Federal Government

This category contains 329 posts

VA Charity Bilked Out Of $44,000

By ANONYMOUS The following is provided by a reader known to the GUARDIAN who has inside knowledge of the facts provided. Tuesday, the day after Veteran’s Day, a team from the Boise VA as well past long-term employees, quietly gathered at the federal courthouse to hear the sentencing of Szilvia Rideg. Rideg, the former executive […]

ACHD Under Cyber Attack

If you have tried to contact the Ada County Highway District the past couple of days and experienced problems, it is because the agency was victim of a massive cyber attack. Some high level investigative agencies including those of the Federal Government are working to find the source of the “serious attack.” ACHD has been […]

Topics For Discussion, Let’s Talk

Sorry for the lack of content lately. Other priorities and lack of motivation are prime excuses. Here are some topics for discussion and we freely admit they are not all new. –Boise officials and the USAF staged a demonstration of their close air support (CAS) urban warfare training over our fair city at the end […]

Fickle Finger Of Fate Blows On F-35

Even though we all thought the F-35 issue in Boise had been grounded, Team Dave and the wing nuts at Mountain Home were still manipulating public opinion. We didn’t see any news releases about the planned and then aborted junket to Florida at the expense of taxpayers (local and federal). Katie Fite of Wild Lands […]

The GUARDIAN is Baaaack

The GUARDIAN has returned to duty and unfortunately we don’t have a lot of cheery news to report after covering 1300 miles of Idaho, Yellowstone, and vicinity. Great time spent with 14-year-old grandson and a chance to learn the addictive qualities of those “smart” phones. Amazing how fast and readily available information can be obtained. […]

Citizens Say Boise Sky Is “No Fly Zone”

UPDATE 5/3/18 The meeting outlined here had the same players and same issues as the one TWO WEEKS AGO. The DAILY PAPER finally attended and we offer a LINK to their coverage. The U.S. Air Force has scheduled an additional Boise scoping meeting at the Boise Library main auditorium to ensure max participation from the […]

Got A Spare Bear To Kill?

Guest Opinion By INNA PATRICK, Ph.D. The proposal to hunt a lonesome male grizzly bear in Eastern Idaho is not in the public interest. There is no scientific proof that killing a single bear is “wildlife management.” It certainly is not a hunting season. Idaho F&G does not want to provide protected habitat for large […]

Air Force To Target Boise For Training

The U.S. Air Force has rescheduled scoping meetings throughout communities surrounding Mountain Home Air Force Base beginning Apr. 12. The meetings will cover the description of the proposed action and alternatives of a proposed establishment of air and ground training spaces in support of urban close air support proficiency for F-15 Strike Eagle aircrews. Training […]

March For Lives Could Change Politics Forever

As one who witnessed and reported on the civil rights and anti-war marches in the sixties and seventies, I have the feeling the March 24 MARCH FOR OUR LIVES–promoted and coordinated by young people across the USA–could change the face of American politics as did the historic marches. Boise police estimated more than 3,000 people […]

Air Force Aborts Scoping Meetings

With only a few hours notice, command staff at Mountain Home Air Force Base aborted a public scoping meeting to be held Today (3/12/18) at the Boise Public Library from 3-6 p.m. The GUARDIAN sought an explanation from Sheri Robertson, environmental chief at the base and she said, “There is no further explanation. It was […]

War Game Plans Over City Ignored By Legacy Media

We are at a loss to understand why the legacy media has refused (declined) to share the plans of the United States Air Force at Mt. Home to expand its training range to include the sky over the city of Boise and eight other Idaho towns. Several GUARDIAN readers have asked why there has been […]

F-35 Meet Like Watching A Bad Movie Twice

If the Tuesday public meeting at the Wyndham Convention Center on Vista had been an aerial combat mission, the Idaho Air National Guard would have suffered a major ambush from the group opposing the F-35 being based in Boise. Citizens For a Livable Boise managed to set up a giant “information table” complete with maps, […]

Air Force Plans War Games Over Boise

Our first thought when we read the Air Force memo was “retaliation for opposing the F-35 bed down at Gowen Field?” Our next thought was “the AR-15 pales when compared to the F-15.” The memo we received from Mountain Home Air Force Base via GUARDIAN readers is potentially as explosive as the missiles on the […]

Air Guard Still Aiming For F-35

Three months after losing out on landing an F-35 fighter squadron at Gowen Field, the Idaho Air National Guard is still in the running for what amounts to an “honorable mention.” The National Guard Bureau–the big guns in Washington–chose Alabama and Wisconsin as the two locations to base the F-35. However, in the event either […]

F-35 Decision Delayed Until December

Friends in the Detroit area report that Sec. of Air Force Heather Wilson has delayed the decision on basing F-35s at two undecided locations until December. The Michigan folks feel their Selfridge Air National Guard base is an ideal location. Of course, there are four other final venues who think THEIR location is best for […]

NFL Rules Demand Honoring Anthem (Maybe)

Football is a game of rules. For instance if a ball carrier’s knee touches the ground, play stops at that point. Well…the GUARDIAN’s chief legal counsel examined the NFL Football League rules and came up with a rule on pages A62-63 of the official NFL rule book: “the National Anthem must be played prior to […]

Air Force Chickens Out On GUARDIAN Challenge

We recently applauded the U.S. Force decision to “answer the GUARDIAN challenge,” to bring in an F-35 so Boiseans could see and hear it. According to the IDAHO STATESMAN, they will have a pair of the reputedly noisy birds on silent static display at the GOWEN THUNDER AIR SHOW, but not fly them after arrival […]

Sen. Crapo Endorses Switchblade Knives

Interesting what you can get with a plaque and award when it comes to switchblade knives. This story has all sorts of “cutting edge” elements sprinkled with references about not being the “sharpest knife in the drawer.” The following press release is a great example of how to spin descriptions and prey upon conservative values, […]

Air Force Answers Guardian F-35 Challenge

Soon after the United States Air Force announced that Gowen Field was a “finalist” in the air war to attract a squadron of F-35 fighter jets, the GUARDIAN offered A CHALLENGE to let us see and hear the deadly fighter in action. A spokesman at the Idaho Air Guard confirmed Thursday that it appears a […]

Boise’s Official F-35 Rhetoric Toned Down

Far from pulling the plug on F-35 support, we detected a “decreased volume” in the official City of Boise rhetoric following a visit by Mayor Dave Bieter and two city councilors to Hill Air Force Base in Utah this week. Morgan Boydston at KTVB interviewed Mike Journee, Team Dave’s mouthpiece who used phrases like, “…a […]
