Archive for March, 2011

GUARDIAN Featured In Columbia Journalism Review

A highly respected professional journal, the Columbia Journalism Review (Columbia University), has featured the Boise GUARDIAN in a recent article. Our humble attitude and softball reporting style was probably what got the attention of one of the top J-schools in the USA. Take a read at CJR. If you are a newsmedia reader or an […]

City Election Could Be Ultimate “Job Stimulus”

It hardly ranks near “Dancing With The Stars” or “American Idol,” but there is an import vote coming up in November–for Boise City offices. Team Dave’s figurehead, Mayor Dave Bieter and four council seats are up for grabs. There is no primary for these city offices, but at seven months out we don’t see any […]

Hammer Flat Declared “No Fly Zone”

Hang glider enthusiasts are at odds with Boise City–especially Team Dave–because they have been banned since the land came under public ownership using $4 million in public Foothills Levy funds. John Kangas, spokesman for the group claims his fellow flyers have soared over the eastern edge of the city for 35 years from the Crow […]

TVCTV Favors Democratic Politicos

Local public access cable channel 11 at TVCTV hardly is hardly in the league of National Public Radio, but they have sure left themselves open to claims of liberal bias. A press release about an upcoming fundraiser telethon says,”TVCTV’s mission is to facilitate a free exchange of ideas, community dialogue and cultural and artistic expression […]

Boise Library Joins Communist Movement

communism |ˈkämyəˌnizəm| (often Communism) noun a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned…Central to Marxist theory is an explanation of social change in terms of economic factors, according to which the means of production provide the economic base, which influences or […]

Mayor Hotline March 12 to 18

3/16/11 Tracy Johnson ISSUE: Tracy from Earth Day Network. She would like know Boise’s plans for Earth Day and to highlight city’s work on their website. PW – email 3/17/11 Ray Panhandling should be outlawed. The Sanctuary should be examined by the Health Department. Panhandlers are engaging in illicit activities near the skateboard park by […]

Idaho Offers Businesses A Welfare Home

While Idaho legislators are looking for money in all the wrong places, the text from a Dept. of Commerce brochure is quite revealing. In short, the state and local governments are in an economic civil war with their neighbors in a battle predicated upon seeing who can give away the most. Businesses decide where to […]

Politicos Cater To Special Interests

It’s enough to turn your stomach listening to the politicos at all levels crying about the lack of revenue for education, police, medicaid, on one hand while their other hand is quietly catering to special interests. Senior Crapo complains almost daily about Obama fiscal policies, yet he seeks to redefine “small brewers” and cut taxes […]

Urban Renewal Remains Without Oversight

Despite the efforts of urban renewal reform proponents, non-government agencies funded by tax dollars remain without oversight, thanks to a legislature apparently averse to allowing citizens a voice in their government. At least 10 bills were considered during the session–most aimed at allowing citizens some sort of vote to either create UR districts, approve debt, […]

No Vests, But Guns Are OK On Campus

In its infinite wisdom, the Idaho House has passed a bill that would allow 18 year old college kids to “open carry” guns on college campuses including at sporting events. This proves that “March Madness” is not just about basketball! Wonder how they would have voted and what the response would have been if half […]

Idaho Ag Heritage Park Is Good Fit At Expo Idaho

Since horse racing can’t get out of the starting gate, the GUARDIAN suggests the county join forces with the G-BAD BOYS and Garden City with an eye toward creating an “Idaho Agricultural Heritage Park at the fairgrounds (Expo-Idaho). The commishes turned down the most recent sole bid for racing at the fairgrounds and we think […]

BoDo Developer “Passionate” About Niagara Falls

We got a tip about Boise developer Mark Rivers’ attempt to hustle some bucks out of the city of Niagara Falls, New York–not unlike the parking garage deal he got from Boise’s CCDC for the Hampton Inn. When we looked at the details of the deal and the way the mayor dishes out studies and […]

Mayor Hotline February 26 to March 4

2/28/11 Dan Todd Economy Transmission Service 7024 W Overland Road Boise, ID 83709 ISSUE: He received two letters from PDS notifying that his electronic sign is not in compliance with City Code. He doesn’t understand and would like to talk to somebody about this issue. PDS 3/1/11 Betty ISSUE: Thinks people should not be allowed […]

Urban Renewal Bills Moving Along

In a comprehensive look at current legislation, Idaho Statesman reporter Cynthia Sewell explains the issues surrounding urban renewal in Idaho. Check out her piece, it is worth the read on an important issue for any who cherish the right to vote and shape their surroundings.

Boise Officials Avoid Public Scrutiny

Boise officials have continued a legacy of backroom deals and deceptive behavior on a foothills convservation project that probably is a worthwhile endeavor. The Hammer Flat land acquisition was done in secret using $4 million in Boise tax funds with the explanation the deal had to be secret to keep the price low–action permitted by […]

Goose Dog Spared Death Penalty

An orphaned pooch facing the death penalty has gotten a reprive, but will still go to prison–and she hasn’t even committed a crime! We did a story about GOOSE HERDING dogs two years ago and it looks like only recently has the Boise Parks Dept. followed up on action passed by the ParK Board at […]

More Student Exploitation Concerns

A concerned parent sent us the following message, raising concerns about using students for fundraising causes. It certainly is worth discussing the propriety of of turning students into mini sales forces, regardless how noble the cause. “I just got my weekly email newsletter from Discovery Elementary, and they are doing a fundraiser “to help kids.” […]

Boise County Bankruptcy Is Historic

While Boise County is set to file for bankruptcy in federal court, there probably won’t be any auctions for snowplows and road graders in the near future. Since the developers who won the $4 million judgement against the county are themselves delinquent in paying their property taxes to the tune of $368,182, we expect a […]

Students To Be Exploited For Revenue?

(8) The state board of education shall promulgate rules authorizing local boards of trustees to sell advertising space on school buses. Such rules shall provide for the safe placement of such advertising and shall provide for reasonable restrictions on advertising content. Idaho’s Senate passed a bill (S1111) Tuesday that will allow advertising on school buses. […]

Mayor Hotline Feb 19 to 25

2/23/11 Zach Greer Zip: 83607 ISSUE: Are there rules against playing guitar on a bench in downtown Boise for money? Police EDITOR NOTE–Zach, it depends on whether the musician can play well. Anything helps, God bless! 2/23/11 Anonymous ISSUE 1: Police should go to the alley between 1010 W Franklin Street and 1016 W Franklin […]
