mayor hotline

This tag is associated with 1 posts

MAYOR HOTLINE December 25-29

12/26/06 Jeff Erwin 430 Summit Ridge Rd Boise, ID 83702 389-9847 ACHD: Two weeks ago we had a sign show up on our street showing our road was closed. Nobody knew what was going on. We got down to the end of our cul-de-sac and some people were digging up our street and over the […]


SENIORS DON’T PLAY NICE, BUS DRIVERS DON’T PLAY NICE, BHS PRINCIPAL BUSTED 12/7/06 Bob Lally Boise Senior Center: Previously I talked to a lady named Heather at the Mayor’s Office about a broken T.V. at the Boise Senior Center. I needed to make that call because the manager would not have it fixed or have […]

MAYOR HOTLINENov. 27 to Dec.1

I LOVE A PARADE, GOOD COP, FORGOTTEN CARS BY ALZHEIMER UNIT 11/27/06 Curtis Williams 853 N. Sneed Pl Eagle Parade: Mayor, I have a suggestion. The BSU football team just won the WAC championship for the 5th time and is going to a national bowl. These kids have really stepped up that program and Boise […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 20 to 24

TEAM DAVE & MOTHER TERESA, PLAYING IN TRAFFIC, SIDEWALKS & BUSES, 11/24/06 Toni Breese 8050 Crestwood Drive Boise, ID 83704 Support for Mayor: My comment is that Mayor Bieter, I would like to see you canonized right along with Mother Teresa. I just think you and your staff are doing such a terrific job. I […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 13-17

DOWNTOWN, POOR TALK, TRASH TALK 11/14/06 Jim Allen 1060 E. Washaki Meridian, ID 83646 Taxi/Vendor: Even though I’m not a resident of Boise, I do frequent the downtown area. As far as the problem with the push cart vendors and the taxi cabs, and the fights, I just want to weigh in there. The push […]

MAYOR HOTLINE November 6-10

POOP PROBLEMS, TURF TOPS, UPDATE WINDER CASE?, OLD COP-NEW TRICKS 11/3/06 John Harrison 5800 W. Northview Boise, ID 83704 BPR: Wants the City to install a waste bin on the corner of Northview and Curtis. People come to Winsted Park, walk their dogs, use the plastic bags but toss it over his fence into his […]

MAYOR HOTLINE October 23-27

VOTE FOR FRAISE, VOTE MR. POTATO HEAD, FREEZE THE POOR Linda Steiner Airport Director: I am reading the article in the paper about the city police vs the airport police and combining them. I think it’s an absolutely wonderful idea. It should have been done a long time ago. But what is bothering me is […]

Mayor’s Hotline September 5 to 8

ABANDONED BOISE FIRE DEPARTMENT TRUCK, STINK, WEEDS 9/5/06 Terry Quinn 11719 W. Mesquite PW: The intersection of Cloverdale and Executive Dr. have a terrible sewer-like odor. It seems to have started when road construction was done there. M/CC PW 9/6/2006 Tim Bernard I’m calling about a Boise City Fire Dept. pickup truck left out in […]

MAYOR HOTLINE August 28 to 31

SKEETERS, POLITICS & SHRINKS, CRESENT CONDO WATER, GRAFITTI 8/26/06 Anonymous Mosquito Spraying: Hi, I am a concerned citizen of Boise Idaho. Recently moving here from the state of Ohio, I had more confidence in the wisdom of the people of Boise than to spray a dangerous chemical to kill the mosquito population around people and […]

Mayor Hotline August 14 to 18

No,no, no, no to Rivendell duplexes. Why sign? Thanks for signing. Cheney wastes resources. Tall weeds, abandoned cars and houses. 8/11/06 Jeff McVey 3708 Burke Avenue Boise, ID 83703 BFD Complaint: I’m calling about this practice that’s being exercised intermittingly by the BFD. Today is August 11th. They are doing this at the intersection of […]

MAYOR HOTLINE July 31 to Aug. 4th

7/28/06 Cat Rescue: My daughter rescued a cat from the pound. She was told that she had to reunite the pets with their owners when they’re lost. Well, come to find out the pound doesn’t check cats for chips so what’s the deal. Is this for the money? Hello, what’s wrong with this problem? Why […]

Mayor Hotline July 17 – 21

Tibbs takes kudo, fire takes heat, Delta takes flight, cops take guff, brush takes over 7/14/06 Laurence Bauwens (goes by: Coach Bauwens) 5873 W. Riverbend Boise, ID 83703 Jim Tibbs: This is specifically for councilman Jim Tibbs. Mr. Tibbs, I hope that you will keep your head high. There are people always willing to take […]

MAYOR HOTLINE July 7 to 14

Kill the drug users, allow booze, allow fireworks, smoking in the park, ban fireworks, no welfare for drug users. 7/7/06 Ester Cannenberg 824 E. Glacier Bay Court Meridian, ID 83642 Parks: My concern has to do with a small park, which the city owns, between Main and Broadway down by St. Luke’s Hospital. St. Luke’s […]

MAYOR HOTLINE June 23 to 30

Looks like a lot of people are unhappy with the City this week. It is the longest complaint list we have seen, but leads off with a compliment for a business fix. Contractor has ignored an agreement with the city and neighbors are irritated, a guy wants help getting out of a mental institution, and […]

MAYOR HOTLINE June 19- June 23

Lots of good stuff. Is “Lori” looking for a man or just a cheap wedding? Will the Califoria developer succeed with cold calls? Has the city done anything to sell excess property they unwisely purchased? Why the ugly billboard on the connector? Who monitors United Water testing? A Ferris Wheel in JD Park? Jump in […]

Mayor Hotline June 10-17

6/9/06 Code Enforcement: On December 9, 2005, I reported a junk car to code enforcement located on the vacant lot next to 1900 W. Main St. It’s a black Mitsubishi Gallant with no license plate. On January 27, 2006, after nearly two months without the car being moved, I contacted code enforcement again about the […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE May 29 to June

5/26/2006 Alisa Rettfchlage 2804 Taft Boise, ID 83703 Kastera: I am calling because I am very concerned about the Kastera subdivision that is going in between 36th street and Bogus Basin. I walk there every day and it is a recreation area for me, my husband and my family. To take that away you are […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE May 29 to June

5/26/2006 Alisa Rettfchlage 2804 Taft Boise, ID 83703 Kastera: I am calling because I am very concerned about the Kastera subdivision that is going in between 36th street and Bogus Basin. I walk there every day and it is a recreation area for me, my husband and my family. To take that away you are […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE May 29 to June

5/26/2006 Alisa Rettfchlage 2804 Taft Boise, ID 83703 Kastera: I am calling because I am very concerned about the Kastera subdivision that is going in between 36th street and Bogus Basin. I walk there every day and it is a recreation area for me, my husband and my family. To take that away you are […]

MAYOR’S HOTLINE May 29 to June

5/26/2006 Alisa Rettfchlage 2804 Taft Boise, ID 83703 Kastera: I am calling because I am very concerned about the Kastera subdivision that is going in between 36th street and Bogus Basin. I walk there every day and it is a recreation area for me, my husband and my family. To take that away you are […]
