
This category contains 226 posts

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year

The GUARDIAN wishes to thank one and all for their kind contributions over the past year whether as a reader or contributing writer, or commenter. We will keep an eye on the blog over the next week, but don’t expect much in the way of breaking news. The politicos will mostly be away from their […]

Coppers Cope With Public Puffing

We haven’t weighed in on the anti-smoking fiasco within Boise bars and parks until the City Councilors passed a set of ordinances that will become law January 1. Now that it illegal to puff in public we wanted to hear from the coppers who will have to enforce the law. The GUARDIAN made an official […]

Future GUARDIAN City Council Report

By Bill Goodnight Guardian Humorist Fast forward to 2020: “Boise City Council Passes Anti-flatulence Ordinance” Last night the Boise City Council unanimously passed a ban on flatulence in all public places. The ordinance requires that all businesses install point source detectors recently developed by the local tech start-up company U-point. These detectors should answer some […]

Statesman Follows TV, Offers Reruns

Oh, the perils of modern technology! Our friends at the DAILY PAPER offered readers a second chance at the news in some editions when they presented several pages from the Monday edition in the Tuesday edition. We are all used to getting “old news” in the printed paper these days, but when you don’t have […]

Boise Airport Director Shown The Departure Gate

Richard McConnell, Boise’s Airport Director for the past four years, took off on an unknown heading Friday when it was announced he has left his job. No reason for his unscheduled flight was announced. Word has it he hit turbulence with Team Dave and they effectively “canceled his ticket.” No word about whether or not […]

Otter’s NY TIMES Spoof Could Generate Idaho Fame

NEW YORK TIMES columnist Gail Collins has named Idaho Guv Butch for the second time in two weeks as a man she would like to see as a presidential candidate. The Statesman’s political scribe, DAN POPKEY has piggy-backed on Collins’ piece and got an official spokesman statement that Butch is perfectly happy commuting from Star […]

Labrador’s Humble Life Without Dishwasher

Idaho Congressman Raul LAbrador spoke to the City Club of Boise Tuesday, centering his speech on the economic woes of the USA. He was actually somewhat conciliatory in tone and refrained from much of the partisan bashing we have all come to expect in politics. He painted a picture of dire economic consequences if the […]

Debt, Economy, Just A credit Card Thing

A GUARDIAN reader sent us this economic “comparison” which may be a bit simplistic, but it certainly puts not only our economic woes in perspective, but illustrates why so many Americans don’t see a problem. • U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000 • Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000 • New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 • National debt: $14,271,000,000,000 • Recent […]

Daily Paper Headline Open To Interpretation

Gotta admit, they got our attention over at the DAILY with this headline: “IDAHO WIC PROGRAM IS AMONG TOP 3 IN THE NATION FOR BREAST-FEEDING RATES” Does this mean Idaho babies are some of the fastest little suckers in the country? Does it mean more Idaho women are prone to the natural method in lieu […]

Volunteer Report on GBAD Meeting

The GUARDIAN is working the day job while there is still summer sun. The following report comes from a reader who attended Tuesday’s GBAD meeting. It was posted as a comment, so bear in mind the lack of vetting. BY ERIC WEISS Today’s GBAD meeting was just like the others except for 3 simple events. […]

I.F. Coppers Asked To Enforce Dress Code

IDAHO FALLS–Doldrums of summer lead to silly news stories and today Idaho Falls Coppers will take center stage in the world limelight after suggesting that a local resident refrain from wearing a bunny suit. FREE SPEECH!! On Tuesday residents of the eastern Idaho town complained of a man scaring the neighborhood kids by wearing a […]

World’s Largest Swan Decoy

With an overpopulation of Canada geese at Julia Davis Park, we were somewhat shocked Tuesday to see what appeared to be a gigantic Swan decoy paddling around the lagoon. The decoy was so big it held a man and two children. The geese were fooled, but we have yet to see any swans following them […]

Firefighters Seek To Fill The Boot With “Stupid Person” Fees

Boise’s City Council approved a set of “stupid person” fees on behalf of the Fire Department Tuesday night. It must take one to know one. Here is the price list for “AT FAULT” fees these elected politicos approved. -Residential false alarm: second $75, three or more, $150 each. -Commercial false alarm: second $125, three or […]

State Senator Sits In Slammer

“UNDER PAR” took on a new meaning for Idaho State Senator John McGee, 38, after he left a Boise golf course Saturday night/Sunday morning and ended up in the Ada County slammer charged with DUI and Grand Theft of a 20 foot trailer and SUV. His blood alcohol level was reported at .15 which is […]

For Politicos It’s All In The Name

Anthony Weiner has dominated national political news with his name recognition so much, we thought it only appropriate to do some mix and match with fellow Dems at the local, state, and federal level who could advise the troubled Congressman. They could even form a consulting group: DINGLE, BIETER, and CHEW…specializing in treating a sick […]

HELP! We Need Some News

The GUARDIAN is hurting bad for news. The best we can offer is this shot of Sam the GUARDian dog romping through the wildflowers near Cascade. Sometimes the flowers will pin your ears back! Things are a couple weeks late, but with all the rain the displays should be fantastic in the usual spots near […]

It’s Couponers, Not Readers Buying Newspapers

The DAILY PAPER published a sort of “good news, bad news” story today that is self serving and self deprecating. It’s about “extreme couponing.” Seems folks are stealing the STATESMAN–not for news, obituaries, the crossword puzzle, great pictures, or a craving to be informed. Nope. They raid the newsstands to get coupons. Thanks to the […]

Tim Woodward Explained Boise and Idaho To All of Us

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor At the top of his game like Oprah–but with considerably less cash–Tim Woodward signs off at the STATESMAN after nearly 40 years on Sunday. Like just about anyone who has ever met him, I can call him a friend. I can also remember the first day he walked into the […]

Abandoned Bodies, Hookers In Meridian, Naked Man

Without the legislature in town and in the midst of the TV ratings “sweeps week,” the news is just a bit tawdry–but still fun. The DAILY paper reports the arrest of a man in the North End wearing a birthday suit and it wasn’t even his birthday. KIVI exposes hookers in Meridian, KBOI-TV tells us […]

Conservation Group Heads For the Hills

The Land Trust of the Treasure Valley is after $580,000 by the end of the year to acquire a parcel of Boise foothills land for hikers and dog walkers. The area is known as Harrison Hollow off Bogus Basin Road. We applaud such private efforts and will go a step further, offering them some tips […]
