
This category contains 152 posts

Create A Problem, Pay For A solution

At the risk of yet another “negative GUARDIAN rant,” we feel compelled to comment on two developments which crossed our desk today. The DAILY PAPER posted a story informing us the City Council approved a proposed 173-home development IN THE FOOT HILLS adjacent to the Harris Ranch subdivision east of downtown. The current zoning is […]


Another ACHD Candidate Announces…

When John Franden announced his decision to not seek re-election, he touched off a flurry of candidate announcements for his seat. Stephanie Blake,the latest to announce, is no stranger to the Ada County Highway District. She was Secretary of the Board and Executive Assistant. Here is her announcement: BLAKE SEEKS ACHD COMMISSION SEAT
Stephanie Blake Announces […]

Last “Newspaperman” Goes To the Dark Side

Just yesterday a group of political has-beens and news junkies were chatting over coffee bemoaning the state of local journalism. “Popkey still has some pretty good sources. He is pretty much the go-to-guy at the Statesman if you want something printed,” said one of the old-time news guys. He added, “He has a list of […]

Former Boise City Employee To Run For ACHD

As predicted in a June 5 GUARDIAN POST Team Dave has found a candidate for the Ada County Highway District commission. Long time city middle management employee and former Ada County Commish Paul Woods has announced he will run for the north Ada County District 3 seat held by John Franden, who is retiring. We […]

Bikeboy’s Gentle Communication To ACHD

Frequent contributor “BIKEBOY” and long winded resident bike expert offers expertise on the bike lanes. Dear ACHD: I’m writing to share some observations about the “bike lane experiment” in downtown Boise. (I completed the online survey as well, but it didn’t allow for any details.) I’ve now ridden my bicycle along every inch of the […]

Boise Copper Quits After Domestic Charges

That Boise copper who was charged with domestic violence on his house mate and simple battery on an Ada County Sheriff’s Department CSI has left the department. The GUARDIAN confirmed former officer Gary Miller was allowed to resign effective last week.

Why Blogs Like GUARDIAN Needed

We don’t normally highlight links, but his just takes a minute. Our thanks to Conan for proving our point about substance over form. He leads off with Boise’s KBOI CHATTER. Actually, one of the reasons we don’t have new items every day is because there simply isn’t anything worth commenting about.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

OSHA Required Sign?

Wild Fires Rage East Of Boise

The following is an unedited press release from the U.S. Forest Service Extreme Fire Behavior Is Predicted for Area Fires Sunday Boise, ID – Firefighters endured another long night on the firelines working to keep both the Elk and Pony Complexes at bay. The plume-dominated Elk Complex is now estimated at 80,365 and 0% contained. […]

Valley County Is Ground Zero For California Kidnap Manhunt

BREAKING NEWS: A massive manhunt is unfolding in the forest of Valley County Friday afternoon for a California kidnapper and at least one of his victims after police confirmed a car being sought was found abandoned east of Cascade near the Frank Church Wilderness. Although the license plates were removed, the VIN number matched DiMaggio’s […]

ACHD Commish Calls For Hockey Game Review

Last week we reported on the “Hockey Game” between Boise City and Ada County Highway District officials. It looks like the winning goal is being challenged in the 3-2 victory for the city. The issue was an agreement to allow Boise to plant hockey puck-like electronic devices in the ACHD pavement which are linked to […]

Court Ruling On Hospitals Could Prompt Tax Payments

Idaho’s Tax Commission is claiming St. Luke’s Hospital and Elks Rehab owe more than $400,000 in sales tax on purchases the institutions claimed are exempt. The joint venture run by the non-profit hospitals are “for profit ventures” in the eyes of the tax commission, but the hospitals see it differently. They have filed a legal […]

Ada Director Of Administration Post Eliminated

Things are happening fast during the first two days at Ada County under the new Commishes Jim Tibbs and Dave Case. The post of “Director of Administration” has been eliminated, putting Rich Wright, a former TV newsy out of a $93,663 annual salary job. Wright had been a supporter and protege’ of sorts of former […]

Ada P&Z To Hear Dynamis Issues

It may be “too little, too late,” but Ada County Planning and Zoning Commishes agreed Thursday to hear citizens complaints about the proposed Dynamis trash to energy project at the landfill. Since the board serves only in an advisory capacity, any action taken is subject to County Commish approval. At issue is a zoning change […]

Meridian and Boise School Levies Pass

Both Boise and Meridian School Levies were approved by voters Tuesday. While GUARDIAN readers were upset about the obvious “sales language” of the Boise ballot, we have to conclude it was only one factor in an overwhelming victory for the voter-approved tax hike. Having the boss provide absentee ballot applications to teachers whose jobs could […]

Volunteer Report on GBAD Meeting

The GUARDIAN is working the day job while there is still summer sun. The following report comes from a reader who attended Tuesday’s GBAD meeting. It was posted as a comment, so bear in mind the lack of vetting. BY ERIC WEISS Today’s GBAD meeting was just like the others except for 3 simple events. […]

As Predicted, Councilor Bows Out of Race

When Chamber of Commerce cheerleader Ben Quintana announced his bid for the Boise City Council, but refused to name which seat he would seek, the GUARDIAN predicted the fix was in. Sadly, we were correct. Councilor Alan Shealy sent a letter to his fellow Councilors informing them he would not run for re election. That […]

Mayor Hotline November 6 to 12

11/8/10 Nick Kopp He has called in before about the Boise Convention & Visitors Bureau and was assured both times that they’re going to be around and they’re vital but nothing has happened. He hopes this isn’t an example of how this city is run because it’s a circus. Mayor’s Office 11/11/10 Michael Sullivan He […]
