News Media

This category contains 264 posts

Timing Is Everything For Horse Racing

Once again, Cynthia Sewell at the DAILY PAPER has shown the “power of the press.” Idaho Horse Racing Commission director Frank Lamb resigned his position following Sewell’s disclosure of his dual role as a regulator in Idaho while simultaneously acting as a paid lobbyist advocating the slot machines in Wyoming. Lamb’s job fell under the […]

Some Needed New Year’s Resolutions

Here are some New Year’s resolutions we think are needed for 2015. Feel free to add your own. –Legislature should pass a law to ban discrimination toward ALL groups, race, gender, religion, age, etc. –Gov. Butch Otter stop spending our tax dollars to fight gay marriage. If you want to defend the Idaho Constitution, join […]

Top GUARDIAN Stats for 2014

We have slowed down the pace over the years when it comes to posting new stories. Total posts for 2014 was 129. Top commenters were Zippo (162), Easterner (132), Rick (120). Top story for comments goes to Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson who garnered 45 comments on the campus gun bill post, “Masterson, Other Coppers […]

ESPN, CBS Rule Statesman Newspaper, Bronco Football

In an apologetic column in the Saturday STATESMAN, editor Vicki Gowler explained why the newspapers have been delivered hours late for two weekends in a row: It’s all the fault of ESPN! Not only does the commercial sports TV network set the starting time of BSU football times, that also determines when the DAILY PAPER […]

Remembering Paul Revere of The Raiders

By DAVE FRAZIER, Guardian Editor Rock and roll lost a crazy character Saturday with the death of Paul Revere, 76 who used to be a local barber before hitting the big time in the 1960’s. He had a summer place in Garden Valley and a home he once told me is “a huge mansion” in […]

Last “Newspaperman” Goes To the Dark Side

Just yesterday a group of political has-beens and news junkies were chatting over coffee bemoaning the state of local journalism. “Popkey still has some pretty good sources. He is pretty much the go-to-guy at the Statesman if you want something printed,” said one of the old-time news guys. He added, “He has a list of […]

TV News “Cleans Up” Mug Shot

Back in 1994 when O.J. Simpson infamously made the cover of both TIME and NEWSWEEK magazines with the same mugshot, TIME was accused of racism by digitally darkening the image–some claimed to make him look sinister. TIME was also taken to the woodshed by fellow journalists over changing the appearance of an image used in […]

Former Statesman Staffer Recalls Crusty Editor

The 150th anniversary of what we affectionately call the “Daily Paper” (IDAHO STATESMAN) prompted a former colleague to recall the day nearly 50 years ago when he came to work at the old 6th and Bannock office location. Ralph Nichols covered Canyon County news. By Ralph Nichols Sandor S. Klein Jr. – Sandy – was […]

Idaho Weather Always Changes, Just Wait A Few Months

Saturday it was either sit home, kick the dog and beat the wife or find some SUN!! It didn’t take long to get above the 5,000 elev. line on Bogus Basin Road and sure enough, the sun still exists. We didn’t exactly overdose on vitamin D, but we shared a few hits with fellow valley […]

What Does Kennedy Death Mean To You?

Things are slow here at the GUARDIAN world headquarters, so we decided to jump on the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination bandwagon. We would like to hear from both the youngsters under 50 and the seniors about how they perceive the loss of JFK and what it meant to them. By DAVID R. FRAZIER […]

Historic Image Recalls Past Incident

The 1971 historic image in the Monday STATESMAN of rioting inmates at the the Idaho State Penitentiary brought back memories of fearless and foolish youth for GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier. By DAVID R. FRAZIER I was a 25-year-old police reporter for the STATESMAN, recently back from Army service in Vietnam with more interest in […]

Coppers Cap Canine Momma

Its a story played out almost daily across the USA. Cop feels threatened by dog. Cop kills dog. Community outraged. Its like a cable TV RERUN. Here is the official version of the latest tragedy in Boise from the BPD website: “Loose dog creates unfortunate situation” “Officers never want to harm an animal. The dog […]

Up And Down With BOI

First we get news the Boise airport is ranked #7 in a poll of some sort by a travel magazine. On time departures seemed to be the reason for the national ranking. GOOD NEWS! Then, the same day we hear the airport is turned down for a $700,000 grant from the Feds to get flights […]

Bond Opposition Muzzled By Team Dave And Friends

The standard media statement about the upcoming bond election is along the lines of, “There is no organized opposition.” Pretty hard to have organized opposition when the health care industry, contractor/developers, unions, and others who do business with the city pony up $137,000. Consider the following: –Boise’s City Council passed an ordinance and rushed to […]

Boise Lady Copper Big Hit On You Tube

A female Boise PD sergeant is a big hit on YOU TUBE, but the national and international publicity isn’t the type the city wants or needs. In the approximately 15 minute clip the copper, identified as “Sergeant Lori Sperry,” walks right into the typical baiting by the video guy calling himself Gavin Seim. While conducting […]

Chobani Brings Culture To Twin–MOLD!

We all know yogurt eaters are a unique culture, but was it any surprise the Twin Falls newspaper was sucking hind teat over reports of local darling Chobani’s fizzing gassy yogurt on grocery shelves? Even their eventual coverage Tuesday is credited to the Statesman’s Katy Moeller. It almost took an act of congress a couple […]

Cascade Shooting and Rescue Conducted In Near Secrecy With Media Blackout

With dozens of reporters from local and national media converging “on scene” at Cascade it was ironic that news of Hannah Anderson’s rescue and James DiMaggio’s death on Saturday came from the sheriff of San Diego County 1,000 away. Reporters massed outside the Cascade emergency center–just like the television viewers across the USA–got the news […]

Daily Paper Wins Dope Reporter Award

No doubt about it, the English language has taken a beating at the thumbs of today’s electronic media folks. The web reporter/editor at the Saturday IDAHO STATESMAN has just earned a coveted GUARDIAN “dope reporter award” with this gem: Man killed in US 20 wreck “A 53-year-old man died Friday night after being rearended on […]

Former Mayor Portrayed As Dead Philanthropist

It’s been awhile since we have issued a DOPE REPORTER award, but someone at KTVB gets the honor for this morning’s photo mix up. The early report on KTVB Channel 7 news Monday headlined the death of Velma Morrison, the millionaire philanthropist, but the image on the screen was that of former mayor and city […]

Bieter Not So Subtle In Run For Gov.

The past few days of news in the Daily Paper citing Boise’s mayor and his wisdom on jobs, highway impact fees, Guv Butch Otter, attracting business, all lead us to conclude he is running for governor. According to an ACHD press release, the mayor spouts anecdotes like Ronald Reagan–worth a laugh, but shy on facts. […]
