
This category contains 224 posts

Statesman Follows TV, Offers Reruns

Oh, the perils of modern technology! Our friends at the DAILY PAPER offered readers a second chance at the news in some editions when they presented several pages from the Monday edition in the Tuesday edition. We are all used to getting “old news” in the printed paper these days, but when you don’t have […]

U of I, Penn State Cases Share Similar Facts

We are surprised how few seem to have connected the dots between the tragic murder of the University of Idaho Coed and the child rape allegations at Penn State. In both cases university officials were advised of horrible crimes and/or threats, but no action was even taken to launch full fledged investigations. All concerned should […]

Statesman Voter Guide Well Done

We like to beat our friends at the DAILY PAPER to the punch whenever possible, but we also give them kudos when they do a good job. Such is the case with their technologically well done VOTER GUIDE. Take a look and give it a workout. If you fear tracking, just use a nearby address, […]

AP–“Sniper School Broke Federal Rules”

The Associated Press followed up on yesterday’s GUARDIAN story about a suspicious “sniper training” business operating on public lands in Eastern Idaho and reports they misfied when it came to getting official permission. The would be business snookered the local media with an ATV tour, live firing of weapons by reporters and claims–or veiled–claims of […]

More Questionable Spending By Politicos

The DAILY PAPER ran a good page one story Sunday detailing questionable spending by the Idaho Water Users on behalf of its director who is running for mayor of Eagle. The short version is the nonprofit group which represents water users (mostly irrigation customers) has acted as banker on behalf of the group’s executive director, […]

Otter’s NY TIMES Spoof Could Generate Idaho Fame

NEW YORK TIMES columnist Gail Collins has named Idaho Guv Butch for the second time in two weeks as a man she would like to see as a presidential candidate. The Statesman’s political scribe, DAN POPKEY has piggy-backed on Collins’ piece and got an official spokesman statement that Butch is perfectly happy commuting from Star […]

Spanking In Castleford Schools 5 Times Yearly

The small school district of Castleford near Twin Falls still practices corporal punishment, but no more than five times a year according to school officials. That report came in a story published today in the TIMES-NEWS newspaper. According to the story, Idaho is one of 19 states where it’s still legal to whap kids on […]

Daily Paper Headline Open To Interpretation

Gotta admit, they got our attention over at the DAILY with this headline: “IDAHO WIC PROGRAM IS AMONG TOP 3 IN THE NATION FOR BREAST-FEEDING RATES” Does this mean Idaho babies are some of the fastest little suckers in the country? Does it mean more Idaho women are prone to the natural method in lieu […]

Attention Editors & Reporters: Give Us NEWS!

We admit up front it’s easy to sit on the sidelines and snipe, but the past few days of news has been lacking content. Editors, please don’t go on the defense and mention all you HAVE covered. We’re just saying… Please stop running all these stupid surveys! They are for the most part worthless and […]

Legislative Staffers Get 42% Of All Bonuses

The IDAHO REPORTER has posted yet another hard hitting story you won’t find in the old legacy media. UPDATE— Saturday DAILY PAPER has the story as well as AP. This time they quote Legislative Services Office Director Jeff Youtz (the people who help draft the bills). “Because of these staff reductions and retirements, I had […]

Parrish: From STATESMAN to STAR

Idaho Statesman publisher Mi-Ai Parrish joins the growing alumni list of former staffers as she leaves town after only 5 years at the helm of the Idaho’s largest newspaper, heading for the Kansas City Star. In a twist of irony, we note the Statesman’s old press came from the Star, now the Star gets the […]

Update On City Cleaning Contract Caper

Note–If you haven’t read the previous CLEANING CONTRACT post, we suggest you scroll down and then come back to this update with most recent information. UPDATE 4p.m. TUESDAY– Judge Thomas Neville has set a hearing on June 30 at 10 a.m. for oral arguments on the issue of “Whether documents which are generated in response […]

HELP! We Need Some News

The GUARDIAN is hurting bad for news. The best we can offer is this shot of Sam the GUARDian dog romping through the wildflowers near Cascade. Sometimes the flowers will pin your ears back! Things are a couple weeks late, but with all the rain the displays should be fantastic in the usual spots near […]

It’s Couponers, Not Readers Buying Newspapers

The DAILY PAPER published a sort of “good news, bad news” story today that is self serving and self deprecating. It’s about “extreme couponing.” Seems folks are stealing the STATESMAN–not for news, obituaries, the crossword puzzle, great pictures, or a craving to be informed. Nope. They raid the newsstands to get coupons. Thanks to the […]

Tim Woodward Explained Boise and Idaho To All of Us

By DAVID R. FRAZIER, editor At the top of his game like Oprah–but with considerably less cash–Tim Woodward signs off at the STATESMAN after nearly 40 years on Sunday. Like just about anyone who has ever met him, I can call him a friend. I can also remember the first day he walked into the […]

A Different SLANT On Election Results

Now that pundits, critics, and proponents have had a day to digest the results of the Tuesday election, it is time for the GUARDIAN slant. The DAILY PAPER’s Joe Estrella did a piece on the Meridian school levy election claiming voters “torpedoed” the tax hike. Did voters perhaps “decline to grant a request to raise […]

Abandoned Bodies, Hookers In Meridian, Naked Man

Without the legislature in town and in the midst of the TV ratings “sweeps week,” the news is just a bit tawdry–but still fun. The DAILY paper reports the arrest of a man in the North End wearing a birthday suit and it wasn’t even his birthday. KIVI exposes hookers in Meridian, KBOI-TV tells us […]

GUARDIAN Turns Six, But No Party Scheduled

In a shameless attempt at self-serving friendly comments, we offer the following. It was six years ago today when the GUARDIAN posted its FIRST STORY which just happened to be about the public being locked out of the City-owned Boise Depot most of the time. Things haven’t changed much. Ironically, the Depot was purchased with […]

Boise PD Gets Iconic Makeover For Man & Machine

Like a scene from the television show “Extreme Makeover,” Boise PD had a media event Friday to rollout new patrol cars and shoulder patches. With yelps of a siren and LED lights flashing, the first new “BLACK VELVET” patrol car rolled up sporting a silver “swoosh” on the door that looks like it had creative […]

PERSI Scam Not Mentioned In CDA Press

The COEUR d’ALENE PRESS ran a Saturday story that looks to us like it was planted by someone within the Idaho state government aimed at getting government worker retirement raised–or to draw attention away from the political abuse of the system. The GUARDIAN doesn’t know where this story came from, but it is a self […]
