Archive for May, 2005

Dancing With the Wrong Partner

The late Senator Frank Church once told the GUARDIAN that basic foreign policy could be determined by most citizens. However, it takes experts to implement that policy. Those words of wisdom from the man who was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee apply to many aspects of public life. The words came to mind […]

Dirt on the City Farm

The GUARDIAN has received a tip about management problems on the Boise City “Twenty Mile South Farm” near Kuna. Apparently more than what they dump from the city sewage plant is beginning to cause a stink out there. One city official said part of the investigation is a “personnel matter” and not subject to public […]

A Pat on The ACHD

The Ada County Highway District has smoothed out the rutted asphalt surface of Kootenai and Vista in record time and with minimal discomfort for motorists and businesses alike. Working mostly at night, the crews were able to bring in the “anteater” pavement grinder, chew up the rough surface, recycle it with new asphalt, relay it, […]

Loved To Death

The grassy knolls around Herrick Reservoir (Skunk Lake to some) were covered with various trailers, motor homes, and tents as the trout opener and Memorial Day weekend signaled the start of another summer in outdoor Idaho. Folks love the outdoors, but more than a few are loving it to death. The area just east of […]

A Matter of Perspective

We Boise folks need to get a life and cease this preoccupation with our position in so-called “National Magazine” lists and rankings. The silliness reached its peak when Timberline High was proudly proclaimed to rank #1,000 on a NEWSWEEK Magazine list. Boise High was apparently 605 levels higher than Timberline at #395. What does this […]

Whose River Is It?

The Boise City Council gets a pat on the back for a rare display of common sense in the ongoing saga of river regulations. They questioned their own cops and legal advisers about jurisdiction and have asked the Idaho Attorney General for a legal opinion. Last week the council was informed by the legal department […]

Judo Solves EMS Dilemma!!

The EMS tax levy defeat may prove to have been a blessing for all concerned. Ada County voters said “no” to an emergency medical service mired in bickering, turf battles, inaccurate financial information and emotion.” The vote was 54% no to 46% yes The Emergency Medical System in Ada County has a long history of […]

Humpty and the Inept City

This is the story of Boise City Council, Humpty Dumpty, and location, location, location. Once upon a time about five years ago Boise’s urban renewal agency the CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) bought land at 25th and Fairview to be used as a parking lot. The deal had questionable legal authority since it was outside […]

Police Bus Fare

The GUARDIAN has it on good authority that Boise City is so strapped for money they tried to get the tuber shuttle bus fare raised a buck to pay off river patrol cops. Ada County Parks owns the bus and in defference to the citizen-riders they said, “no thanks” to the fare hike. BPD continues […]

Hooked on English

Boise Schools English teachers Bret Bishop and Pete Erickson are licensed fishing guides who have managed to combine their vocation with their avocation. Bishop is at Capital High (it should be “ol”) and Erickson teaches at East Jr. High. Along with East Biology teacher Ron Scott, the avid fly fishermen offer a new definition to […]

Drive Idaho Friendly

Comment from reader Robert Booth ([email protected]) “I would like to see some comments on traffic control. Seems it is so out of control. Where are the police and why aren’t they out controling some of those monster SUVs and Pickups that are speeding and tailgating. Mother’s on cell phone’s with children strapped in doing 10 […]

Political Pecking Order

With former mayor candidate Chuck Winder still crabbing about dirty tricks in the last city race we hear former cop Jim Tibbs is already gearing up for a run at the council in the next election. Tibbs had lots of popular support for the job of police chief which he held as a temp for […]

A River Runs Through It

The City of Boise is apparently claiming to have annexed the Boise River into the city along with the right to impose city ordinances on those who use it. The GUARDIAN thinks city officials may have overstepped their boundries when they claim to have annexed the Boise River. It may be city on both sides […]


It looks like the Boise City Council is telling the cops to keep the river dry–no booze this long hot summer when you float to cool off. It will be like a movie without popcorn. Like so much in this community, it will be a contest to preserve “community standards and traditional values” versus accomodating […]

Emergency Politic$

Looks like those who have the most to gain or lose are the big players in the upcoming EMS tax levy election and the general public will fall asleep listening. The Ada Commissioners get kudos for at least having an election May 24. They are attempting to buy time, but as long as you have […]

A Legislator Who Can Write!

(First appeared in the Idaho Post Falls Register newspaper and circulated by known conservatives on the web) This is kind of long for the Guardian, but the lady can turn a phrase. I almost feel bad about the story on the Minneapolis Stadium. CANNIBALS WITH MANNERS By Rep. Lenore Barrett (R-Challis) The governor is quoted […]

How About Lifeguards?

River floating season will be upon us soon and the cops are prepared to spend about $100,000 keeping the peace in the Boise River. We all know what happens when you get in the cold river water and get wet well above the knees. Folks, it’s just a natural thing. Sure the water gets a […]

Spare the Messenger

No need to kill the messenger when you get your tax notice over the Memorial Day weekend. The assessor doesn’t have a voice in taxes–he just sets the market value of your house. No doubt your values will increase however, thanks to the housing demand created by your friendly local politicians bent on giving away […]

Spoken Like an Idaho Politician

MINNEAPOLIS– The Minnesota legislature is working to undo a law which requires a vote of citizens (referendum) on long term debt like a proposed $478 million stadium for the Twins baseball team. County officials said the election requirement would “scuttle their deal” to build the stadium which will cost more than $1 billion over 30 […]

Speed Sells

MINNEAPOLIS– Locals here have discovered something the auto makers have known for years–speed sells. Forget about pollution and energy consumption. Like most big cities Minneapolis has the carpool “diamond lanes” on the freeways which are restricted to vehicles with two or more passengers including buses. Now, thanks to technology, they sell that lane to drivers […]
