
This category contains 72 posts

On-Line Poachers Hack Idaho F&G

It may not be Wikileaks or Hillary’s missing 15,000 missing messages, but a computer breach that is more serious than politics was revealed Wednesday evening in Idaho. Other states are checking for breaches as well. Here is the report from Idaho’s Fish and Game Department. Wednesday, August 24, 2016 – 9:10 PM MDT The Idaho […]

Rexburg Area Cougar Dead After Attack

A family camping near Rexburg Friday night is safe after law enforcement killed a female mountain lion which had attempted to take their young daughter from their campsite. The Fish and Game account of the incident follows. By Gregg Losinski, Regional Conservation Educator A family camping near Green Canyon Hot Springs east of Rexburg, Idaho, […]

Air War Plays Out Near Lucky Peak

It looked like an all out air war Tuesday afternoon when fire broke out in prime winter deer habitat near Hilltop along both sides of Highway 21. The usual assortment of BLM, Forest Service, and local fire departments tossed everything they had at the blaze. At the scene we were told that “two structures” were […]

Protest Erupts In Gun Fire At Burns, Rangeland Protesters Set To Meet In Boise Saturday

MSNBC is reporting gunfire and death Tuesday afternoon at the standoff in Harney County, Oregon where armed protesters have occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge for several weeks. See the FBI news release at the end of this post for more details. The GUARDIAN has confirmed that a group with apparently similar concerns as the protesters […]

“Buck Stops Here,” But Only Briefly

We obtained a “body cam” segment from Idaho Fish and Game’s John McLain, a conservation officer in Idaho County. It didn’t take an official public records request for this law enforcement video. It had a happy ending after McLain encountered a deer entangled in baling twine in August. Upon seeing McLain, the buck panicked, but […]

Foothills Levy Nothing But A Slush Fund

Question: Shall the City of Boise City, Idaho protect clean water and drinking water, wildlife habitat, critical open space, and native plant species, and enhance recreation opportunities and trails through the establishment of a fund from a temporary override levy enabling the purchase of property and improvement projects in areas such as the Boise Foothills […]

World Social Media Ablaze Over ISU Staffer “Huntress”

Social media is ablaze with comments over a series of posts and tweets featuring an Idaho “huntress” who is shown posing with a series of dead African game animals, in the wake of the controversy ignited by the death of “Cecil the lion.” While we don’t know if the images are really of Sabrina Corgatelli, […]

Circus vs Zoo Debate Sparks Passion

When we posted the previous story (scroll down) we were intrigued that Boise City Councilor TJ Thomson opposed the exhibition of animals in the circus, so we asked about his position on the captive critters at Zoo Boise. Thomson offered an explanation of his feelings about the circus vs the zoo. A careful read shows […]

“No Circus Animals,” What About Zoo Boise?

In a Boise WEEKLY story, Boise City Councilor TJ Thomson and Meridian Councilor Genesis Milam were said to add their voices to the “loud call to end the public exhibition of exotic animals in Idaho.” The politicos jumped on the anti-circus animal band wagon during the recent run of the Shrine Circus at the Century […]

City-Wide Conservation Areas Worth The Price

It is gratifying to see Mayor Dave Bieter and his “Team Dave” field a proposal based on a GUARDIAN suggestion. We join other conservation groups with our tentative support of his new plan for a two year “conservation” serial levy. Protecting open spaces throughout the city for wildlife and recreation is a worthy cause. We […]

Health Inspections For Racing Cows, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, and Deer

We got an urgent press release Tuesday from the Idaho (horse) Racing Commission warning of a virus in the racing industry. In light of the “instant racing, historic gambling, video slot machines,” which the legislature repealed and the Guv vetoed we immediately concluded there was a computer problem. Not so. In a document worthy of […]

Plenty of Wolves Says Idaho F&G Director

BY VIRGIL MOORE Director Idaho Fish and Game It’s important for state agencies to understand and respect differing points of view. But when a few advocacy groups try to grab headlines by skewing Idaho Fish and Game scientific wolf monitoring data in ways that simply aren’t true, it’s also important to set the record straight. […]

Loose Moose Putters Around Golf Course

IDAHO FISH & GAME PHOTO Boise police chief Mike Masterson likes to brag to his former colleagues back in Wisconsin about living in the wilds of Idaho where his officers have responded to animal calls within the city concerning, cougars, deer, elk, bear, coyotes. Now he can add a loose moose to the list. On […]

New Foothills Development Planned?

We don’t know if there is a connection with the recent Quail Hollow golf course donation to the city, but it looks like there will be more foothills residents–conveniently overlooking a golf course–if a developer gets his way. We are short on details, but this memo made its way to the GUARDIAN. APOLOGIES in advance […]

Birds of Differing Feathers Flock Together

Following tips from friends and with a little luck, the GUARDIAN found the “Eagle Tree” near Wendell. It is next to the Westpoint Mexican bar and cafe out among the diary farms. Turns out a giant cottonwood tree is shared by eagles and all sorts of black birds–red winged, yellow headed, and others. At one […]

Boise GUARDIAN Election Analysis

While there were no surprises with the incumbents keeping their Boise City Council seats, we were surprised to see Bill Jarocki come in third in the race against TJ Thomson who was also challenged by Jill G. Humble. The big news was the defeat of both bond debt proposals which would have cost taxpayers more […]

Bieter Splits Bond, Follows Guardian Advice

Boise Mayor Dave Bieter has taken the free advice from the GUARDIAN and split a bond debt proposal into two portions, allowing citizens to have a say over both park and fire department expenditures. A downtown police station was removed from the debt package because the specifics were not ready to be considered. Bieter shaved […]

Fire Threatens Sawtooth Hatchery

Idaho Fish and Game employees and local firefighters fended off a wildfire in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area Monday evening which threatened the F&G salmon hatchery. The fire started Monday afternoon about a mile north of the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery near Stanley. As the fire approached the staff dormitory, hatchery crews and firefighters mobilized to […]

Wildfire Over Boise Mountains

A wildfire is being aggressively attacked by Boise National Forest crews 15 miles north east of Boise and about 4 miles east of Bogus Basin Monday evening. The smoke is topped out by a self generated storm cloud visible throughout the valley. Forest service spokesman tells the GUARDIAN more than 40 firefighters are on the […]

Unlimited Fish at Little Camas

Idaho Fish and Game on Monday issued a salvage order for the Little Camas Reservoir in Elmore County. The reservoir will likely be drained by early summer for irrigation. Because the game fish in the reservoir likely will be lost, and past efforts at salvaging fish have been futile, Fish and Game would like the […]
