
This category contains 109 posts

Prosecutor Defers To Citizens Lawsuit To Answer Ada Commish-Dynamis Issues

The Bannock County Prosecutor has issued a press release which comes as no surprise regarding the conduct of the Ada Commishes in the Dynamis trash to enegy scheme. The GUARDIAN has held the position the major “illegal action” was the violation of the Idaho Constitution when they gave away $2 million to a private firm […]

Taxpayers Big Losers When It Comes To “Purchasing Prosperity”

With Wednesday’s news that Micron–Idaho’s largest non-profit company–has failed in its latest government subsidized venture comes a message that taxpayer cash is no ticket to prosperity. The firm announced layoffs of 30 workers and a shutdown of a venture aimed at producing LED lights. The company frittered away $5 million in stimulus money paid by […]

Ada Plays Hide N’ Seek With Public Records

Ada County continues its game of “hide n’ seek” when it comes to public records by telling the DAILY PAPER it will cost $110 to obtain copies of public comment submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The cover letter is a damning comment from P&Z about the process of approving the Dynamis trash to […]

More Stink Raised Over Dynamis Trash Deal

The Idaho Conservation League filed has filed a lawsuit in Fourth District Court challenging two recent actions taken by the Ada County Board of Commissioners to approve the controversial Dynamis “waste-to-energy” facility at the Ada County Landfill. The suit challenges the Commission’s 2-to-1 vote on Oct 23 to create an “industrial park” for the Dynamis […]

Ada Commishes Tell Dynamis To Pay Within 90 Days

Ada Commishes voted unanimously Wednesday to tell Dynamis to essentially “pay up or shut up” with regard to the proposed waste to energy project at the Ada County landfill. Commish Sharon Ullman–an avid supporter of the project to date–was the one who made the motion which called for a LETTER to Dynamis telling them to […]

Even With Payback, $2 Million Dynamis Deal Would Remain Illegal

Ada Commishes will consider a motion to demand repayment of a $2 million loan made to Dynamis back in 2010. The meeting is at 1p.m. Wednesday at the Court House on Front St. Under terms of the contract, the waste to energy company must repay the loan prior to construction of the processing plant. The […]

Dynamis Project Faces Court Challenge

After months of sabre rattling, the group opposed to the Dynamis trash to energy project at the Ada County landfill has filed a lawsuit in Fourth District Court challenging the legality of the project. You can read the 59 page COMPLAINT in its entirety, but it boils down to six allegations from Idaho Citizens for […]

Ada Commish Meeting Ends With “Recall Yzaguirre” Chant

Described by one observer as “bizarre,” The Tuesday morning Ada County Commission meeting ended with visitors chanting, “Recall Yzaguirre,” as they filed out of the meeting room following approval of a lease agreement with Dynamis. During Tuesday’s meeting, Commissioner Dave Case made a futile motion to terminate all Dynamis agreements and demand repayment of the […]

Procedural Moves May Out Maneuver Public On Dynamis Deal

A series of procedural moves by the Ada Commishes could be aimed at ignoring public comment into the approval process for the Dynamis trash to energy project according to the group opposing the idea. Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government claims the Ada Commishes will attempt Tuesday to pass a resolution–which […]

Ada P&Z To Hold Special Dynamis Meeting

Ada County issued a terse press release Friday announcing special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider a hearing on the Dynamis trash to energy project. The Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a special meeting on October 25, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Main Hearing Room #1235, on […]

Yzaguirre Recall Sought By Ada Commish Candidate

Larry Rincover, the long shot Democratic candidate for Ada County Commish, is seeking the recall of incumbent Commish Rick Yzaguirre over the Dynamis trash to energy scandal. Rincover ran unopposed in the primary and faces Jim Tibbs, former Boise City Councilor-Police Chief-Drug Czar-Correction Board Member in the November election. Rincover has run what can only […]

Citizens Group Releases Damning Info On Dynamis-Ada Commish Scandal

The group calling itself “Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government” has released a string of documents from a public RECORDS REQUEST which indicate Ada Commishes bought computers, paid consulting fees and much more on behalf of Dynamis and the proposed trash to energy project. Commish Sharon Ullman hand delivered some of […]

Did County Legal Dept. Act In Bad Faith?

The Ada County Prosecutor’s office needs a reminder about their ultimate boss. It is the people of Ada County, not the Commishes. When the Idaho Statesman was sent a LETTER denying access to public information on the grounds the information was a “personnel matter” exempt from disclosure, that office acted in bad faith in our […]

Kudos To Statesman For Commish-Dynamis Story

Kudos to the DAILY PAPER for some good old fashioned journalism on the Ada Commission coverage in today’s paper. No sense in us attempting to match reporter Cynthia Sewell on this one. She simply “told it like it is.” It is a long read by today’s news standards, but she covered the 12 minutes of […]

Private Eye, Former Boise Ombudsman Investigator To Probe Ada Commish-Dynamis Deal

Verna R. Kessler, a former investigator for the Boise Office of Ombudsman, has been assigned to the investigation of the Ada Commishes and Dynamis Energy. The “hot potato” investigation has been passed off from the Ada Sheriff, Ada Prosecutor, Attorney General, Bannock Sheriff, Boise Police, and now a private investigator. Perhaps the sixth time will […]

Dynamis “Hot Potato” Probe Lands At Boise PD

The “hot potato” investigation of the Ada Commishes and Dynamis which no one wants to handle has finally landed in the lap of the Boise Police. The inquiry was begun when a CITIZENS GROUP wrote letters to the County, State, and Federal prosecutors demanding action The GUARDIAN started getting tips during the past week saying […]

Alternative Energy Firms Don’t Have Power To Succeed

The thought of generating electricity using the natural power of the sun and wind struck a cord with environmentalists, investors, and legislators about 30 years ago. Federal and state tax dollars poured into the “alternative fuel” industry and laws requiring power companies to purchase the electricity from these sources came out of Washington and state […]

Ada Over Extends Its Power To Power Power

The DAILY PAPER‘s Cynthia Sewell has once again done a great job digging through the trash at Ada County, this time to come up with details surrounding the pending $30 million tort claim filed last month. As the GUARDIAN reported on July 25, there just isn’t enough garbage to go around after county commishes cut […]

Dynamis Circles Wagons, Conservation League Opposes Waste-to-Energy Project

The GUARDIAN has been skeptical from the beginning about the so-called trash to energy plant proposed at the town dump. Now it looks like just about everyone is against the project. Conservatives and libertarians oppose the financing, the neighborhood greenies question the environmental issues and now the Idaho Conservation League is on record against issuing […]

Dynamis Deal Declared DOA in Wyoming

Once on the list of “projects underway, in the works, awaiting completion, etc.” a garbage to energy plant in Riverton, Wyoming has joined the list of failed projects for Dynamis–the outfit with a 30 year contract and $2 million in Ada tax money. Seems like any news about Dynamis and its principals is bad these […]
