
This tag is associated with 1 posts

Seriously Silly Stinky

Ustick Road has the potential of being a skunk with more stripes than a zebra–but it will still stink, thanks to a “compromise” between the Boise City Council and the Ada County Highway District. Regarding road improvements Boise thinks , “If you don’t build it they won’t come,”. ACHD wants to build their standard 5 […]

Developer 3, Neighbors 1

After two nights of testimony, punctuated with a medical emergency and many hours of civilized debate, the Boise City Council voted to approve an apartment condominium complex on Peasley Street near the Depot. Only Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt voted with the throngs of people who were overwhelmingly against the size and height of the project which […]

Leaving Town

Idaho Statesman’s Joe Estrella had a well written story in Sunday’s paper about the dilemma faced by Boise City officials and Boise School District on the issue of “urban flight.” “Urban flight” really means people don’t like living in Boise and they are following the advice of old time newspaper publisher Horace Greeley–”Go West young […]

Appearance Really Matters

In its ongoing quest to garner public confidence and support, the Boise city council offers this little gem in the agenda for the Tuesday August 30 meeting: “FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING OF AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY COMPENSATION FOR BOISE CITY MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER OF THE READING RULES; AND […]

For You Library Types

The Boise public library is making history by offering the citizens of our fair city a chance to actually VOTE on how their tax dollars are spent. The last bond election was at least 10 years ago when a park bond failed. After that failed attempt, the city switched to a strategy of asking judges […]

Correction on Community House

We ran this little brief last week about homeless problems: COMMUNITY HOUSE The Boise city council turned down a non-cash “equity bid” of $250,000 from Community House Inc. as down payment on the City owned homeless shelter. The council then turned around and GAVE them $206,000 to pay the bills at the privately operated facility. […]

ACHD Wins One Loses One

The Idaho Statesman and Boise City oppose a planned widening of Ustick road from the current two lanes to a more sensible five lanes. ACHD is gun-shy over the debacle when Curtis Road was built with only two lanes and was over capacity the minute it opened. This time the engineers are planning a BIG […]

Dancing The Cop Shuffle

Boise top cop Mike “Bat” Masterson is dancing a new step and it sounds like it might catch on. Without hiring more cops, he is beefing up the patrol division by 10% and eliminating some “touchy-feely” services like horse patrol, kindergarten cops in elementary schools, and neighborhood traffic cops. Those guys–and gals–get shuffled to dance […]

Ethics, What’s That?

UPDATED 7/25/05 Boise’s new ethics panel recently told City Treasurer Kent Rock it was OK to ask for money from the banks and brokers he deals with as long as he does it on behalf of a professional group and not the City. Duh! He heads the group BECAUSE he is Boise’s treasurer. At issue […]

Patriotic Arson Kits

Boise Police Chief Mike “Bat” Masterson has joined the ranks of folks who can’t understand the patriotism of burning your neighbor’s house on July 4th with illegal fireworks. We are talking about those fireworks which are legal to sell and own, but illegal to shoot. Idaho law and Boise City law are different and Masterson […]

Tibbs for Mayor?

The mainstream media got the announcement this week–only 6 weeks after the GUARDIAN reported former Boise cop Jim Tibbs would take aim at Jerome Mapp’s council seat in the November election. If Tibbs unseats the veteran councilor–and he has a good chance–Mayor Dave Bieter could have an incumbent councilor (Tibbs) gunning for his own BIG […]


(For you non-library users that means a stew, mix of flower petals and spices, or a medley) When we have a whole bunch of items we don’t want to elaborate upon, we offer up a potpourri because it sounds cool: –Meridian has joined the suicidal ranks of cities bent on self destruction with a MONEY […]

Cops, $$, and Numbers

The mainstream media–using official crime stats–tells us “CRIME DROPS in ADA MORE THAN IN REST OF STATE”. NOT! Same and even more crime than ever before. Just more people to to be victims of crime and a larger inventory of stuff to steal. If you victimize 100 citizens with 10 crimes the crime rate is […]

Depot Remains Mostly Closed to Public

With summer tourists and residents visiting our city daily, the Boise Parks Department policy to exclude visitors from entering the #2 landmark in the city remains in effect–except for 7.5 hours on Mondays, closed holidays! Far from the “Tourist attraction” we all envisioned when the City purchased the Depot with tax dollars and donations, our […]

Power to The People

All the rampant growth being encouraged by local government officials has created a need for more unsightly power lines to provide electricity to new residents. The existing residents don’t like their views of the foothills blocked–apparently they can’t see the ridges being flattened as easily. They protested to the Idaho Power monopoly and the company […]

Ambushed on The Rim

The Depot Bench Neighbors got bushwhacked by the Boise Planning Department Friday when the City canceled a public hearing set for July 13. The MOTHER of ALL GARAGE SALES (MAGS) set for Saturday July 9 was planned to be the opening round in the battle for public support against a proposed apartment/condo complex near the […]

Bench-Depot Take Two

In what may be the “mother of all garage sales” the neighbors along Crescent Rim and the adjoining neighborhood have proclaimed Saturday July 9 as NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE DAY. Neighborhood Preservation Committee Chairman Martha Borchers says the group is banding together for the garage sale project because: “– We all have stuff that needs to […]

We Deserve Better

In what has become classic Boise spin of the local media, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter’s press machine manipulated a new reporter at the STATESMAN into writing an obfuscation of the truth. (For you non-library users that means “clouding”.) While she accurately reported what she was told, the reporter’s story missed the point. She reported that […]

BSU Desert Track?

Dog owners had a leg up when it came to an “off-leash” dog park. BSU lost the race to get a running track at Reserve Park. BSU officials–like everyone in officialdom–want to expand and stimulate growth. Bronco Stadium is currently enjoying great football teams and attendance, so the athletic department wants to eliminate the running […]

Library Bond Vote Set

The Boise City Council has wisely scheduled a bond election next February 7 asking voters permission to spend $30 million for branch libraries. The GUARDIAN supports libraries in concept and practice. If the City wants the measure to pass, they need to play fair and honest with voters–something that has been lacking in the past. […]
