
This category contains 443 posts


NOTE: The GUARDIAN offers space to all candidates for Boise City Council to share their views with citizens and readers. Press release from Logan Kimball: KIMBALL ADVOCATES INCOME TAX ON DEVELOPER SUBSIDIES Responding to an item published in a WASHINGTON POST op-ed piece Wednesday about stadium funding schemes, Boise Council Candidate Logan Kimball noted, “The […]

Field Of Dreams Or Financial Nightmare?

UPDATE: A reader sent us a link 10/11/17 to a great website called FIELD OF SCHEMES which includes a Washington POST op-ed story published October 11, 2017. The easily applied metaphor of “Field of Dreams” for Mayor Dave Bieter’s publicly funded sales pitch for a downtown stadium is all too true. Like many of Team […]

Massive Anti Ball Park Reaction At Open House

We visited the Convention Center Thursday where Boise promoters of a baseball park-Sports Stadium had set up their sales pitch in the lobby. Without question, the reaction of those who attended was overwhelmingly opposed to the idea. City Council Candidate Logan Kimball crashed the party, handing out flyers detailing reasons to oppose the stadium. This […]

Boise Council Candidate Forum Is Open

It looks like the big issues for future Boise Councilors running in the Nov. 7 election will be team Dave’s proposed downtown ball park, the desire named Street Car, and the noisy F-35. From what we are able to gather, Bieter seeks to dedicate future funds from multiple government agencies to help a for-profit development […]

Fair Idea Ignored By Commishes

In light of the desire of Garden City to takeover the Expo Idaho Fairgrounds and Ada Commishes refusal to give it up, we felt compelled to share this vision which the GUARDIAN editor offered up 10 years ago to the Ada County Commishes. This post is a repeat from 2007 and still worthy of consideration. […]

Meridian Gives Public Money To Developer

Growthophobes often ask, “why is there such rapid and massive growth in Meridian?” The answer: the city uses citizen money to pay developers to locate there. When an out of state entrepreneur came to town with plans to make money off a for-profit osteopathic med school, the city mothers and fathers at Meridian fell all […]

Sen. Crapo Endorses Switchblade Knives

Interesting what you can get with a plaque and award when it comes to switchblade knives. This story has all sorts of “cutting edge” elements sprinkled with references about not being the “sharpest knife in the drawer.” The following press release is a great example of how to spin descriptions and prey upon conservative values, […]

Air Force Answers Guardian F-35 Challenge

Soon after the United States Air Force announced that Gowen Field was a “finalist” in the air war to attract a squadron of F-35 fighter jets, the GUARDIAN offered A CHALLENGE to let us see and hear the deadly fighter in action. A spokesman at the Idaho Air Guard confirmed Thursday that it appears a […]

P.U.C. Should Hang Up On Landline Subsidy

With the dwindling number of people using traditional “landline” telephones, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has doubled a nearly 30 year old surcharge on phone lines to subsidize the Idaho Universal Service Fund (IUSF). The fund was created in 1988 to tax what used to be “The Phone Company.” Back in the day, the company […]

Boise Officials Set Secret Meeting In SLC

Half a dozen Boise officials are set to visit Salt Lake City August 7 for some sort of secret economic development meeting which they legally do not have to make public. The delegation includes city councilors, the mayor, an attorney and a couple of marketing/development staffers. While in Salt Lake the mayor and a couple […]

Root, Root For The Home Team !

As soon as citizens had an election lined up to vote on funding a minor league baseball stadium outside Washington, D.C. in Virginia, the minor league team owner forfeited his attempt at getting public financing. He was apparently out hit, out fielded, and out of money. That no hitter game sounds strikingly similar to the […]

Good Noisy, Bad Noisy, Boise

Gotta hand it to the Boise City Council. They are consistent when it comes decisions about economic benefits. Noisy jets at Gowen mean $155 million good. Noisy cars and cycles mean loss of diners downtown. Numerous readers called our attention to the new ordinance featured on KTVB.COM. All the messages pointed out the hypocrisy of […]

Ball Park May Face Extra Innings

It looks like Boise’s downtown “field of dreams” ball park proposal could go into extra innings if the home team calling itself CONCERNED BOISE TAXPAYERS is able to keep the developer and local agencies from getting to first base. The group boasts Gary Michael, former Albertson CEO, as the lead off pitcher with a bullpen […]

Boise Dev Analyzes F-35 Petition

Even though he got stonewalled by some of the players, Don Day at his BOISEDEV site was able to get some comments from the politicos about the petition sent to officials regarding the F-35. Day did a good job reporting on the petition and the comments. Worth a look.

More Than 1,500 Sign Petition Opposing F-35

The Citizens for a Livable Boise group opposing the F-35 fighter jet being based at Gowen Field have collected more than 1,500 signatures on a petition asking officials to drop support for choosing Boise as a base. In a letter to Boise officials which accompanied the petition, the group said in part, “We, the people […]

F-35 Meeting Draws Over 200

With more than 200 residents attending a Tuesday meeting, it’s fair to say opposition to the F-35 being based at Gowen Field is growing. Citizens packed the public meeting room at the Main Library to hear speakers discuss the ramifications of basing the F-35 at Gowen Field. Although invited by the sponsoring, “Citizens For A […]

Citywide F-35 Panel Meet Set

A citywide meeting featuring a panel discussion on the topic of basing the F-35 jet at Gowen Field has been set for Tuesday June 27 from 7-9 p.m. at the Main Library on Capital Blvd. Sponsored by Citizens For a Livable Boise, the group plans a panel discussion with representatives from assorted interest groups including […]

Topics For Discussion, Little Real News

BOISE RIVER continues to flood, there are so many reporters wading in the water we can’t justify any more “dope reporter awards.” Seems like Mother Nature is the only culprit to blame for the extra snow and runoff, but it does seem like there are a lot of structures close to the river. DOWNTOWN is […]

Gowen Strong, Inc. F-35 Advocates Dissolved

The non-profit corporation Gowen Strong, Inc., created Jan. 3 to “educate the public about the role and importance of the ID national guard,” filed to dissolve the entity on May 17–just nine days after the GUARDIAN posted a story exposing the corporation as a shell organization of Boise City with airport director Rebecca Hupp as […]

Trump Budget Keeps A-10 Aloft

News reports coming out of Washington seem to have given new life to the A-10 “Warthog” close air support attack jet, rendering needless all the efforts of Boise City and Idaho State officials to attract the F-35 to replace the A-10. Idaho Air National Guard spokesman Major Chris Borders told the GUARDIAN Wednesday, “We have […]
