unswept. The thinking is that […]
