Federal Government

This category contains 329 posts

Boise Officials Set Secret Meeting In SLC

Half a dozen Boise officials are set to visit Salt Lake City August 7 for some sort of secret economic development meeting which they legally do not have to make public. The delegation includes city councilors, the mayor, an attorney and a couple of marketing/development staffers. While in Salt Lake the mayor and a couple […]

Transit Riders Decline With Gas Price Dip

There’s good news and bad news on the commuter and bus business. The good news is the price of gas is down, so motorists are not spending so much to commute. The bad news is the price of gas is down, so motorists are not spending so much to commute. No matter how you cut […]

D’em Bones, D’em Bones Need DNA Test

When human bones were found in a badger hole recently, a major investigation by the Elmore county Sheriff’s office was triggered. Turns out the bones are old. Really old. Like, before settlers, pioneers, or explorers. Members of the Shoshone-Piute tribe of Native Americans (Indians) are seeking to obtain the bones from the Bureau of Land […]

Boise Dev Analyzes F-35 Petition

Even though he got stonewalled by some of the players, Don Day at his BOISEDEV site was able to get some comments from the politicos about the petition sent to officials regarding the F-35. Day did a good job reporting on the petition and the comments. Worth a look.

More Than 1,500 Sign Petition Opposing F-35

The Citizens for a Livable Boise group opposing the F-35 fighter jet being based at Gowen Field have collected more than 1,500 signatures on a petition asking officials to drop support for choosing Boise as a base. In a letter to Boise officials which accompanied the petition, the group said in part, “We, the people […]

F-35 Meeting Draws Over 200

With more than 200 residents attending a Tuesday meeting, it’s fair to say opposition to the F-35 being based at Gowen Field is growing. Citizens packed the public meeting room at the Main Library to hear speakers discuss the ramifications of basing the F-35 at Gowen Field. Although invited by the sponsoring, “Citizens For A […]

Noise Level Doubles Every 10 dB

After spending several hours looking at tutorials, You Tube, and lengthy on-line academic explanations, the GUARDIAN offers the following chart to help understand noise levels (measured in decibels). The raw numbers are deceptive. For instance 80 dB is TWICE as loud as 70dB. Based on U.S. Air Force figures the F-35 is four times as […]

Topics For Discussion, Little Real News

BOISE RIVER continues to flood, there are so many reporters wading in the water we can’t justify any more “dope reporter awards.” Seems like Mother Nature is the only culprit to blame for the extra snow and runoff, but it does seem like there are a lot of structures close to the river. DOWNTOWN is […]

Gowen Strong, Inc. F-35 Advocates Dissolved

The non-profit corporation Gowen Strong, Inc., created Jan. 3 to “educate the public about the role and importance of the ID national guard,” filed to dissolve the entity on May 17–just nine days after the GUARDIAN posted a story exposing the corporation as a shell organization of Boise City with airport director Rebecca Hupp as […]

Trump Budget Keeps A-10 Aloft

News reports coming out of Washington seem to have given new life to the A-10 “Warthog” close air support attack jet, rendering needless all the efforts of Boise City and Idaho State officials to attract the F-35 to replace the A-10. Idaho Air National Guard spokesman Major Chris Borders told the GUARDIAN Wednesday, “We have […]

ANG, BOI, City Refuse Vets Neighborhood Meet

Despite invitations from the Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Association to appear on a panel discussion of the F-35, All three of the major proponents refused to appear. The VPNA extended the invite to the usual players, including the Mayor’s office, Boise Airport, and the Idaho Air National Guard. They also invited reps from the Vista Neighborhood […]

F-35 Thoughts From Within The Service

The following narrative came in as a comment on another post. It is so well reasoned (dare we say “sound reasoning”) we thought it worth a stand alone post. He summarizes the thoughts of many in Boise. For fear of retribution, I am commenting anonymously. I am a military member, Combat Veteran, and very patriotic. […]

Air Guard AWOL At Vista Neighbor Meet

Despite a prior acceptance to attend a panel discussion about the F-35, both the Idaho Air NAtional Guard and a rep from the Boise Airport failed to attend a Vista Neighborhood meeting Thursday evening. Seems both the Guard and Airport folks are able to attend one sided support group meetings of Realtors, Micron, Chamber of […]

What About the F-35 Noise And Schools?

A reader sent the following question to the GUARDIAN today and Boise School District Super Dr. Don Coberly had a response within minutes. Reader question: Q–as a resident of the Vista Neighborhood I truly appreciate the dedication your publication has in providing all of the important information in Boise’s bid to get F35s. I’m wondering […]

Guard and BOI Snub Vista Neighborhood

When it comes to doing battle in the Mideast, Idaho’s Air National Guard is ready to serve, but when meeting with Vista Neighbors, both the ANG and Boise’s airport officials avoid confrontation, refusing to join a panel discussion on the F-35. The Vista Neighborhood Association will hold a meeting 7 p.m. Thursday April 27 at […]

Sen./Councilor Jordan Blocks Bieter, Favors Otter On F-35 Cash

In the latest round of documents obtained from Boise City by the GUARDIAN, it was revealed that Councilor Maryanne Jordan worked behind the scenes to oppose Mayor Dave Bieter’s request for $100,000 to promote the F-35 coming to Boise. Rather than publicly vote against Bieter, Jordan privately expressed her misgivings about approving Bieter’s request for […]

War Of Words Over F-35 Revealed In Documents

GUARDIAN ANALYSIS By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor Using money donated by concerned citizens, the GUARDIAN paid to obtain three months worth of public documents from the City of Boise regarding the F-35 which paint a vivid picture of a single-minded battle plan with little regard for “collateral damage” to the home-owning citizens of the Boise […]

Anti F-35 Noise Group Launches Website

In a subtle maneuver that would have any fighter pilot pulling extra G’s, a group organized to fight the noisy F-35 jet has co-opted Mayor Dave Bieter’s favorite line about making Boise the “Most livable city in America.” “CITIZENS FOR A LIVABLE BOISE” now has a central “meeting place” on-line. They even qualified for the […]

Boise Trains Not Tracking Well In Boston

Back in 2008 Boise’s Mayor Dave Bieter and U.S. Senator Mike Crapo were “allll aboard” using their political clout to force the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) to purchase commuter locomotives from Motive Power. Turns out it is difficult to get the trains to leave the station with the faulty Boise-built engines. Here in-part is […]

Opponents Organize To Fight F-35

A standing-room-only crowd of about 80 citizens met Thursday night at Whitney School for a “discussion” about the proposed basing of the noisy F-35 fighter jet at Boise’s Gowen Field. With representatives from at least four neighborhood associations and a state legislator in attendance, the attendees voiced their concerns over the noise of the jets […]
