Archive for January, 2010

Simplot Threatens To Leave Canyon County

J.R. Simplot Company’s environmental director threatened to “go somewhere else” in testimony before the Idaho Senate last week. The legislature has pretty much decided to allow the DEQ to implement plans for vehicle emission testing in Canyon County as the valley comes closer to “non attainment” of federal regulations…which will potentially affect how the Simplot […]

Driving, Texting Don’t Mix–For Anyone!

The Feds have just come out with strict rules against texting while driving for truckers. Meanwhile, cities and states across the nation have weighed in as well. Idaho legislators will probably consider a bill against texting and driving this session. The GUARDIAN previously WEIGHED IN on all the talk against texting while driving (we hereby […]

Mayor Hotline January 16 to 22

TRASH TALK, and FILTHY TALK. Once again we are faced with a serious allegation via the Hotline. The GUARDIAN will run it and hope that police are not only investigating, but the potential suspect–if there is one–has been relieved of duty. The facility is run by Ada County and the Commishes should be informed up […]

Third Canyon Gov’t Woman Charged

Canyon County ladies in government aren’t doing much to foster trust among citizens. Last year two gals in the DMV office took a fall for skimming funds and now a third one is charged according to the DAILY PAPER. This one handled finances for the Sheriff’s mounted posse–a search and rescue group. The DAILY says […]

“E” Will Get You Passing Grades On Bikes

By JIM KERNS Deputy Chief, Boise PD The tragic deaths of 3 cyclists this last spring led to a call to action for the citizens of Boise to become more aware of the bike riding public. It seems that there are many polarized attitudes regarding bike riders on public streets. If you read the blogs, […]

Mayor Hotline January 9 to 15

EDITOR NOTE–Rather than make another post on the police complaint, the GUARDIAN will run it among the complete HOTLINE transcript. Coppers are in a tough position since there is a criminal case pending as well as an internal investigation. Since the complaint is now public, perhaps the ombudsman will contact Mr. Schmid to see if […]

Better Buses Buttress Baltimore Business

Just in case you still hadn’t had enough on the Desire Named Street Car, a GUARDIAN reader sends us an interesting link about using–would you believe– BUSES to serve downtown Baltimore. Before any money is pumped into a Boise trolley, we think some buses would be much wiser. Apparently the folks in Baltimore, Bolivia, and […]

Politicos Prefer Secrets Over Public Scrutiny

Dan Popkey reports in the DAILY PAPER that Idaho Democratic legislators are taking the lead from their Republican opponents and holding secret caucus meetings for the first time in 9 years. They justify it, saying if the opposition knows what is planned, they could lose their chance to win on important issues. Unfortunately this is […]

Copper Ignores “FIRE LANE” To Park Scooter

After all the heat the Boise copper took parking a squad car in a motorcycle space at City Hall (he eventually paid a hefty parking ticket) it is nothing shy of ironic that a motyorcycle copper parked his scooter in front of a NO PARKING FIRE LANE sign Thursday at the Cole Station post office. […]

TJ Withdraws Support Of Street Car Vote

Basing his judgement on the unsuccessful petition drive efforts of the candidate he defeated in November, City Councilor TJ Thomson has withdrawn his support for a public vote on the funding for a street car in downtown Boise. In a statement to the GUARDIAN, TJ said, “The fact that David Litster was not able to […]

Cyclists Call For Enforcement of New Law

By STEVE HULME, BIKEBOY Guest opinion With last summer’s three fatalities still painfully in mind, bicycle enthusiasts turned out to testify at Boise City Council’s Tuesday meeting in favor of bike laws aimed at increasing safety. City Council considered – and passed with minor but significant amendments – some new laws recommended by the mayor’s […]

Mayor Hotline January 1 to 8

VICTORY PARADE?, MORE ANTI-TROLLEY, PESKY COONS, LOVE MACY’S 1/8/10 East Boise Resident Raccoon Infestation: She has continual damage to her roof and other areas of her property by raccoons. They get up on her flat roof and potty on it, plus their claws make holes in her roof. They patched the roof for a while […]

Boise Purchases More Out of County Land

When it comes to phosphorous, a plethora of people and pots of poop puts plenty of pressure for proper procedure to prevent pollution and provide protection. A plan by Boise’s Public Works Dept. to reduce phosphorous in the Boise River sounds like a good environmental move on the face of it and one that could […]

“Non-Partisan” Think Tank Issues Pork Report

An outfit called the Idaho Freedom Foundation is gaining traction billing itself as a “think tank” and offering the public a variety of “reports” and op-ed pieces. While they call themselves non-partisan, it is fair to say there probably aren’t too many liberal Democrats within the ranks. Wayne Hoffman, an able journalist and former press […]

Macy’s Departure Is Due To Inept Government

Macy’s leaving downtown Boise comes as no surprise. For more than 40 years we have watched officials tout their “vision for the future” in downtown Boise. It changes with each new planner and consultant. The Bon Marche (Macy’s today), J.C. Penney’s, The Mode, Falk’s I.D. and many smaller merchants vanished, thanks to the far and […]

Love-In At Councilor Swearing In

If Jim Tibbs knew Maryanne Jordan would hug him and Alan Shealy would say his own public service “pales in comparison to Tibbs’,” the veteran copper and city councilor may have run for office again. Even Mayor Dave Bieter–using a single crutch after knee surgery–had nice things to say, thanking Tibbs for his work as […]

Broncos Win, Now Its On To Legislature

Now that BSU has won another Fiesta Bowl, there won’t be much to talk about until the legislature comes back to town to figure how to keep government afloat with less money. Oh sure, we will have a few days of news about how Boise still gets no respect, but the media pundits are ready […]

Mayor Hotline December 26 to 31

A SLOW WEEK. NEED BUSES AT NIGHT FOR DRUNKS, HOMELESS SUCK, TOO MANY PHONE BOOKS 12/29/09 Kathy Jones 150 E. Fall Dr. Boise, ID 83706 Telephone Book Distribution: I would just like to leave a formal complaint about people leaving telephone books on my doorstep without my permission. I’m sure they’re doing that all over Boise and […]

Will TJ Offer Boise Council Panache?

We were impressed with today’s e-mail that could easily have been another “victory party” invitation from Boise’s newest councilor, T.J. Thomson. It shows plenty of PANACHE (for non library types: flamboyant confidence of style or manner). Senior citizen/Councilor is known far and wide simply as “Vern” and it looks like we will have to go […]

Bronco Nation Pays Well

Poet Paul offers this little diddy on Idaho’s highest paid state employee at a time when “Coach Pete” has the attention of most of Boise–if not much of the sports world. Peterson recently announced he will remain at the helm of BSU football for at least another half decade. There are those who work every […]
