Archive for December, 2009

Spam Yields Brilliant Idea

We opened our spam file at the GUARDIAN to make sure we weren’t missing anything on this last year of the decade and a little gem sparkled in the mix about how WE should run our own government. While it is aimed at the Washington politicos, it applies just as well at city, county and […]

Another Copper Funeral In Tacoma

Word from top coppers in Boise of another funeral Tuesday, January 5, in Tacoma following the ambush shooting of a Pierce County deputy sheriff. Boise will send the standard two man honor guard and a pair of motorcycle officers at city expense. The deputy who died was one of two who were shot by a […]

Parks Plan Could Solve Trolley Issue

Boise Parks workers have come up with a plan that could solve the goose problem AND the trolley debate. At a February 2009 meeting, Boise’s Park Board voted to pursue a plan to use stray border collie dogs from the Humane Society, trained by prison inmates to chase the pooping geese out of the parks. […]

Mayor Hotline December 19 to 25

TAXI PARKING AT AIRPORT, BLIND PARKING ON STREET, JESUS SLEEPING AT CITY HALL, PARK & TOW 12/21/09 Brian Jain Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired 334-3220 Ext. 125 Parking Tickets: You may remember me as the one going around and around about the parking tickets and the places that are not clearly marked […]

GUARDIAN Top 2009 Stories By Month

As the legacy media does its annual TOP TEN stories to fill space between the holidays, the GUARDIAN has done the same thing based on what we have posted in the past year. In rereading some of the posts and comments, it appears we have an inordinate number of comments on police and fire stories. […]

GUARDIAN Christmas Wish List

For those who believe in Santa Clause, we have a Christmas wish list which has plenty of room for additional items. A toy train for Dave Bieter so he will stop trying to force a trolley and AMTRAK upon the kind, decent inhabitants of the City of Trees. A toy ambulance for the Boise FD […]

Boise FD and Ada EMS Play Santa

We can’t help but note both the Ada County Paramedics and the Boise Fire Department are visiting the Hospitals, playing Santa to the kids. Even when they are doing charity gigs, it seems like they are competing. The Firefighters are now making it a point to bill themselves as “Boise Fire & Medics.” (could also […]

Entire Community Turns Out To Help Needy

At this cold and happy time of year it seems like every school, business, and news organization battles to “out nice” each other. The GUARDIAN is rarely “nice,” but we do believe in helping our fellow man and can’t help but feel “warm and fuzzy” about the community donations this year. Karen Vauk President chief […]

Mayor Hotline December 12 to 18

CHRISTIAN NUISANCE, EVEN MORE ANTI STREET CAR, RACE ISSUE, OLD GLORY WORNOUT, TRASH TALK, PANHANDLERS 12/12/09 Anonymous Fire Alarm: Hello, it is Saturday and it is just before 11:00 p.m. The Cathedral of the Rockies, located at W. Franklin and N. 11th has their fire alarm going off again. I mean this thing goes off […]

Growthophobes Claim Victory In Water Fight

That mega subdivision planned north of Eagle needed a gusher of groundwater and came up with only a trickle as a result of an Idaho Department of Water Resources ruling Monday. The developer known as M3 won approval for only one-sixth of the water right requested from Water Resources in what GROWTHOPHOBES living north and […]

Congress, National TV From Poet Paul

With the likes of Tiger Woods, Eastern Snow, overdoses of health care, overdoses of the Trolley hitting the news, this little ditty from Poet PAul on a congressional priority is worth a chuckle. Our congressmen have all vowed To pass laws making us proud They’re considering legislation To protect the nation… From TV ads played […]

Hyped Development Now Pathetic Footnote

Interesting note for GROWTHOPHOBES out Eagle way. When the developers offered all the hype for a golf course community, the city fathers and mothers of Eagle jumped aboard and all crowed about pumping millions upon millions of dollars into the Treasure Valley annually. It never happened because the developers didn’t have the money–as with Avimor, […]

Ada County Property Tax Update

Monday, December 21 is the deadline for paying first installment of property taxes and Ada County Treasurer Cecil Ingram tells the GUARDIAN collections are “just about the same as last year to date,” despite an ailing economy. Of course, many tax bills are part of mortgage payments and the bankers wait until the last possible […]

How To Say “Yes” In 1,000 Words or More

Back on November 2 we ran a short story about what appeared to be a STAFF EXPANSION at City Hall in the office of Mayor. Turns out it is indeed an expansion–sort of. We repeatedly asked Team Dave’s press agent for information (was it expansion, replacement, shift of personnel, filling a vacancy, etc.?) and he […]

Mayor Hotline December 5 to 11

HOMELESS MONEY KNOW WHEN TO HOLD AND FOLD, MORE HOMELESS AND COLD SHOWER 12/9/09 Marcella Odmark 897 N. 30th St. Boise, ID 83702 890-2058 Homeless: I’m calling to express concern about Boise City holding on to the homeless stimulus money. I remember when it came out in the legal pages in the paper with that […]

Councilor Jordan Averts New EMS-BFD Battle

Gotta hand it to Councilor Maryanne Jordan. Careful reading of an ordinance proposed four months ago regarding the attempt by the Boise FD to go into the ambulance business has averted another confrontation between Boise City and the Ada County EMS. There was a move on the part of the Boise FD to get an […]

Politicos Seek To Mandate FAA Decisions

A story in the DAILY PAPER today by Joe Estrella says the Federal Aviation Administration is scurrying to get ahead of the politicos in their desire to move the local approach radar facility from Boise to Salt Lake City. Idaho and Boise politicians cite “economic and safety concerns” in their opposition to the move. After […]

Fox 12 Reporter Wins Dope Award

A reader has nominated Reporter Mike Vogel for a GUARDIAN ” TV Dope Reporter Award.” Vogel has been in, out, and back in the news game and probably didn’t even think about winning a GUARDIAN dope award when he touched his tongue to a metal pole at temperatures well below freezing on camera. He was […]

Dems Offer “Consensus Builder” For Guv

Fifth generation native Idahoan Keith Allred, who spent five years building a nonpartisan citizens group into a force with clout in the Legislature, has abandoned that effort to run for governor as a Democrat. He has the backing of former Gov. Cecil Andrus. GUARDIAN’s Poet Paul sees it thusly: The contest for Guv is picking […]

What To Do With The Big House On The Hill

Seems there is a move afoot for the State of Idaho to get out of the housing business for the Gov. The J. R. Simplot mansion at Bogus Basin and Cartwright Roads appeared to be a good deal for citizens and the price was right when J.R. Donated it a few years back. Now it […]
