
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Library Plan Overdue

Before Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and his Team Dave go too far politicizing libraries, we better talk to the hardworking folks who make it all work. The GUARDIAN has been working below the radar to come up with a plan for a county-wide system of libraries in Boise and we can assure you it involves […]

Mayor’s Hotline September 5 to 8

ABANDONED BOISE FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK, STINK, WEEDS 9/5/06 Terry Quinn 11719 W. Mesquite PW: The intersection of Cloverdale and Executive Dr. have a terrible sewer-like odor. It seems to have started when road construction was done there. M/CC PW 9/6/2006 Tim Bernard I’m calling about a Boise City Fire Dept. pickup truck left out in […]

MAYOR HOTLINE August 28 to 31

SKEETERS, POLITICS & SHRINKS, CRESENT CONDO WATER, GRAFITTI 8/26/06 Anonymous Mosquito Spraying: Hi, I am a concerned citizen of Boise Idaho. Recently moving here from the state of Ohio, I had more confidence in the wisdom of the people of Boise than to spray a dangerous chemical to kill the mosquito population around people and […]

Door Banger Parking Lot

Like one of those computer graphics programs, Boise’s newest parking garage was programmed to, “SHRINK TO FIT PAGE.” As a result, the Myrtle Garage is difficult for the upscale SUV crowd to navigate due to hairpin corners and substandard parking stalls. Instead of the 8 foot 6 inch width, the new garage features 7 foot […]

Mayor Hotline August 14 to 18

No,no, no, no to Rivendell duplexes. Why sign? Thanks for signing. Cheney wastes resources. Tall weeds, abandoned cars and houses. 8/11/06 Jeff McVey 3708 Burke Avenue Boise, ID 83703 BFD Complaint: I’m calling about this practice that’s being exercised intermittingly by the BFD. Today is August 11th. They are doing this at the intersection of […]

Parking BooBoo At BoDo

Just when we thought they were dead, the daily paper’s Brad Hem enterprises a story about Team Dave cutting behind the scenes deals for preferred parking with the BoDo Boys. Seems the largest tenant at Bodo is Office Depot and they wanted special parking spots directly in front of their store on Broad Street for […]

Mayor Hotline August 7-11

MEAN DRUNKS, TOO MUCH LIGHT NOT ENOUGH LIGHT, TOO MANY LANES NOT ENOUGH LANES ON USTICK, THANKS FOR THE ACHD FIGHT STAY OUT OF THE FIGHT 8/6/06 Nancy Shallat 1417 N. 12 Street BPD: This is the 6th time this summer that I have had damage from drinkers at Hyde Park who come back at […]

City Lawyers Lose Once More

Boise City continued its losing streak in the Supreme Court today when the high court ruled the Christians wishing to keep the Ten Commandments monument in Julia Davis park have the right to let voters decide the issue. Keep The Commandments Coalition gathered more than 10,000 petition signatures demanding that city councilors put the question […]

Library Scam Explained

We can’t tell if it was ignorance or deceit, but the daily paper ran a blatantly erroneous story entitled “Developer Envisions Library Blocks” in Friday’s edition. The short version is BoDo developer Mark Rivers wants to take over six blocks of of our city and include a library– which he will rent back to the […]

Desert Homes In Fire Peril

Thursday night’s intense thunderstorm and accompanying winds were not really unusual for Southwest Idaho, but losing homes and risking lives should send a signal to local authorities considering development in lands subject to wildfire. Three occupied homes and an empty house trailer burned in the Tipanuk (Kuna Pit backwards) settlement just north of I-84 at […]

Airport Prefers To Fly Below Radar

Boise Airport officialdom continues to distrust the citizens and is quietly working on plans to go around the voters to finance a parking garage. In April the Idaho Supreme Court declared the Boise Airport attempt to obtain financing without a vote of the citizens to be unconstitutional and NOT an “ordinary and necessary” expense. GUARDIAN […]

MAYOR HOTLINE July 31 to Aug. 4th

7/28/06 Cat Rescue: My daughter rescued a cat from the pound. She was told that she had to reunite the pets with their owners when they’re lost. Well, come to find out the pound doesn’t check cats for chips so what’s the deal. Is this for the money? Hello, what’s wrong with this problem? Why […]

Boise And ACHD Launch Rockets

What were once minor terrorist attacks between Boise City and Ada County Highway District have become all out war over the size of Ustick Road. City wants three lanes and the district wants five. ACHD launched a surprise attack on the legally crippled Boise City government with a lawsuit on Tuesday. First it was the […]

Insurgent Developers Invade Ada

There has to be some kind of analogy to the mideast situation with all these invanders imposing their will on the peace-loving people of Boise and Ada county. The latest aggressor is Westpark Company with ‘Mayfield Springs.’ It is another of those mass subdivisions billed as a “Planned Community” proposed for land located northeast and […]

A Hump For The Cliffs

Ada County’s chief civil attorney made what some saw as a surprise appearance at the county P&Z meeting Thursday–looking to hump the CLIFFS development at Hammer Flats. Ted Argyle appeared with his fellow homeowners in the Surprise Valley subdivision asking for a berm along Highway 21 if the project is ever built. Wasn’t Surprise Valley […]

Boise Airport Flying Low In 2006

Aviation Week and J. D. Powers have ranked the local airfield at the bottom of the customer satisfaction list for facilities with fewer than 10 million passengers. Last year Boise ranked #4. We find it interesting to note all the fanfare and publicity when a new airline comes to town or some made up survey […]

Mayor Hotline July 17 – 21

Tibbs takes kudo, fire takes heat, Delta takes flight, cops take guff, brush takes over 7/14/06 Laurence Bauwens (goes by: Coach Bauwens) 5873 W. Riverbend Boise, ID 83703 Jim Tibbs: This is specifically for councilman Jim Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs, I hope that you will keep your head high. There are people always willing to take […]

Cop Sought Birmingham Style Fire Hoses

Only the good judgment of a Boise Fire captain kept Boise from getting “national recognition” Saturday night with images of fire hoses being turned on crowds of citizens–just like the 1960’s civil rights days in Birmingham, Alabama. A Boise Police officer requested an engine crew from station #5 to respond to the area of 6th […]

MAYOR HOTLINE July 7 to 14

Kill the drug users, allow booze, allow fireworks, smoking in the park, ban fireworks, no welfare for drug users. 7/7/06 Ester Cannenberg 824 E. Glacier Bay Court Meridian, ID 83642 Parks: My concern has to do with a small park, which the city owns, between Main and Broadway down by St. Luke’s Hospital. St. Luke’s […]

Cops Spray Angry Crowd

Boise’s downtown was buzzing with plenty of action Saturday night (Sunday a.m.) as crowds stood along Main Street to watch police marching in the street. It was no parade. They were watching 35 cops from four agencies squirting partyers with pepper spray following a violent stabbing incident at the Loft, a bar at 622 Idaho. […]
