Archive for October, 2012

Councilors Should Delay Pay Hikes

After our earlier post regarding raises for Boise’s Mayor and City Council, readers prompted us to actually take a position on the proposed ordinance which will be considered today at first reading. The GUARDIAN sent the following letter to each member of the City Council. Ladies and Gentlemen, I posted a GUARDIAN STORY about the […]

Big Brother Turns Cameras Around

We’re not sure what you call it when “Big Brother’s” public cameras are focused on the government, but that’s what Ada County Clerk Chris Rich and his deputy, Phil McCrane are doing on election day. Ada County will have video cameras tracking the ballots as they enter the election central office and go through the […]

Boise Officials To Reward Selves With Raises

We haven’t seen any campaign signs and doubt there has been any public outcry to grant Mayor Dave Bieter a 20% salary hike, but in this non-city election year the Mayor and City Council are granting themselves pay boosts. Not many people are able to give themselves raises. Most folks who work for someone else […]

Former Director Opposes F&G Ballot Amendment

HJR 2, the proposed constitutional amendment to “insure hunting, fishing and trapping rights,” has language buried within which could potentially eliminate minimum water levels aimed at protecting Idaho fish. “Shall Article I, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended by the addition of a New Section 23, to provide that the rights […]

Ada P&Z To Hear Dynamis Issues

It may be “too little, too late,” but Ada County Planning and Zoning Commishes agreed Thursday to hear citizens complaints about the proposed Dynamis trash to energy project at the landfill. Since the board serves only in an advisory capacity, any action taken is subject to County Commish approval. At issue is a zoning change […]

Ullman Tosses Prosecutor Under Dynamis Bus

When citizens challenged Ada Commishes over the handling of the Dynamis trash to energy lease at a Tuesday hearing, there was an interesting revelation from Commish Sharon Ullman who put the issue at the steps of the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. As reported in the STATESMAN, Ullman asserted, “We have followed the advice of our attorneys,” […]

Despite Empty Lot And Declining Passenger Use, BOI Airport Seeks $15 Million Parking Garage

Locked securely behind a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire sits a well constructed landscaped parking lot with sparkling restrooms and waiting rooms at the corner of Victory Road and Orchard. The “ECONOMY AIRPORT PARKING LOT” is closed and has sat mostly unused–despite more than $2 million in recent improvements. Now, despite a decline in […]

Ada Commish Meeting Ends With “Recall Yzaguirre” Chant

Described by one observer as “bizarre,” The Tuesday morning Ada County Commission meeting ended with visitors chanting, “Recall Yzaguirre,” as they filed out of the meeting room following approval of a lease agreement with Dynamis. During Tuesday’s meeting, Commissioner Dave Case made a futile motion to terminate all Dynamis agreements and demand repayment of the […]

Early Ada Voting On Saturday, First Time In Memory

Due to unprecedented turnout for early voting, the Ada County Elections Office will open its doors from 10am – 4pm for early voting this Saturday, October 27th. According to Ada County Clerk, Chris Rich, “Many folks work during our regular early voting hours. With the record volume we are experiencing, I saw this as a […]

Big Ben Chimes Zero Hour For Secret Finance Committee

Kudos to Idaho Secretary of State Big Ben Ysursa who has filed suit in 4th District Court in an effort to force disclosure of the names of those who have donated more than $50 to a group called Education Voters of Idaho. “The voters made it clear when they passed the Sunshine initiative, that public […]

Procedural Moves May Out Maneuver Public On Dynamis Deal

A series of procedural moves by the Ada Commishes could be aimed at ignoring public comment into the approval process for the Dynamis trash to energy project according to the group opposing the idea. Idaho Citizens for a Safe Environment and a Transparent Government claims the Ada Commishes will attempt Tuesday to pass a resolution–which […]

I-84 In Caldwell Hosts “Forest” Of Weeds

Looks as though the financial settlement with former Idaho Transportation Department director Pam Lowe has cut into the state highway maintenance budget. Caldwell Mayor Garret Nancolas has made several attempts to get the ITD to cut unsightly and dangerously tall weeds in the I-84 median within Caldwell City limits to no avail. The worst area […]

Ada P&Z To Hold Special Dynamis Meeting

Ada County issued a terse press release Friday announcing special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider a hearing on the Dynamis trash to energy project. The Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a special meeting on October 25, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Main Hearing Room #1235, on […]

Nov. 6 Election Could See Record Turnout

If early voting trends are any indication, there could be a record turnout for the general election. The official election day is Nov. 6, but early voting has been underway all week and each day has seen more than 800 voters cast their ballots at the early voting precinct at 400 N. Benjamin Lane behind […]

No Income Tax For Major Ada Employers

NOTE–Boise State Radio is part of a project called “StateImpact Idaho” which does some good non-partisan research. A recent post at Boise State PUBLIC RADIO provides an interesting interactive map of Idaho counties which shows just how much government impact we have when it comes to jobs. Of particular note was Ada County where the […]

Coppers Grow Facial Hair For A Cause

Next time you see a Boise copper with a fuzzy face, chances are he (or she) is not an undercover narc. Chief Mike Masterson has initiated a deal that allows officers to buy a “goatee license” for $50, allowing them to sport more than those common little black mustaches–all in the name of charity. The […]

Boise Visitor Bureau Promotes Nampa Event

We found it ironic to get a release from the BOISE Visitors and Convention Bureau promoting an event in NAMPA. The BCVB gets funding from the Greater Boise Auditorium District to promote local events. This time they are pushing the October 17 gathering of Republican has beens at the Idaho Center in Nampa, Idaho. Doors […]

Information Has Value, Don’t Give It Away, COMPASS Pays $20 For Traffic Answers

We got the following note from a reader today and it sparked an idea–CHARGE all those folks who are taking surveys. “Got a letter in the mail Saturday from COMPASS soliciting participation in a downtown traffic study. The letter indicated that participants would be asked to provide travel information for one day. I thought they’d […]

Yzaguirre Recall Sought By Ada Commish Candidate

Larry Rincover, the long shot Democratic candidate for Ada County Commish, is seeking the recall of incumbent Commish Rick Yzaguirre over the Dynamis trash to energy scandal. Rincover ran unopposed in the primary and faces Jim Tibbs, former Boise City Councilor-Police Chief-Drug Czar-Correction Board Member in the November election. Rincover has run what can only […]

Ada Sheriff: Probation Takeover Smooth

One week into the new fiscal year and Ada Sheriff Gary Raney tells the GUARDIAN the transition for misdemeanor probation from a private company to the Sheriff is going smoothly. “We handled hundreds of people last week with few glitches even though we had no control prior to them walking through the door,” said Raney. […]
