Law Enforcement

This category contains 480 posts

Everything Old Is New Again

Boise’s fire department gave away a fire engine this week to the Ada County Sheriff’s Department. The move is allowed under state law and it should save taxpayers a few dollars. Chief Dennis Doan told the GUARDIAN he wanted the former fire rig to be decorated in any color but red and not have it […]

2C Commishes Seek To “Educate” Voters

Ysabel Bilbao, former KTVB news reporter and Lt. Gov. Brad Little public relations FLAK has gone into the education business on behalf of Canyon County for $3,500 a month in public funds. Seems the Commishes in 2C feel the voters aren’t very smart and need to get “educated.” While they give tax breaks to about […]

Topics For Discussion, Let’s Talk

Sorry for the lack of content lately. Other priorities and lack of motivation are prime excuses. Here are some topics for discussion and we freely admit they are not all new. –Boise officials and the USAF staged a demonstration of their close air support (CAS) urban warfare training over our fair city at the end […]

Copper Caps Dog To Save Dog

There is an old adage in journalism that says, “MAN BITES DOG is news, not the other way around.” Well, in another one of those all too often pit bull incidents, a lady in the 4000 block of Kootenai called police Thursday to save her golden retriever from the apparent jaws of death. It was […]

Judge Judged As Justices Serve Justice

Here is a criminal case that defies logic. The following is a press release from the Ada County Prosecutor’s office. On November 16, 2018, Jaime Charboneau was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a burglary and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon committed on February 15, 2016. A jury had found Charboneau guilty of […]

Woman Injured By Dinosaur That Scootered Away

It finally happened last Sunday in Boise, not Jurassic Park. The first injury accident with one of those e-scooters took place at 6th and Front Streets in Boise. Witnesses said it was a hit-and-run dinosaur. Here is the official police report: Boise Police and the City of Boise continue to monitor E-Scooter use across the […]

Police Oversight Is Akin To Insurance Policy

The GUARDIAN has long considered the Boise Office of Police Oversight (Ombudsman) as a representative of the citizens and an “insurance policy.” You hope you don’t need it, but glad it is there. After a series of “critical incidents” resulting in the death of a police officer and numerous suspects, the ombudsman office was established […]

Boise Ombudsman Acting City Attorney

Unless Boise’s Team Dave has quietly appointed a new person to oversee police “critical incidents,” the current ombudsman will be in a position to both investigate and defend Boise coppers. Seems that Natalie Camacho Mendoza, the ombudsman, is also the interim Boise City Attorney, according to an e-mail notification sent to Fourth District Court. Camacho […]

Lewiston Area Drug Coppers Hit Pay Dirt

Idaho’s highways might be full of criminals if a recent two day “emphasis patrol” by Idaho State troopers and local coppers is any indication. Seems that nearly half of the 156 motorists they stopped ended up charged with drug violations. Here is the official breakdown from the District 2 office at Lewiston: On October 23 […]

Boise Coppers To Purchase Gay Bar

Boise’s City Council has approved the purchase of a “gay bar,” the Lucky Dog Tavern, at 2223 Fairview with the intent of using it as a future substation. Appropriately enough, the location was also once a donut shop. The city acquired the property for $1.15 million but the city has an agreement that will allow […]

ACHD Commish Meeting Turns Ugly

Today’s noon meeting of the Ada County Highway District became somewhat raucous after Commishes Kent Goldthorpe and Jim Hansen were recused since they were principals in an open meeting law dispute stemming from e-mails authored by Hansen a month ago. No public testimony was allowed, but citizens shouted out during the discussion about sending a […]

ACHD Commish Tossed Under The Bus

The Ada County Highway District commission may not be in the transit business, but the commission chairman at least had no problem tossing a member under the bus. In a Monday letter signed by ACHD Commission president Sara Baker to the Chief Criminal lawyer at the Idaho Attorney General’s office, the commission appears to have […]

Boise Copper On Wrong Side Of Bars

A 16-year veteran detective of the Boise police department found himself on the wrong side of the bars in Canyon County August 23rd when he was arrested and charged with DUI (driving under the influence) in Wilder. It looks like Jim Adams, 47, was involved in some sort of incident that prompted a “call for […]

Idaho Crime Report Ready To Read

After a delay caused by a new computer system, the 2017 CRIME REPORT is ready for viewing at the Idaho State Police site linked here. Drug cases and simple larceny (theft) were by far the major reported crimes in Idaho. No doubt there is a cause/effect relationship between those two. Many of the categories comparing […]

Horse Race Ads Run On Muddy Track

Advertisements airing on Idaho media outlets would have you believe that a vote in favor of proposition 1 on the November 6 election ballot would return horse racing to Idaho. That may not be a very good bet. Betsy Russell over at the IDAHO PRESS has posted an analysis of the ads which are deceiving […]

Idaho Growth Defies Logic

By DAVE FRAZIER, editor I have lived in Boise for 50 years. All but two of those years in the same house. I am the oldest guy on the block and number two for length of residency behind a neighbor who was born here. I have pretty much lived my entire adult life in Boise […]

Ada Treasurer Faces Multiple Felony Charges

Ada County Treasurer Vicky McIntyre has been charged with several felony charges alleging misuse of a county credit card for personal purposes, stemming from a business trip to Las Vegas. The GUARDIAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED on this incident when the case was turned over to the Attorney General’s office in April and the Commishes revoked her […]

Guard Your Wallet While Politicos Seek To Pick Your Pockets

Folks, we gotta do something about the way our politicians are after every dollar we have. The blame can be spread around equally in Idaho between the city, county, and state electeds. We will attempt to offer some insight with the example of the Ada Commisshes plan to use $3 million in “foregone taxes” in […]

No End To Local Tax And Budget Hikes

As the budget season reaches full swing it is downright frightening how local officials are conditioning folks for tax and budget hikes. It is also a bit frightening how glibly the legacy media offers reports like this one from the Idaho Press and Idaho Statesman regarding the proposed new Boise Library: “On top of the […]

Three I-84 Crash Victims Served In USAF, New Wider Overpass Likely

Officials at Mountain Home Air Force Base confirmed the identity of three victims in the fiery I-84 crash were members of the U.S. Force. Here is the Air Force media release: Three Airmen from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, were killed in the accident Saturday night on Interstate84 in Boise, Idaho. The Airmen have […]
