
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Boise Taxes Go to Private Lobbyists

The recent GUARDIAN piece questioning WHO calls the shots regarding the Boise City position on state legislation has prompted increased communication among Boise Councilors. It seems council president Elaine Clegg gave direction to lobbyist Lyn Darrington on how to testify on a bill that would impact Boise’s urban renewal agency, the CCDC. She told the […]

Rio Inspires Thoughts of Boise

The GUARDIAN’s recent fact finding trip to Brazil gave us plenty of inspiration for ways to improve life in Boise. After visiting the favelas of Rio we can clearly see the benefits of “in fill” development advocated by some members of Boise’s city council. You can certainly create a demand for mass transit and eliminate […]

Councilors Clueless On Lobby Effort

The Idaho legislature’s House Revenue and Taxation Committee heard testimony Friday on a proposed urban renewal law that would require members of agencies like Boise’s CCDC to be elected. The bill was held in committee and effectively killed by a 10-8 vote, but the REAL story is WHO testified and WHY. Two non-elected people paid […]

Vote Them Out Of Office

Boise’s urban renewal director and the Chamber of Commerce lobbyist were able to convince legislators to hold an urban renewal reform bill in committee Friday, effectively killing the proposal. From the reports and quotes we have seen–especially the great reporting by Lora Volkert at the Idaho Business News web site–it is another story of government […]

Commish Spins AT WILL Job Ordinance

Guest commentary by: SHARON ULLMAN, former Ada Commish Ada County Commish Fred Tilman can offer more “spin” than a Yo-Yo when it comes to talking about what he did or didn’t do to county employees’ job status. Recently on NewsRadio 580 KIDO, Tilman talked about the County’s new at-will employment policy: “I think a lot […]

Public Employee Bonus Plan Take Two

We got to thinking about this bonus business for public employees and came up with a plan that should define the compensation system. It is really quite simple. Public employees are EXPECTED to do a good job, be on time and not absent from work. Those who do good things and follow the rules should […]

Bonuses Go To Good AND Bad Workers

Team Dave was a little late for Christmas stockings, but City employees got across the board bonuses in their latest pay envelopes–regardless of performance. KBCI TV-2 reports on Wednesday full-time employees got $200, part-time employees $150, and temporary employees $50. The council previously approved spending a $10 million budget surplus which included the one-time bonuses. […]

Guv Butch Follows Guardian Advice

Guv Butch included the better part of a million bucks for a detox center in Boise in his budget proposal to the legislature Monday. Reaction from Boise’s Team Dave was swift and positive. “I know I speak for all of the members of the Mayor’s Detox Steering Committee when I say how thrilled I am […]

Officials Fiesta Travel Style Differs

Guv Butch was reduced to hitch-hiking on his first official day in office. Seems he thumbed a ride to the Fiesta Bowl with ex-father-in-law J.R. Simplot on the company plane. J.R. is 98 today and recovering from a fall and bump on the head suffered outside the Fiesta Bowl. We wish him and the family […]

Do Fed Grants Influence Fire Staffing?

A reader tells us one of the possible reasons fire departments are adding paramedics to their staffs could be to qualify for federal money…Something to do with homeland security. One program–we don’t know if any of the locals are going for it or not–has a cutsie name of “Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response” […]

MAYOR HOTLINE December 25-29

12/26/06 Jeff Erwin 430 Summit Ridge Rd Boise, ID 83702 389-9847 ACHD: Two weeks ago we had a sign show up on our street showing our road was closed. Nobody knew what was going on. We got down to the end of our cul-de-sac and some people were digging up our street and over the […]

Nampa A Secure Cesspool?

Less than a week after the Boise-Nampa area was declared the “most secure” place to live in America comes a different view. A reader–and NPR (public radio)–tell us of a new book which includes mention of Boise’s neighbor to the west. Nampa was featured in Dave Gilmartin’s list of “The Absolutely Worst Places to Live […]


SENIORS DON’T PLAY NICE, BUS DRIVERS DON’T PLAY NICE, BHS PRINCIPAL BUSTED 12/7/06 Bob Lally Boise Senior Center: Previously I talked to a lady named Heather at the Mayor’s Office about a broken T.V. at the Boise Senior Center. I needed to make that call because the manager would not have it fixed or have […]

Ada EMS Stiffs Fire Departments

Boise and Whitney fire departments got stuck with an unexpected bill for a new fire station after the Ada County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) backed out of an agreement to share in the cost of a housing an ambulance in Southwest Boise. In a plan to accommodate future urban sprawl, Boise built a new fire […]

Historical Exhibit Could Multiply?

Long a favorite with Idaho Historical Museum visitors, the real two headed calf is so unique the gift shop sells stuffed doll versions like the one(s) shown. The headline in the Daily Paper have prompted some to ask if more are possible.

MAYOR HOTLINENov. 27 to Dec.1

I LOVE A PARADE, GOOD COP, FORGOTTEN CARS BY ALZHEIMER UNIT 11/27/06 Curtis Williams 853 N. Sneed Pl Eagle Parade: Mayor, I have a suggestion. The BSU football team just won the WAC championship for the 5th time and is going to a national bowl. These kids have really stepped up that program and Boise […]

Short Of Breath, But Feeling Secure

ANATOMY OF “MANUFACTURED NEWS” The Daily Paper had a great story on page one Wednesday detailing all the evils of weather inversion and related health risks. They had charts, graphs, and quotes from officials who predict more bad air alerts. Below the inversion story was a teaser for a made up story from Farmers Insurance […]

Stop The Presses! Use Up Existing Supplies

The printers still aren’t going to be making much money from the state of Idaho. Guv Jim Risch’s staff cut out paper dolls of former Guv Dirk Kempthorne from a self guiding State Capitol history tour brochure rather than print new copies without Dirk’s photo. (see UNKIND CUT). Now, New Guv Butch Otter has quietly […]

Boise Offers Urban Bird Refuge

You wouldn’t know from watching local television, but not everyone is a skier. However, you can still enjoy the great outdoors in downtown Boise of all places where the birds are particularly active this time of year along the river. The GUARDIAN took a brief walk along the banks of the river near the children’s […]

Firemen Respond to 70% Medical Calls

As the turf war between Ada County EMS and the fire departments heats up again, it would be appropriate for the fire departments to take stock of their evolving role as providers of essential services. Under a well intended plan to get medical aid quickly to those in need, three firefighters aboard a $275,000 fire […]
