
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Boise Taxes Go to Private Lobbyists

The recent GUARDIAN piece questioning WHO calls the shots regarding the Boise City position on state legislation has prompted increased communication among Boise Councilors. It seems council president Elaine Clegg gave direction to lobbyist Lyn Darrington on how to testify on a bill that would impact Boise’s urban renewal agency, the CCDC. She told the […]

Take a Trip To Table Rock

While attention is directed to various Foothills developments, we Boiseans have ignored one of the greatest natural wonders of our City–TABLE ROCK. The flat topped outcropping of sandstone with the white “B”, cross and dozens of communication antennae overlooks the city and the entire valley. From Table Rock you can easily see in excess of […]


With the assistance of the Ada County Assessor’s office the GUARDIAN has calculated what the property tax bill passed by the Idaho Legislature in the closing minutes in the session will mean to you. The quick answer is that it will probably help your property tax bill remain just about the same or a little […]

GUARDIAN News Briefs

–Former Gov. Phil Batt sees Guv Dirk’s highway building plan for what it is–borrowing into the future on the backs of our children and grandchildren. Legislators are also concerned about the GARVEE bonds which are to be paid by future federal gas taxes. Much of annual highway budget is eaten up by debt service. –The […]

No Peace For These Atoms

Former Guvs Cece Andrus and Phil Batt appeared in U.S. District Court Monday in an attempt to make the feds live up to a deal that would have nuke waste out of Idaho by 2018. If the attorney general can thumb his nose at the United States senate on behalf of President George W. Bush’s […]

The Cost of Progress

GUARDIAN CORRESPONDENT STEVE HULME OFFERS AN OPEN LETTER TO ELECTED OFFICIALS: Our elected “representatives” are currently giving only lip service to the notion of residential property tax relief. Seems those tax bills, which in many cases have gone up 20 or 25 or even 33 percent over the space of a year or two, have […]

Dump on Dirk

Legislative season brings out all the kooks with weird ideas and it looks like Gov. Dirk is doing his best to lead the pack. No other way to put it folks, we are being deluged with bad ideas. –Gov Dirk wants to buy about $2 million worth of bare ground around the J.R. Simplot “free” […]

Bush Leaguers in National Spotlight

Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and other local cheerleaders wanted to get some national publicity for the MPC Computer Bowl. They were successful. Here is a sample of how Boise fared in the national media: BOSTON HERALD BOISE, Idaho — After an 8-3 regular season, Boston College thought it deserved a better destination than the MPC […]

Hope For State Detox Compliance

We are not certain why the state of Idaho has decided to suddenly comply with the legislative mandate to act as the state authority to provide alcohol detox and substance abuse services, but we hope it was in part due to light shined on the problem by the GUARDIAN. When Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney […]

Kudos to Kemp

State Rep. Jana Kemp stood up for the people last week when she “kept her seat” in a committee room while her fellow Republicans legislators retired to caucus behind closed doors. The issue at hand was about changing the overall structure of state employee’s pay system–important stuff. With the overwhelming Republican majority, a party discussion […]

Business Briefs

Business news makes you proud to live in Idaho! MICRON Statesman headline says “Samsung pleads guilty in price-fixing” and a sub head proclaims “Micron says it is cooperating with justice officials.” All true, but Micron gets immunity from prosecution because they turned state’s evidence. The feds claimed Micron conspired to fix prices of its products…same […]

Contractor Law Pressures Cities

An unintended effect of the new contractor registration law which goes into effect January 1, 2006 places cities throughout Idaho in the position of encouraging contractors to be dishonest or forget about building permits. While there are no provisions (or funding) for cities and counties to enforce the new law, these local governments issue building […]

State and County Need to Talk

Looks like the Ada County Commishes and Sheriff along with the Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare have been training with the Bush administration and Katrina States when it comes to coordinating detox services. Sheriff Gary Raney and Commish Chair Rick Yzaguirre narrowly averted a public meeting at a private club just over a week […]

Who IS Big Brother and What Does he Know?

A GUARDIAN reader tells us the Idaho State Liquor Stores have a new toy that scans the information off driver licenses and he hates it more than an Albertson Preferred Card. We contacted the folks at the Liquor Dispensary and they were proud to explain the new system is sold to them by an outfit […]

Whose River Is It?

The Boise City Council gets a pat on the back for a rare display of common sense in the ongoing saga of river regulations. They questioned their own cops and legal advisers about jurisdiction and have asked the Idaho Attorney General for a legal opinion. Last week the council was informed by the legal department […]

A River Runs Through It

The City of Boise is apparently claiming to have annexed the Boise River into the city along with the right to impose city ordinances on those who use it. The GUARDIAN thinks city officials may have overstepped their boundries when they claim to have annexed the Boise River. It may be city on both sides […]


It looks like the Boise City Council is telling the cops to keep the river dry–no booze this long hot summer when you float to cool off. It will be like a movie without popcorn. Like so much in this community, it will be a contest to preserve “community standards and traditional values” versus accomodating […]
