
This category contains 226 posts

Poetic Trolley Talk

The GUARDIAN poet laureate “Paul” has weighed in with a short take on the trolley issue. Sixty million for a downtown trolley The mayor says “Yes, by golly!” He’s on the wrong track As a matter of fact It will become known as Bieter’s Folly!

SW Boiseans Sent Out Of Town To Vote

Boise has a new ordinance giving preference to local vendors, but apparently that doesn’t apply to polling places. According to the latest information on the city website, they are sending people out of town to vote–but only in two southwest Boise precincts. If that sounds peculiar, take a look at the City Limits map and […]

You Don’t Have To Eat Wolf Meat

When it comes to wolves, we can only assume reader Gordon was asking about the four legged variety of wolves and not the political variety. No doubt the tag and bag limits might be appealing. One could argue both varieties are carnivores. Q- “If Idaho now has tags, hunting season and limits on wolves, doesn’t […]

First Responders In Gunfight With Hero

An Iraq War soldier distraught over a lost dog blasted away with a rifle inside an apartment complex near Canal and Vista late Tuesday, prompting frantic calls to 911. When Boise coppers arrived they were confronted in a stairwell or hallway by the armed man who they say refused to drop his weapon. The “gang […]

Is Fred Meyer Breaking The Law?

A reader contacted the GUARDIAN noting the Fred Meyer store on Federal Way is having a big “Sidewalk Sale” in front of the store….BLOCKING HANDICAP PARKING STALLS AND VIOLATING FIRE LANE RESTRICTIONS. If memory serves us, motorists can get tickets for using handicap parking spaces without proper credentials. We also think the fire marshall can […]

North Beach Party Wreaks Havoc At McCall

The worst fears of Idaho Park officials were realized over the July 4th weekend as nearly 2,000 wild and crazy young people cavorted at North Beach along Payette Lake in an atmosphere described by one officials as “part Mardi Gras and part Spring Break.” Waterways board members, parks, and local law enforcement are already working […]

Nampa Mayor Race Just Got Interesting

Nampa is about to take center stage with its fall city election, thanks to a former Michigan businessman who is now a Nampa woman. Now that we have have your attention, here is the press release we received this morning: My name is Melissa Sue Robinson and I am a Male to Female post-op transgendered […]

Spell Check Can’t Replace Proofreaders

We have to admit we like the idea of a daily newspaper on the doorstep. We also have to lament “it ain’t what it used to be”–especially with the Daily Paper. Hope springs eternal and we still subscribe. Sunday morning page one–they call it the “cover” these days–had a full page-wide headline proclaiming “SEXTING PROBLEM […]

Straight Poop On Saturday Market

GUARDIAN reader Hillary got our attention when she wrote about the overflow demand for “services” at the Saturday Market on 8th street. Never one to suffer in silence, Hillary wrote to the CCDC about increased fees for vendors at the market to cover the cost of those plastic phone booth style restrooms known as Porta […]

Dope Writer Award To Statesman

In what has to be the ultimate in spin doctoring and obfuscation (“clouding the meaning” for non-library types) the Daily Paper had this message to readers on page one of the printed editon Friday: “Effective Monday, April 6, we will no longer be able to offer re-delivery of missed papers within the metro area…” How […]

Park Board Slips In Goose Plan

A GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE By DAVID R. FRAZIER Boise’s Park Board voted unanimously Thursday to continue efforts to hire a goose herding border collie with a prison record to help control goose poop piling up in the public parks. Seems the Idaho Humane Society has offered up a plan to use border collies with a natural […]

COMPASS To Provide “Hosted Bar” to Legislators

COMPASS, the Community Planning Association funded by local city and county governments throughout Ada and Canyon Counties has scheduled a 2009 Legislative Reception Thursday to include free booze. Each city and county pays dues to COMPASS which supposedly acts as a regional planning agency for things like Transit. Just in case anyone in the unwashed […]

Missing Buses Located With BPD and BFD

The buses are all present and accounted for, but the manner in which possession of the government property has been transferred between agencies has caused concern for managers. The coppers have a couple of the exploding buses at a desert location where they will be used for–EXPLOSIVE training–and some SWAT team exercises. Boise Police command […]

Big Bens Burn For Vietnam New Year

ANOTHER SPECIAL POST FROM THE GUARDIAN’S RECENT EXPEDITION TO VIETNAM There are many traditions practiced by the Vietnamese at Tet, the lunar new year, but none catches the eye of the American tourists more than the act of burning thousands of U.S. $100 bills with the familiar face of Ben Franklin turning to ash. Instead […]

Arabs, Jews Have Message For Team Dave

When the Wall Street Journal ran a story over the weekend reporting that both Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem were united in their opposition to a light rail tram in that mideast city, we were instantly notified by a local reader. The JOURNAL STORY says both sides call the project a “dumb idea.” Sounds like […]

Warning Lost In Translation

THIS POST IS PART OF A SERIES OF REPORTS TO COME FROM A RECENT GUARDIAN EXPEDITION TO VIETNAM. At the top of the high pass north of Da Nang, Vietnam on Highway 1 we encountered a highway sign that looked like it belonged on some wintery Ada County highways. We did a double take and […]

Idaho Records More Moves OUT than IN

Idaho and Missouri are the only states west of the Mississippi River to have more people moving OUT than moving IN, according to records of the highly credible and scientifically astute Atlas Van Line MIGRATION REPORT. The moving company keeps records of all their moves and came up with the data indicating the GROWTHOPHOBE movement […]

End Of Year GUARDIAN Review

Believe it or not the GUARDIAN has been on line going on four years. As the year winds down we want to offer a refresher course in the “theme” we use to offer that different SLANT on the news. –We take credit for creating the words “GROWTHOPHOBE” and GROWTHOPHILE.” No better confirmation for our claim […]

Do You Stereotype People?

Sometimes we play a little game of STEREOTYPE with some young (and old) relatives during long road trips. In this politically charged atmosphere, THE GUARDIAN thought it might be fun to share…remember this is for FUN! Here are some samples and they can change with explanations. –SUBARU is liberal. –F-350 V-10 Ford is Idaho Conservative […]

Ada Satellite Office Is No Space Station

Ada Assessor Bob McQuade has found a way to make it easier to get into the pockets of Star residents and he got Mayor Nate to put up half the wages for a clerk and offer free rent in the deal. McQuade is opening a branch office in Star staffed with two clerks to offer […]
